
Reputation: 787

MATLAB plotting function similar to xyplot() from Lattice package

I would like to know if there is any similar function to the xyplot() function from the lattice package in R. I would like to plot groups of observations classified by subgroups in different charts.

For example, if I have the following dataframe:

d <- data.frame(ID=paste0("id",1:40),

I am looking for the following output:

xyplot(d$ValueY ~ d$ValueX | d$Group, group=as.factor(d$Subgroup),
          auto.key=list(space="right", points=T), pch=20)

In MATLAB, I defined d as a dataset and plotted the following using sbiotrellis function:


However, the subgroups are not being considered. Any ideas?

Upvotes: 2

Views: 819

Answers (1)


Reputation: 12723


write.table(d, file = "myfile.csv", sep = ",", row.names = FALSE)


Operating System

lsb_release -i -r

     Distributor ID:    RedHatEnterpriseServer
     Release:   6.5

Matlab Version and Release

version -date

% ans =
% September 15, 2014

version -release

% ans =
% 2014b

version -java

%ans =
%Java 1.7.0_11-b21 with Oracle Corporation Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM mixed mode


ds = dataset('File', 'myfile.csv','Delimiter',',', 'HeaderLines', 1, 'ReadVarNames', false, 'ReadObsNames', true);
vn = {'ID', 'Group', 'Subgroup', 'ValueX', 'ValueY'};
ds = set(ds, 'VarNames', vn);

% ds = 
%             ID              Group             Subgroup             ValueX       ValueY    
%     "1"     '"id1"'         '"group1"'        '"subgroupA"'           0.5524      -0.21252
%     "2"     '"id2"'         '"group2"'        '"subgroupB"'         -0.30546      -0.12646
%     "3"     '"id3"'         '"group3"'        '"subgroupB"'         -0.96933       -1.0407
%     "4"     '"id4"'         '"group4"'        '"subgroupA"'         0.024616       -1.1806
%     "5"     '"id5"'         '"group1"'        '"subgroupB"'           0.3268      -0.97485
%     "6"     '"id6"'         '"group2"'        '"subgroupB"'          0.55165      -0.70415
%     "7"     '"id7"'         '"group3"'        '"subgroupA"'          0.36608      -0.97104
%     "8"     '"id8"'         '"group4"'        '"subgroupB"'         0.028234       0.26336
%     "9"     '"id9"'         '"group1"'        '"subgroupB"'          0.71088       0.97357
%     "10"    '"id10"'        '"group2"'        '"subgroupA"'         -0.14237    -0.0085301
%     "11"    '"id11"'        '"group3"'        '"subgroupB"'           1.1259      -0.85614
%     "12"    '"id12"'        '"group4"'        '"subgroupB"'          0.73305       0.33118
%     "13"    '"id13"'        '"group1"'        '"subgroupA"'          0.41297      -0.28922
%     "14"    '"id14"'        '"group2"'        '"subgroupB"'         -0.41621       0.35157
%     "15"    '"id15"'        '"group3"'        '"subgroupB"'         -0.48856       0.85537
%     "16"    '"id16"'        '"group4"'        '"subgroupA"'          -1.8682        0.6652
%     "17"    '"id17"'        '"group1"'        '"subgroupB"'        -0.098612         1.563
%     "18"    '"id18"'        '"group2"'        '"subgroupB"'         -0.53824       0.57049
%     "19"    '"id19"'        '"group3"'        '"subgroupA"'          0.24112         0.168
%     "20"    '"id20"'        '"group4"'        '"subgroupB"'         -0.35454         -1.23
%     "21"    '"id21"'        '"group1"'        '"subgroupB"'         -0.45688        1.2703
%     "22"    '"id22"'        '"group2"'        '"subgroupA"'          0.68444       -1.3548
%     "23"    '"id23"'        '"group3"'        '"subgroupB"'          -1.1469        2.1724
%     "24"    '"id24"'        '"group4"'        '"subgroupB"'        -0.035062      -0.41989
%     "25"    '"id25"'        '"group1"'        '"subgroupA"'          -1.2422        1.2415
%     "26"    '"id26"'        '"group2"'        '"subgroupB"'           2.1308      -0.76941
%     "27"    '"id27"'        '"group3"'        '"subgroupB"'         -0.87732       -0.9218
%     "28"    '"id28"'        '"group4"'        '"subgroupA"'             2.14       0.12569
%     "29"    '"id29"'        '"group1"'        '"subgroupB"'          0.13455      -0.22301
%     "30"    '"id30"'        '"group2"'        '"subgroupB"'          -1.0742      -0.35052
%     "31"    '"id31"'        '"group3"'        '"subgroupA"'           -1.121       0.55119
%     "32"    '"id32"'        '"group4"'        '"subgroupB"'          0.88677       -1.1549
%     "33"    '"id33"'        '"group1"'        '"subgroupB"'         -0.28575        1.1066
%     "34"    '"id34"'        '"group2"'        '"subgroupA"'         -0.10857       -2.0048
%     "35"    '"id35"'        '"group3"'        '"subgroupB"'         -0.78056       0.23084
%     "36"    '"id36"'        '"group4"'        '"subgroupB"'         -0.16794      -0.48823
%     "37"    '"id37"'        '"group1"'        '"subgroupA"'        -0.080923         0.309
%     "38"    '"id38"'        '"group2"'        '"subgroupB"'           1.7291       -1.0569
%     "39"    '"id39"'        '"group3"'        '"subgroupB"'          -1.2291       -1.7684
%     "40"    '"id40"'        '"group4"'        '"subgroupA"'          -1.3804        1.4364

