Reputation: 1127
New to CUDA programming and extremely confused as to why I am getting the segfault in the following code:
#include <cuda.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
typedef struct password_t{
char word[56];
size_t length;
} password;
typedef struct libEntry_t{
uint8_t digest[16];
password pwd;
} libEntry;
// Generates a library of passwords and their corresponding MD5 hashes
// Params:
// numPwds - the number of passwords for which to generate hashes
// pwds - the list of passwords to hash
// library - the array in which to store the unhashed/hashed password library
__global__ void generateLibraryKernel(int numPwds, password* pwds, libEntry* library)
// __device__ void cuda_md5(const password *pwd, uint8_t *digest) {
int index = (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x;
uint8_t hashed[16];
if (index < numPwds) {
cuda_md5(&pwds[index], hashed);
for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
library[index].digest[j] = hashed[j];
library[index].pwd = pwds[index];
int crack_password (uint8_t* classified)
int count = 10;
unsigned int mem_size = sizeof(password) * count;
password *h_pwds = (password*) malloc(mem_size);
ifstream inFile("passwords.txt");
if (!inFile) {
cerr << "File passwords.txt not found." << endl;
return -1;
string line;
int i;
while (getline(inFile, line)) {
if (line.empty()) continue;
h_pwds[i].length = line.size();
cout << "Password: " << h_pwds[i].word << "\n";
cout << "Length: " << h_pwds[i].length << "\n";
password* d_pwds;
cudaMalloc( (void**) &d_pwds, mem_size);
cudaMemcpy( d_pwds, h_pwds, mem_size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
libEntry *h_library = (libEntry*) malloc(sizeof(libEntry) * count);
libEntry* d_library;
cudaMalloc( (void**) &d_library, sizeof(libEntry) * count);
int h_numPwds = i;
cout << "INT NUMPWDS: " << h_numPwds << "\n";
int* d_numPwds;
cudaMalloc( (void**) &d_numPwds, sizeof(int));
cudaMemcpy( d_numPwds, &h_numPwds, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
/*unsigned int threads_per_block = 1024;
dim3 grid(1024, 1, 1);
dim3 threads(threads_per_block, 1, 1);
// generateLibraryKernel(int numPwds, password* pwds, libEntry* library)
generateLibraryKernel<<<grid, threads>>>(d_numPwds[0], d_pwds, d_library);
cudaMemcpy( h_library, d_library, mem_size, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);*/
return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (argc != 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "usage: ./prog password\n");
return 1;
crack_password((uint8_t*) argv[1]);
cout << "Hack Password: " << argv[1] << "\n";
return 0;
I have gone through it line by line and I believe it happens on the following lines:
int* d_numPwds;
cudaMalloc( (void**) &d_numPwds, sizeof(int));
cudaMemcpy( d_numPwds, &h_numPwds, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
When I comment cudaMemcpy
above, I at least get the cout
output on my terminal. Note that I have not gotten to the kernel execution part yet, I am just focusing on the memory allocation before I can actually execute and debug the kernel. Any help will be appreciated!
How I have been checking for return status:
#define CUDA_SAFE_CALL(call) do { \
cudaError err = cudaThreadSynchronize(); \
if( cudaSuccess != err) { \
fprintf(stderr, "Cuda error in file '%s' in line %i : %s.\n", \
__FILE__, __LINE__, cudaGetErrorString( err) ); \
} } while (0)
EDIT: The error still occurs after I took care of the int memcpy and malloc, apparently I didn't have to alloc or cpy it. Could've just passed it over. So, the error is due to the following lines, and I am not sure which one or why?
password* d_pwds;
cudaMalloc( (void**) &d_pwds, mem_size);
cudaMemcpy( d_pwds, h_pwds, mem_size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
libEntry *h_library = (libEntry*) malloc(sizeof(libEntry) * count);
libEntry* d_library;
cudaMalloc( (void**) &d_library, sizeof(libEntry) * count);
EDIT2: I cleaned up everything and still can't figure it out. By having CUDA_SAFE_CALL
on the following line CUDA_SAFE_CALL( cudaMalloc((void**) &d_pwds, pwds_size));
I get segmentation fault even when every other memory allocation command is commented out.
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Views: 1720
Reputation: 1127
For someone wondering what went wrong, I was able to fix it. I am not exactly sure what exactly was wrong but I had improper memory allocations at some places and in other cases I didn't even needed to use cudaMalloc
or cudaMemcpy
. Also, using What is the canonical way to check for errors using the CUDA runtime API? for checking errors instead of my own implementation worked. What I have now:
unsigned int threads_per_block = 1024;
dim3 grid(1024, 1, 1);
dim3 threads(threads_per_block, 1, 1);
password* d_pwds;
ERROR_CHECK( cudaMalloc((void**) &d_pwds, pwds_size));
ERROR_CHECK( cudaMemcpy( d_pwds, h_pwds, pwds_size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
libEntry* d_library;
ERROR_CHECK( cudaMalloc( (void**) &d_library, sizeof(libEntry) * count));
// generateLibraryKernel(int numPwds, password* pwds, libEntry* library)
generateLibraryKernel<<<grid, threads>>>(i, d_pwds, d_library);
ERROR_CHECK( cudaPeekAtLastError() );
ERROR_CHECK( cudaDeviceSynchronize() );
is defined from the link above.
#define ERROR_CHECK(ans) { gpuAssert((ans), __FILE__, __LINE__); }
inline void gpuAssert(cudaError_t code, const char *file, int line, bool abort=true)
if (code != cudaSuccess)
fprintf(stderr,"GPUassert: %s %s %d\n", cudaGetErrorString(code), file, line);
if (abort) exit(code);
I still don't fully understand memory management in CUDA (device and host allocations) but my code works now! Thank you all.
Upvotes: 1