Reputation: 3331
I have a window that pops up for creating a new item... when I pass in the record for my bound fields, the dialog appears to lag significantly. The record is just a new record that I created, so it doesn't have any values associated to it, other than what the framework provides as defaults. In this example, I have 3 buttons:
It appears this performance issue has been addressed in the nightly builds for Ext JS 5 and 6, but I don't have time to upgrade to 6, and 5.1.3 isn't out yet... so basically, what am I doing wrong? Is there anything I can do to address this current issue (other than using the form)? Ideally I'd still be binding, as the table values are going to have to change dynamically.
Doing a little research, I came up with this SO thread, which does appear to alleviate some of the lag, if I change the displayfields
to textfields
, but I'd rather not do that, due to semantics.
Ext.define('HeaderView', {
extend: 'Ext.panel.Panel',
alias: 'widget.headerView',
bodyPadding: '0 15',
border: true,
collapsible: true,
layout: {
type: 'hbox',
align: 'stretch'
items: [{
xtype: 'container',
layout: {
type: 'vbox',
align: 'stretch'
margin: '0 20 0 0',
width: 515,
items: [{
xtype: 'container',
layout: {
type: 'hbox',
align: 'stretch'
height: 70,
hidden: true,
bind: {
hidden: '{isNew}'
items: [{
xtype: 'container',
flex: 1,
layout: {
type: 'vbox',
align: 'stretch'
defaults: {
xtype: 'displayfield',
flex: 1,
cls: 'tightened-form-field'
items: [{
fieldLabel: 'Status',
bind: {
value: '{currentRecord.Status}'
}, {
fieldLabel: 'Condition',
bind: {
value: '{currentRecord.StatusCombinedCondition}'
}, {
fieldLabel: 'Type',
bind: {
value: '{currentRecord.Type}'
}, {
xtype: 'container',
flex: 1,
layout: {
type: 'vbox',
align: 'stretch'
defaults: {
xtype: 'displayfield',
flex: 1,
cls: 'tightened-form-field'
items: [{
fieldLabel: 'Status Date',
bind: {
value: '{currentRecord.StatusDate}'
}, {
fieldLabel: 'Create Date',
bind: {
value: '{currentRecord.CreateDate}'
}, {
fieldLabel: 'Number',
bind: {
value: '{currentRecord.Number}'
}, {
xtype: 'container',
flex: 1,
layout: {
type: 'vbox',
align: 'stretch'
defaults: {
xtype: 'container',
cls: 'summary-table',
layout: {
type: 'hbox',
align: 'stretch'
defaults: {
flex: 1,
xtype: 'displayfield',
cls: 'right-align-field'
items: [{
cls: '',
items: [{
value: '',
cls: 'table-header'
}, {
value: 'Missed',
cls: 'table-header status-text-error-background'
}, {
value: 'Offered',
cls: 'table-header status-text-success-background'
}, {
value: 'Difference',
cls: 'table-header status-text-new-background'
}, {
value: 'Old Total',
cls: 'table-header status-text-error-background'
}, {
value: 'New Total',
cls: 'table-header status-text-success-background'
}, {
items: [{
value: 'Total'
}, {
renderer: Ext.util.Format.usMoney,
bind: {
value: '{currentRecord.ValueTotal1}'
}, {
renderer: Ext.util.Format.usMoney,
bind: {
value: '{currentRecord.ValueTotal2}'
}, {
renderer: Ext.util.Format.usMoney,
bind: {
value: '{currentRecord.ValueTotal3}'
}, {
renderer: Ext.util.Format.usMoney,
