Reputation: 44525
I am plotting data using a mosaic plot (with mosaicplot()
) and am considering adding a numeric axis to one dimension to clarify the size of the different groups. But, I do not understand how the plot cells are aligned to the axis since it seems to range from approximately 0.2 to .98 (or something like that) on the graphics device. Here's a reproducible example:
mosaicplot(Titanic, main = "Survival on the Titanic", off = 0)
axis(1, seq(0, 1, by = 0.1))
Note how a 0-1 x-axis actually extends to the left and right of the plot. Is it possible to add a set of axis labels that is scaled correctly?
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Views: 1546
Reputation: 20811
par(mfrow = c(2,1), mar = c(3,4,2,1))
mp(Titanic, off = 0)
This one isn't difficult to fix, but there are a couple things going on:
(used to calculate, draw, and label the ticks and labels). From these lines, we can see that the polygons are drawn from 50 to 950 along the x (depending on what is set for cex.axis
): x1 <- 30 + 20 * cex.axis/0.66
y1 <- 5
x2 <- 950
y2 <- 1000 - x1
pretty(c(50, 950))
, and I don't see any way to pass something through mosaicplot
like new
or add
sinceWarning message: In mosaicplot.default(Titanic, new = TRUE) : extra argument ‘new’ will be disregarded
So I don't think there is an easy fix without editing the source code (because seems like you would have to backtrace how far over your last plot has shifted the origin and how that translates to a new window which may not be the same for every plot and blah blah blah).
The only thing I changed was adding the final three lines.
## graphics:::mosaicplot.default
mp <- function (x, main = deparse(substitute(x)), sub = NULL, xlab = NULL,
ylab = NULL, sort = NULL, off = NULL, dir = NULL, color = NULL,
shade = FALSE, margin = NULL, cex.axis = 0.66, las = par("las"),
border = NULL, type = c("pearson", "deviance", "FT"), ...) {
mosaic.cell <- function(X, x1, y1, x2, y2, srt.x, srt.y,
adj.x, adj.y, off, dir, color, lablevx, lablevy, maxdim,
currlev, label) {
p <- ncol(X) - 2
if (dir[1L] == "v") {
xdim <- maxdim[1L]
XP <-, xdim)
for (i in seq_len(xdim)) XP[i] <- sum(X[X[, 1L] ==
i, p])/sum(X[, p])
if (anyNA(XP))
stop("missing values in contingency table")
white <- off[1L] * (x2 - x1)/max(1, xdim - 1)
x.l <- x1
x.r <- x1 + (1 - off[1L]) * XP[1L] * (x2 - x1)
if (xdim > 1L)
for (i in 2:xdim) {
x.l <- c(x.l, x.r[i - 1L] + white)
x.r <- c(x.r, x.r[i - 1L] + white + (1 - off[1L]) *
XP[i] * (x2 - x1))
if (lablevx > 0L) {
this.lab <- if (is.null(label[[1L]][1L])) {
paste(, length(currlev)),
as.character(seq_len(xdim)), sep = ".")
else label[[1L]]
text(x = x.l + (x.r - x.l)/2, y = 1000 - 35 *
cex.axis/0.66 + 22 * cex.axis/0.65 * (lablevx -
1), srt = srt.x, adj = adj.x, cex = cex.axis,
this.lab, xpd = NA)
if (p > 2L) {
for (i in seq_len(xdim)) {
if (XP[i] > 0) {
Recall(X[X[, 1L] == i, 2L:(p + 2L), drop = FALSE],
x.l[i], y1, x.r[i], y2, srt.x, srt.y, adj.x,
adj.y, off[-1L], dir[-1L], color, lablevx -
1, (i == 1L) * lablevy, maxdim[-1L],
currlev + 1, label[2:p])
else {
segments([i], 3L), y1 + (y2 -
y1) * c(0, 2, 4)/5,[i], 3L),
y1 + (y2 - y1) * c(1, 3, 5)/5)
else {
for (i in seq_len(xdim)) {
if (XP[i] > 0) {
polygon(c(x.l[i], x.r[i], x.r[i], x.l[i]),
c(y1, y1, y2, y2), lty = if (extended)
X[i, p + 1L]
else 1L, col = color[if (extended)
X[i, p + 2L]
else i], border = border)
else {
segments([i], 3L), y1 + (y2 -
y1) * c(0, 2, 4)/5,[i], 3L),
y1 + (y2 - y1) * c(1, 3, 5)/5)
else {
ydim <- maxdim[1L]
YP <-, ydim)
for (j in seq_len(ydim)) {
YP[j] <- sum(X[X[, 1L] == j, p])/sum(X[, p])
white <- off[1L] * (y2 - y1)/(max(1, ydim - 1))
y.b <- y2 - (1 - off[1L]) * YP[1L] * (y2 - y1)
y.t <- y2
if (ydim > 1L) {
for (j in 2:ydim) {
y.b <- c(y.b, y.b[j - 1] - white - (1 - off[1L]) *
YP[j] * (y2 - y1))
y.t <- c(y.t, y.b[j - 1] - white)
if (lablevy > 0L) {
this.lab <- if (is.null(label[[1L]][1L])) {
paste(, length(currlev)),
as.character(seq_len(ydim)), sep = ".")
