Reputation: 247
I am trying to write a function in Haskell that takes a table and pads up cells of each column according to the maximum size of a string in that column. The way I am doing this is by using the technique - tying the knot. Here is the function that I wrote:
type Row = [String]
type Table = [Row]
type Width = [Int]
aux :: (Width,Width) -> Table -> (Width,Table)
aux (x,m) [[]] = (m,[[]])
aux (x,m) (z:zs) = (y,t)
(xz,zs') = aux (x,m) zs
y = zipWith max (map length z) xz
z' = adjust x z
t = z':zs'
pipedTable :: Table -> Table
pipedTable t = t'
(m,t') = aux (m,zeroWidth) t
zeroWidth = take (length $ head t) $ repeat 0
adjust :: Width -> Row -> Row
adjust [] [] = []
adjust (w:ws) (r:rs) = (r ++ s):(adjust ws rs)
s = take (w-(length r)) $ repeat ' '
When I load this module and try to feed some input to the function pipedTable eg.
*Main> pipedTable [["I","am"],["You","look"],["Fine","I"]]
it gives,
[*** Exception: pipedTable.hs:(6,1)-(12,26): Non-exhaustive patterns in function aux.
I do not understand where is the problem.
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Views: 39
Reputation: 52057
Should this case for aux
aux (x,m) [[]] = (m,[[]])
really be:
aux (x,m) [] = (m,[[]])
Otherwise, there is no case for when the second argument is the empty list.
Upvotes: 2