bind: {
value: '{currentRecord.ValueTotal4}'
}, {
renderer: Ext.util.Format.usMoney,
bind: {
value: '{currentRecord.ValueTotal5}'
}, {
items: [{
value: '# Things'
}, {
bind: {
value: '{currentRecord.CountTotal1}'
}, {
bind: {
value: '{currentRecord.CountTotal2}'
}, {
bind: {
value: '{currentRecord.CountTotal3}'
}, {
bind: {
value: '{currentRecord.CountTotal4}'
}, {
bind: {
value: '{currentRecord.CountTotal5}'
}, {
items: [{
value: 'Points'
}, {
bind: {
value: '{currentRecord.Points1}'
}, {
bind: {
value: '{currentRecord.Points2}'
}, {
bind: {
value: '{currentRecord.Points3}'
}, {
bind: {
value: '{currentRecord.Points4}'
}, {
bind: {
value: '{currentRecord.Points5}'
}, {
items: [{
value: 'Cost'
}, {
renderer: Ext.util.Format.usMoney,
bind: {
value: '{currentRecord.Cost1}'
}, {
renderer: Ext.util.Format.usMoney,
bind: {
value: '{currentRecord.Cost2}'
}, {
renderer: Ext.util.Format.usMoney,
bind: {
value: '{currentRecord.Cost3}'
}, {
renderer: Ext.util.Format.usMoney,
bind: {
value: '{currentRecord.Cost4}'
}, {
renderer: Ext.util.Format.usMoney,
bind: {
value: '{currentRecord.Cost5}'
}, {
xtype: 'container',
maxWidth: 450,
flex: 1,
layout: {
type: 'vbox',
align: 'stretch'
items: [{
xtype: 'textarea',
name: 'Comment',
fieldLabel: 'Comment',
flex: 1,
bind: {
disabled: '{!isNew}'
}, {
xtype: 'textarea',
name: 'RejectReason',
fieldLabel: 'Reject Comment',
height: 70,
flex: 1,
hidden: true,
bind: {
hidden: '{isNew}',
disabled: '{!isNew}'
Ext.define('HeaderViewForm', {
extend: 'Ext.form.Panel',
alias: 'widget.headerViewForm',
bodyPadding: '0 15',
border: true,
collapsible: true,
layout: {
type: 'hbox',
align: 'stretch'
items: [{
xtype: 'container',
layout: {
type: 'vbox',
align: 'stretch'
margin: '0 20 0 0',
width: 515,
items: [{
xtype: 'container',
layout: {
type: 'hbox',
align: 'stretch'
height: 70,
hidden: true,
bind: {
hidden: '{isNew}'
items: [{
xtype: 'container',
flex: 1,
layout: {
type: 'vbox',
align: 'stretch'
defaults: {
xtype: 'displayfield',
flex: 1,
cls: 'tightened-form-field'
items: [{
fieldLabel: 'Status',
name: 'Status'
}, {
fieldLabel: 'Condition',
name: 'StatusCombinedCondition'
}, {
fieldLabel: 'Type',
name: 'Type'
}, {
xtype: 'container',
flex: 1,
layout: {
type: 'vbox',
align: 'stretch'
defaults: {
xtype: 'displayfield',
flex: 1,
cls: 'tightened-form-field'
items: [{
fieldLabel: 'Status Date',
name: 'StatusDate'
}, {
fieldLabel: 'Create Date',
name: 'CreateDate'
}, {
fieldLabel: 'Number',
name: 'Number'
}, {
xtype: 'container',
flex: 1,
layout: {
type: 'vbox',
align: 'stretch'
defaults: {
xtype: 'container',
cls: 'summary-table',
layout: {
type: 'hbox',
align: 'stretch'
defaults: {
flex: 1,
xtype: 'displayfield',
cls: 'right-align-field'
items: [{
cls: '',
items: [{
value: '',
cls: 'table-header'
}, {
value: 'Missed',
cls: 'table-header status-text-error-background'
}, {
value: 'Offered',
cls: 'table-header status-text-success-background'
}, {
value: 'Difference',
cls: 'table-header status-text-new-background'
}, {
value: 'Old Total',