else label[[1L]]
text(x = 35 * cex.axis/0.66 - 20 * cex.axis/0.66 *
(lablevy - 1), y = y.b + (y.t - y.b)/2, srt = srt.y,
adj = adj.y, cex = cex.axis, this.lab, xpd = NA)
if (p > 2L) {
for (j in seq_len(ydim)) {
if (YP[j] > 0) {
Recall(X[X[, 1L] == j, 2:(p + 2), drop = FALSE],
x1, y.b[j], x2, y.t[j], srt.x, srt.y, adj.x,
adj.y, off[-1L], dir[-1L], color, (j ==
1L) * lablevx, lablevy - 1, maxdim[-1L],
currlev + 1, label[2:p])
else {
segments(x1 + (x2 - x1) * c(0, 2, 4)/5,[j],
3L), x1 + (x2 - x1) * c(1, 3, 5)/5,[j],
else {
for (j in seq_len(ydim)) {
if (YP[j] > 0) {
polygon(c(x1, x2, x2, x1), c(y.b[j], y.b[j],
y.t[j], y.t[j]), lty = if (extended)
X[j, p + 1]
else 1, col = color[if (extended)
X[j, p + 2]
else j], border = border)
else {
segments(x1 + (x2 - x1) * c(0, 2, 4)/5,[j],
3L), x1 + (x2 - x1) * c(1, 3, 5)/5,[j],
srt.x <- if (las > 1)
else 0
srt.y <- if (las == 0 || las == 3)
else 0
if (is.null(dim(x)))
x <- as.array(x)
else if (
x <- data.matrix(x)
dimd <- length(dx <- dim(x))
if (dimd == 0L || any(dx == 0L))
stop("'x' must not have 0 dimensionality")
if (!missing(...))
warning(sprintf(ngettext(length(list(...)), "extra argument %s will be disregarded",
"extra arguments %s will be disregarded"), paste(sQuote(names(list(...))),
collapse = ", ")), domain = NA)
Ind <- 1L:dx[1L]
if (dimd > 1L) {
Ind <-, prod(dx[2:dimd]))
for (i in 2:dimd) {
Ind <- cbind(Ind, c(matrix(1L:dx[i], byrow = TRUE,
nrow = prod(dx[1L:(i - 1)]), ncol = prod(dx[i:dimd]))))
Ind <- cbind(Ind, c(x))
if (is.logical(shade) && !shade) {
extended <- FALSE
Ind <- cbind(Ind, NA, NA)
else {
if (is.logical(shade))
shade <- c(2, 4)
else if (any(shade <= 0) || length(shade) > 5)
stop("invalid 'shade' specification")
extended <- TRUE
shade <- sort(shade)
breaks <- c(-Inf, -rev(shade), 0, shade, Inf)
color <- c(hsv(0, s =, to = 0, length.out = length(shade) +
1)), hsv(4/6, s =, to = 1, length.out = length(shade) +
if (is.null(margin))
margin <- as.list(1L:dimd)
E <- stats::loglin(x, margin, fit = TRUE, print = FALSE)$fit
type <- match.arg(type)
residuals <- switch(type, pearson = (x - E)/sqrt(E),
deviance = {
tmp <- 2 * (x * log(ifelse(x == 0, 1, x/E)) -
(x - E))
tmp <- sqrt(pmax(tmp, 0))
ifelse(x > E, tmp, -tmp)
}, FT = sqrt(x) + sqrt(x + 1) - sqrt(4 * E + 1))
Ind <- cbind(Ind, c(1 + (residuals < 0)), as.numeric(cut(residuals,
label <- dimnames(x)
if (is.null(off))
off <- if (dimd == 2)
2 * (dx - 1)
else, dimd)
if (length(off) != dimd)
off <- rep_len(off, dimd)
if (any(off > 50))
off <- off * 50/max(off)
if (is.null(dir) || length(dir) != dimd) {
dir <- rep_len(c("v", "h"), dimd)
if (!is.null(sort)) {
if (length(sort) != dimd)
