Reputation: 465
I'm using paperclip for attachments for multiple models using accepts_nested_attributes_for. Is there a way I can specify specific paperclip style options for each model?
Upvotes: 5
Views: 2571
Reputation: 43959
A much nicer way can be, (if use are dealing with images):
class Image < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :imageable, :polymorphic => true
has_attached_file :attachment, styles: lambda {
|attachment| {
thumb: (
attachment.instance.imageable_type.eql?("Product") ? ["300>", 'jpg'] : ["200>", 'jpg']
medium: (
["500>", 'jpg']
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 2549
Yes. I use single table inheritance (STI) on sites for handling Audio, Video, and Images via an Asset model.
# models/Asset.rb
class Asset < ActiveRecord::Base
# Asset has to exist as a model in order to provide inheritance
# It can't just be a table in the db like in HABTM.
# models/Audio.rb
class Audio < Asset # !note inheritance from Asset rather than AR!
# I only ever need the original file
has_attached_file :file
# models/Video.rb
class Video < Asset
has_attached_file :file,
:styles => {
:thumbnail => '180x180',
:ipod => ['320x480', :mp4]
:processors => "video_thumbnail"
# models/Image.rb
class Image < Asset
has_attached_file :file,
:styles => {
:medium => "300x300>",
:small => "150x150>",
:thumb => "40x40>",
:bigthumb => "60x60>"
They all come into Rails as :file
, but the controller (A/V/I) knows to save to the proper model. Just remember that all attributes for any of the forms of media need to be included in Asset
: if video doesn't need captions but images do, then the caption attribute will be nil for Video
. It won't complain.
Associations will also work fine if hooked up to the STI models. User has_many :videos
will operate the same as you are using it now, just make sure you don't try to save to Asset directly.
# controllers/images_controller.rb
def create
# params[:image][:file] ~= Image has_attached_file :file
@upload =[:image])
# ...
Lastly, since you do have an Asset model, you can still read directly from it if e.g. you want a list of the 20 most recent Assets. Also, this example isn't restricted to separating media types, it can be used for different kinds of the same thing as well: Avatar < Asset, Gallery < Asset, and so on.
Upvotes: 10