Reputation: 35
Requirement :
I am creating a matlab gui project. I have a pushbutton
in my code, when clicked creates a figure
displaying an image from the parent GUI with a msgbox
as a popup. After clicking ok
on the msgbox
I want to select the region of interest using impoly
Now the problem is after clicking the ok
button on the msgbox
the impoly
command doesn't work. The mouse pointer doesn't change into a selector. I have searched the matlab documentation and the alternate is warndlg
but the same happens.
Here is my code :
% --- Executes on button press in roi.
function roi_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to roi (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
image=getimage(handles.axes2); % acquire image from parent gui
figure; % figure;
msgbox('Select ROI for overlapped area','overlapped region'); %message box
im=imshow(image); % to show the image in figure;
data12=impoly; % creates a roi polygon selector
mask12=createMask(data12,im); % creates a binary mask
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Views: 270
Reputation: 5190
You have to call the msgbox
within the uiwait function.
This allows blocking the execution of the callbak until the user press the OK button.
% msgbox('Select ROI for overlapped area','overlapped region')); %message box
uiwait(msgbox('Select ROI for overlapped area','overlapped region')); %message box
Hope this helps. Qapla'
Upvotes: 1