Reputation: 187
I'm having trouble on creating multiple Lua environments to run multiple similar scripts in the same lua_State. The program crashes with the following error
PANIC: unprotected error in call to Lua API (attempt to index a nil value)
Here's the Script.Compile and Script.runFunc methods:
void Script::Compile() {
if (m_filename.IsEmpty()) return;
if (m_filename.Contains("res:")) {
astd::String file = m_filename.Replace("res:", "");
astd::String filecontent = AEIO::OpenTextFromAssetPack(file);
} else {
astd::String id = astd::String("file") + astd::String(UID);
lua_setfield(m_lua->State(), LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, id.CStr());
void Script::runFunc(astd::String func) {
astd::String id = astd::String("file") + astd::String(UID);
lua_State* state = m_lua->State();
// Weird behaviour during debug.
// The debugger goes back and forth on these 2 lines.
lua_getfield(state, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, id.CStr());
lua_getfield(state, -1, func.CStr()); // CRASH!
if (lua_isfunction(state, -1)) {
lua_pcall(state, 0, 0, 0);
luabind::globals(state)["self"] = m_owner;
And this is the basic structure of the scripts:
print("Script Created") --Gets printed before the error occurs.
function onInit()
print("Script Initialized")
function onUpdate()
print("Script Update")
And it only fails when I call runFunc("onInit")
or runFunc("onUpdate")
Thanks in advance.
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Views: 274