Eric des Courtis
Eric des Courtis

Reputation: 5465

What Erlang data structure to use for ordered set with the possibility to do lookups?

I am working on a problem where I need to remember the order of events I receive but also I need to lookup the event based on it's id. How can I do this efficiently in Erlang if possible without a third party library? Note that I have many potentially ephemeral actors with each their own events (already considered mnesia but it requires atoms for the tables and the tables would stick around if my actor died).

-record(event, {id, timestamp, type, data}).

Upvotes: 2

Views: 413

Answers (2)


Reputation: 13164

Based on the details included in the discussion in comments on Michael's answer, a very simple, workable approach would be to create a tuple in your process state variable that stores the order of events separately from the K-V store of events.


%%% Some type definitions so we know exactly what we're dealing with.
-type id()     :: term().
-type type()   :: atom().
-type data()   :: term().
-type ts()     :: calendar:datetime().
-type event()  :: {id(), ts(), type(), data()}.
-type events() :: dict:dict(id(), {type(), data(), ts()}).

% State record for the process.
% Should include whatever else the process deals with.
        {log    :: [id()],
         events :: event_store()}).

%%% Interface functions we will expose over this module.
-spec lookup(pid(), id()) -> {ok, event()} | error.
lookup(Pid, ID) ->
    gen_server:call(Pid, {lookup, ID}).

-spec latest(pid()) -> {ok, event()} | error.
latest(Pid) ->
    gen_server:call(Pid, get_latest).

-spec notify(pid(), event()) -> ok.
notify(Pid, Event) ->
    gen_server:cast(Pid, {new, Event}).

%%% gen_server handlers
handle_call({lookup, ID}, State#s{events = Events}) ->
    Result = find(ID, Events),
    {reply, Result, State};
handle_call(get_latest, State#s{log = [Last | _], events = Events}) ->
    Result = find(Last, Events),
    {reply, Result, State};
% ... and so on...

handle_cast({new, Event}, State) ->
    {ok, NewState} = catalog(Event, State),
    {noreply, NewState};
% ...

%%% Implementation functions
find(ID, Events) ->
    case dict:find(ID, Events) of
        {Type, Data, Timestamp} -> {ok, {ID, Timestamp, Type, Data}};
        Error                   -> Error

catalog({ID, Timestamp, Type, Data},
        State#s{log = Log, events = Events}) ->
    NewEvents = dict:store(ID, {Type, Data, Timestamp}, Events),
    NewLog = [ID | Log],
    {ok, State#s{log = NewLog, events = NewEvents}}.

This is a completely straightforward implementation and hides the details of the data structure behind the interface of the process. Why did I pick a dict? Just because (its easy). Without knowing your requirements better I really have no reason to pick a dict over a map over a gb_tree, etc. If you have relatively small data (hundreds or thousands of things to store) the performance isn't usually noticeably different among these structures.

The important thing is that you clearly identify what messages this process should respond to and then force yourself to stick to it elsewhere in your project code by creating an interface of exposed functions over this module. Behind that you can swap out the dict for something else. If you really only need the latest event ID and won't ever need to pull the Nth event from the sequence log then you could ditch the log and just keep the last event's ID in the record instead of a list.

So get something very simple like this working first, then determine if it actually suits your need. If it doesn't then tweak it. If this works for now, just run with it -- don't obsess over performance or storage (until you are really forced to).

If you find later on that you have a performance problem switch out the dict and list for something else -- maybe gb_tree or orddict or ETS or whatever. The point is to get something working right now so you have a base from which to evaluate the functionality and run benchmarks if necessary. (The vast majority of the time, though, I find that whatever I start out with as a specced prototype turns out to be very close to whatever the final solution will be.)

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 3729

Your question makes it clear you want to lookup by ID, but it's not entirely clear if you want to lookup or traverse your data by or based on time, and what operations you might want to perform in that regard; you say "remember the order of events" but storing your records with an index of the ID field will accomplish that.

If you only have to lookup by ID then any of the usual suspects will work as a suitable storage engines, so ets, gb_trees and dict for example would be good. Don't use mnesia unless you need the transactions and safety and all those good features; mnesia is good, but there is a high performance price to be paid for all that stuff, and it's not clear you need it, from your question anyway.

If you do want to lookup or traverse your data by or based on time, then consider an ets table of ordered_set. If that can do what you need then it's probably a good choice. In that case you would employ two tables, one set to provide a hash lookup by ID and another ordered_set to lookup or traverse by timestamp.

If you have two different lookup methods like this there's no getting around the fact you need two indexes. You could store the whole record in both, or, assuming your IDs are unique, you could store the ID as the data in the ordered_set. Which you choose is really a matter of trade off of storage utilisation and read and wrote performance.

Upvotes: 2

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