Divide the data into groups based on Subgroup variable

target = 'subgroupA';
vi = find(cellfun('length', regexp(ds.Subgroup, target)) == 1);
data1 = ds(vi, :);

target = 'subgroupB';
vi = find(cellfun('length', regexp(ds.Subgroup, target)) == 1);
data2 = ds(vi, :);

Plot trellis plot. Use hold on to plot multiple layers on to one figure

t1 = sbiotrellis(data1, 'Group', 'ValueX', 'ValueY', 'LineStyle', 'none', 'Marker', 'o', 'MarkerEdgeColor', [1,0,0], 'MarkerSize', 4, 'MarkerFaceColor', [1,0,0]);
hold on
t2 = sbiotrellis(data2, 'Group', 'ValueX', 'ValueY', 'LineStyle', 'none', 'Marker', 'o', 'MarkerEdgeColor', [0,0,1], 'MarkerSize', 4, 'MarkerFaceColor', [0,0,1]);

t2.labelx = 'X';
t2.labely = 'Y';
t2.plottitle = 'My Trellis Plot';

Plot upto this point:

enter image description here

Capture gcf which gives the handle to the parent of the current figure

bx = gcf

%   bx = 
%   Figure (SimBiologyTrellisPlot) with properties:
%       Number: 2
%         Name: ''
%        Color: [0.9400 0.9400 0.9400]
%     Position: [415 124 518 384]
%        Units: 'pixels'
%   Show all properties

Using the parent handle, get the properties of its children

bx1 = bx.Children  

%   bx1 = 
%   6x1 graphics array:
%   Axes      (Group "group4")
%   Axes      (Group "group3")
%   Axes      (Group "group1")
%   Legend    (ValueY, ValueY)
%   Axes      (Group "group2")
%   Axes      (BackgroundAxes)

Now, you could see that there are 6 children (5 Axes and 1 legend) for bx handle. The properties of children could be manipulated as follows.

