Reputation: 83
Good day!
I am trying to learn how to manually implement stereo matching algorithms. I'm basically starting with the most basic of them all - Absolute Difference.
I found some slides online that describe how to do it. Basically, from what I understand, I should calculate the difference between the pixels in my left image and the same pixel in the right image "shifted" by a certain distance/disparity. Then among these disparities, I select the minimum, which makes sense to me since the pixel with the lowest disparity means that it is most likely the same pixel in the left image.
I've prototyped that in MATLAB. Here is the code:
im_left = imread('tsu_left.png');
im_right = imread('tsu_right.png');
height = size(im_left, 1);
width = size(im_left, 2);
disparity_max = 16;
ad_costs = zeros(height, width,disparity_max);
for disparity = 1:disparity_max
for row = 1:height
for col = 1:width
%Left to right matching
col_disp = col - disparity;
if col_disp < 1
ad_costs(row, col, disparity) = 0;
%Average RGB
left_pixel = (im_left(row, col, 1) + im_left(row, col, 2) + im_left(row, col, 3))/3;
right_pixel = (im_right(row, col_disp, 1) + im_right(row, col_disp, 2) + im_right(row, col_disp, 3))/3;
%Subtract averages
ad_costs(row, col, disparity) = abs(left_pixel - right_pixel);
min_costs = zeros(height, width);
for disparity = 1:disparity_max
for row = 1:height
for col = 1:width
%The minimum disparity is chosen
min_costs(row, col) = min(ad_costs(row, col, :));
Take note that I haven't implemented the variant where the differences in a certain window is summed, leading to Sum of Absolute Differences. I am only taking the difference per pixel, per disparity. The lecture slides I found online says that it should look like this (rightmost image):
However, the result from the code above (using imshow(min_costs)) yield something like this:
I can't figure out why the outputs are so different. Is there some trivial step that I am missing, or is my understanding of how the algorithm works wrong? I am also using the tsukuba image.
Upvotes: 4
Views: 4221
Reputation: 2660
This is most probably an imshow issue. The function imshow excepts the image to be in the range [0, 255] if it is a uint8, or [0.0, 1.0] if floating point.
imshow(min_cost, []);
Note, the empty array for the second argument. This tells Matlab to figure out the scaling.
Or, use:
imagesc(min_cost); axis image off;
Vanilla rectified stereo with some pixel dissimilarity meaure is fairly simple. See the code below:
function [D, C_min, C] = stereo_sad(I1, I2, min_d, max_d, w_radius)
% function [D, C_min, C] = stereo_sad(I1, I2, min_d, max_d, w_radius)
% I1 the left stereo image
% I2 the right stereo image
% min_d minimum disparity
% max_d maximum disparity
% w_radius the radius of the window to do the AD aggeration
% D disparity values
% C_min cost associated with the minimum disparity at pixel (i,j)
% C the cost volume for AD
if nargin < 5, w_radius = 4; end % 9x9 window
if nargin < 4, max_d = 64; end
if nargin < 3, min_d = 0; end
% aggregation filter (window size to aggerate the AD cost)
kernel = ones(w_radius*2+1);
kernel = kernel ./ numel(kernel); % normalize it
% grayscale is sufficient for stereo matching
% the green channel is actually a good approximation of the grayscale, we
% could instad do I1 = I1(:,:,2);
if size(I1,3) > 1, I1 = rgb2gray(I1); end
if size(I2,3) > 1, I2 = rgb2gray(I2); end
% conver to double/single
I1 = double(I1);
I2 = double(I2);
% the range of disparity values from min_d to max_d inclusive
d_vals = min_d : max_d;
num_d = length(d_vals);
C = NaN(size(I1,1), size(I1,2), num_d); % the cost volume
% the main loop
for i = 1 : length(d_vals);
d = d_vals(i);
I2_s = imtranslate(I2, [d 0]);
C(:,:,i) = abs(I1 - I2_s); % you could also have SD here (I1-I2_s).^2
C(:,:,i) = imfilter(C(:,:,i), kernel);
[C_min, D] = min(C, [], 3);
D = D + min_d;
To run the code
I1 = imread( ... your left image I2 = imread( ... your right image) D = stereo_sad(I1, I2, 0, 96, 4); imagesc(D); axis image off; colorbar
You will get a disparity map like the one below
The steps are:
The operations can be done with builtin Matlab tools to produce easily readable code.
Hope that helps.
Upvotes: 2