stop("length of 'sort' does not conform to 'dim(x)'")
Ind[, seq_len(dimd)] <- Ind[, sort]
off <- off[sort]
dir <- dir[sort]
label <- label[sort]
nam.dn <- names(label)
if (is.null(xlab) && any(dir == "v"))
xlab <- nam.dn[min(which(dir == "v"))]
if (is.null(ylab) && any(dir == "h"))
ylab <- nam.dn[min(which(dir == "h"))]
ncolors <- length(tabulate(Ind[, dimd]))
if (!extended && ((is.null(color) || length(color) != ncolors))) {
color <- if (is.logical(color))
if (color[1L])
else, ncolors)
else if (is.null(color))"grey", ncolors)
else rep_len(color, ncolors)
if (!extended) {
opar <- par(usr = c(1, 1000, 1, 1000), mgp = c(1, 1,
on.exit(par(opar), add = TRUE)
else {
pin <- par("pin")
rtxt <- "Standardized\nResiduals:"
rtxtCex <- min(1, pin[1L]/(strheight(rtxt, units = "inches") *
12), pin[2L]/(strwidth(rtxt, units = "inches")/4))
rtxtWidth <- 0.1
opar <- par(usr = c(1, 1000 * (1.1 + rtxtWidth), 1, 1000),
mgp = c(1, 1, 0))
on.exit(par(opar), add = TRUE)
rtxtHeight <- strwidth(rtxt, units = "i", cex = rtxtCex)/pin[2L]
text(1000 * (1.05 + 0.5 * rtxtWidth), 0, labels = rtxt,
adj = c(0, 0.25), srt = 90, cex = rtxtCex)
len <- length(shade) + 1
bh <- 0.95 * (0.95 - rtxtHeight)/(2 * len)
x.l <- 1000 * 1.05
x.r <- 1000 * (1.05 + 0.7 * rtxtWidth)
y.t <- 1000 * rev( = 0.95, by = -bh, length.out = 2 *
y.b <- y.t - 1000 * 0.8 * bh
ltype <- c(, len),, len))
for (i in 1:(2 * len)) {
polygon(c(x.l, x.r, x.r, x.l), c(y.b[i], y.b[i],
y.t[i], y.t[i]), col = color[i], lty = ltype[i],
border = border)
brks <- round(breaks, 2)
y.m <- y.b + 1000 * 0.4 * bh
text(1000 * (1.05 + rtxtWidth), y.m, c(paste0("<", brks[2L]),
paste(brks[2:(2 * len - 1)], brks[3:(2 * len)], sep = ":"),
paste0(">", brks[2 * len])), srt = 90, cex = cex.axis,
xpd = NA)
if (!is.null(main) || !is.null(xlab) || !is.null(ylab) ||
title(main, sub = sub, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab)
adj.x <- adj.y <- 0.5
x1 <- 30 + 20 * cex.axis/0.66
y1 <- 5
x2 <- 950
y2 <- 1000 - x1
maxlen.xlabel <- maxlen.ylabel <- 35 * cex.axis/0.66
if (srt.x == 90) {
maxlen.xlabel <- max(strwidth(label[[dimd + 1L - match("v",
rev(dir))]], cex = cex.axis))
adj.x <- 1
y2 <- y2 - maxlen.xlabel
if (srt.y == 0) {
maxlen.ylabel <- max(strwidth(label[[match("h", dir)]],
cex = cex.axis))
adj.y <- 0
x1 <- x1 + maxlen.ylabel
mosaic.cell(Ind, x1 = x1, y1 = y1, x2 = x2, y2 = y2, srt.x = srt.x,
srt.y = srt.y, adj.x = adj.x, adj.y = adj.y, off = off/100,
dir = dir, color = color, lablevx = 2, lablevy = 2,
maxdim = apply(as.matrix(Ind[, 1L:dimd]), 2L, max),
currlev = 1, label = label)
## new stuff
at <- seq(x1, x2, length.out = 6)
axis(1, at, (at - min(at)) / diff(range(at)))
Upvotes: 3