To get the list of parameters for each child, do

%                        ALim: [0 1]
%                    ALimMode: 'auto'
%      ActivePositionProperty: 'position'
%           AmbientLightColor: [1 1 1]
%                BeingDeleted: 'off'
%                         Box: 'on'
%                    BoxStyle: 'back'
%                  BusyAction: 'queue'
%               ButtonDownFcn: {3x1 cell}
%                        CLim: [0 1]
%                    CLimMode: 'auto'
%              CameraPosition: [0.1359 0.0838 17.3205]
%          CameraPositionMode: 'auto'
%                CameraTarget: [0.1359 0.0838 0]
%            CameraTargetMode: 'auto'
%              CameraUpVector: [0 1 0]
%          CameraUpVectorMode: 'auto'
%             CameraViewAngle: 6.6086
%         CameraViewAngleMode: 'auto'
%                    Children: [2x1 Line]
%                    Clipping: 'on'
%               ClippingStyle: '3dbox'
%                       Color: [1 1 1]
%                  ColorOrder: [7x3 double]
%             ColorOrderIndex: 3
%                   CreateFcn: ''
%                CurrentPoint: [2x3 double]
%             DataAspectRatio: [2.2045 2.2974 1]
%         DataAspectRatioMode: 'auto'
%                   DeleteFcn: ''
%                   FontAngle: 'normal'
%                    FontName: 'Helvetica'
%                    FontSize: 8
%               FontSmoothing: 'on'
%                   FontUnits: 'points'
%                  FontWeight: 'normal'
%                   GridAlpha: 0.1500
%               GridAlphaMode: 'auto'
%                   GridColor: [0.1500 0.1500 0.1500]
%               GridColorMode: 'auto'
%               GridLineStyle: '-'
%            HandleVisibility: 'on'
%                     HitTest: 'on'
%               Interruptible: 'on'
%     LabelFontSizeMultiplier: 1.1000
%                       Layer: 'bottom'
%              LineStyleOrder: '-'
%         LineStyleOrderIndex: 1
%                   LineWidth: 0.5000
%              MinorGridAlpha: 0.2500
%          MinorGridAlphaMode: 'auto'
%              MinorGridColor: [0.1000 0.1000 0.1000]
%          MinorGridLineStyle: ':'
%                    NextPlot: 'replace'
%               OuterPosition: [172.4400 6.7600 289.2000 211.0400]
%                      Parent: [1x1 Figure]
%               PickableParts: 'visible'
%          PlotBoxAspectRatio: [1 0.8046 0.8046]
%      PlotBoxAspectRatioMode: 'auto'
%                    Position: [239 49 174 140]
%                  Projection: 'orthographic'
%                    Selected: 'off'
%          SelectionHighlight: 'on'
%                  SortMethod: 'childorder'
%                         Tag: ''
%                     TickDir: 'in'
%                 TickDirMode: 'auto'
%        TickLabelInterpreter: 'tex'
%                  TickLength: [0.0100 0.0250]
%                  TightInset: [0 1.4852e-06 0 0]
%                       Title: [1x1 Text]
%     TitleFontSizeMultiplier: 1.1000
%             TitleFontWeight: 'bold'
%                        Type: 'axes'
%               UIContextMenu: []
%                       Units: 'pixels'
%                    UserData: []
%                        View: [0 90]
%                     Visible: 'on'
%               XAxisLocation: 'bottom'
%                      XColor: [0.1500 0.1500 0.1500]
%                  XColorMode: 'auto'
%                        XDir: 'normal'
%                       XGrid: 'off'
%                      XLabel: [1x1 Text]
%                        XLim: [-2.0686 2.3405]
%                    XLimMode: 'manual'
%                  XMinorGrid: 'off'
%                  XMinorTick: 'off'
%                      XScale: 'linear'
%                       XTick: [-2 -1 0 1 2]
%                  XTickLabel: ''
%              XTickLabelMode: 'manual'
%          XTickLabelRotation: 0
%                   XTickMode: 'auto'
%               YAxisLocation: 'left'
%                      YColor: [0.1500 0.1500 0.1500]
%                  YColorMode: 'auto'
%                        YDir: 'normal'
%                       YGrid: 'off'
%                      YLabel: [1x1 Text]
%                        YLim: [-2.2136 2.3813]
%                    YLimMode: 'manual'
%                  YMinorGrid: 'off'
%                  YMinorTick: 'off'
%                      YScale: 'linear'
%                       YTick: [-2 -1 0 1 2]
%                  YTickLabel: ''
%              YTickLabelMode: 'manual'
%          YTickLabelRotation: 0
%                   YTickMode: 'auto'
%                      ZColor: [0.1500 0.1500 0.1500]
%                  ZColorMode: 'auto'
%                        ZDir: 'normal'
%                       ZGrid: 'off'
%                      ZLabel: [1x1 Text]
%                        ZLim: [-1 1]
%                    ZLimMode: 'auto'
%                  ZMinorGrid: 'off'
%                  ZMinorTick: 'off'
%                      ZScale: 'linear'
%                       ZTick: [-1 0 1]
%                  ZTickLabel: ''
%              ZTickLabelMode: 'auto'
%          ZTickLabelRotation: 0
%                   ZTickMode: 'auto'

To get the value of paramater of a child, do

get(bx1(1), 'ZGrid')

%ans = 

To customize parameters of each child, do

set(bx1(1), 'ZGrid', 'on')

Customize properties of subplots, legend, and title

%subplot 4
bx1(1).Title.String = 'Group 4';
bx1(1).Title.Position = [0.1359, 2.6, 0];
bx1(1).Title.FontWeight = 'bold';

%subplot 3
bx1(2).Title.String = 'Group 3';
bx1(2).Title.Position = [0.1359, 2.6, 0];
bx1(2).Title.FontWeight = 'bold';

%subplot 1
bx1(3).Title.String = 'Group 1';
bx1(3).Title.Position = [0.1359, 2.6, 0];
bx1(3).Title.FontWeight = 'bold';

%legend text, box, and location
bx1(4).String = {'SubgroupA', 'SubgroupB'};
bx1(4).Position = [397.2451 185 109.7549 29.2715];
h =findobj('type', 'legend');
set(h, 'Box', 'off');

%subplot 2
bx1(5).Title.String = 'Group 2';
bx1(5).Title.Position = [0.1359, 2.6, 0];
bx1(5).Title.FontWeight = 'bold';

% Title location
set(bx1(6), 'Position', [30, 30, 390, 324]);

After evaluating the children handles, we see a final plot shown at the end of this solution.

Other properties of the figure can be also modified and if you look at the source code of sbiotrellis ('edit sbiotrellis') or typing the plot object followed by a letter and tab completion (t2.u ), you could get the list of properties or hidden properties that can be manipulated after rendering the plot.



properties (Hidden)

    labelx           = '';
    labely           = '';
    plottitle        = '';
    legendnames      = {};
    titleFontSize    = 8;
    axisLimitSlack   = .05
    backgroundInsets = [30 30 30 30];
    foregroundInsets = [50 50 05 35];


R - Lattice - xyplot:

Image from Lattice - xyplot

Matlab - sbiotrellis:

enter image description here

Upvotes: 2

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