cls: 'table-header status-text-error-background'
}, {
value: 'New Total',
cls: 'table-header status-text-success-background'
}, {
items: [{
value: 'Total'
}, {
renderer: Ext.util.Format.usMoney,
name: 'ValueTotal1'
}, {
renderer: Ext.util.Format.usMoney,
name: 'ValueTotal2'
}, {
renderer: Ext.util.Format.usMoney,
name: 'ValueTotal3'
}, {
renderer: Ext.util.Format.usMoney,
name: 'ValueTotal4'
}, {
renderer: Ext.util.Format.usMoney,
name: 'ValueTotal5'
}, {
items: [{
value: '# Things'
}, {
name: 'CountTotal1'
}, {
name: 'CountTotal2'
}, {
name: 'CountTotal3'
}, {
name: 'CountTotal4'
}, {
name: 'CountTotal5'
}, {
items: [{
value: 'Points'
}, {
name: 'Points1'
}, {
name: 'Points2'
}, {
name: 'Points3'
}, {
name: 'Points4'
}, {
name: 'Points5'
}, {
items: [{
value: 'Cost'
}, {
name: 'Cost1',
renderer: Ext.util.Format.usMoney
}, {
name: 'Cost2',
renderer: Ext.util.Format.usMoney
}, {
name: 'Cost3',
renderer: Ext.util.Format.usMoney
}, {
name: 'Cost4',
renderer: Ext.util.Format.usMoney
}, {
name: 'Cost5',
renderer: Ext.util.Format.usMoney
}, {
xtype: 'container',
maxWidth: 450,
flex: 1,
layout: {
type: 'vbox',
align: 'stretch'
items: [{
xtype: 'textarea',
name: 'Comment',
fieldLabel: 'Comment',
flex: 1,
bind: {
disabled: '{!isNew}'
}, {
xtype: 'textarea',
name: 'RejectReason',
fieldLabel: 'Reject Comment',
height: 70,
flex: 1,
hidden: true,
bind: {
hidden: '{isNew}',
disabled: '{!isNew}'
Ext.define('MyModel', {
extend: '',
fields: [{
name: 'Status',
type: 'string'
}, {
name: 'StatusCombinedCondition',
type: 'string'
}, {name: 'Type', type: 'string'},
{name: 'StatusDate', type: 'string'},
{name: 'CreateDate', type: 'string'},
{name: 'Number', type: 'string'},
{name: 'ValueTotal1', type: 'string'},
{name: 'ValueTotal2', type: 'string'},
{name: 'ValueTotal3', type: 'string'},
{name: 'ValueTotal4', type: 'string'},
{name: 'ValueTotal5', type: 'string'},
{name: 'CountTotal1', type: 'string'},
{name: 'CountTotal2', type: 'string'},
{name: 'CountTotal3', type: 'string'},
{name: 'CountTotal4', type: 'string'},
{name: 'CountTotal5', type: 'string'},
{name: 'Points1', type: 'string'},
{name: 'Points2', type: 'string'},
{name: 'Points3', type: 'string'},
{name: 'Points4', type: 'string'},
{name: 'Points5', type: 'string'},
{name: 'Cost1', type: 'string'},
{name: 'Cost2', type: 'string'},
{name: 'Cost3', type: 'string'},
{name: 'Cost4', type: 'string'},
{name: 'Cost5', type: 'string'},
{name: 'Comment', type: 'string'},
{name: 'RejectReason', type: 'string'}]
Ext.define('MyController', {
extend: '',
alias: 'controller.myView',
init: function() {
var me = this;
// push onto call stack to let view model breathe
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1)
name : 'Fiddle',
launch : function() {
Ext.create('Ext.button.Button', {
text: 'currentRecord',
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
listeners: {
click: function() {
Ext.create('Ext.window.Window', {
height: 500,
width: 500,
autoShow: true,
layout: 'fit',
items: [{
xtype: 'headerView',
height: 500,
width: 500
listeners: {
afterrender: function(view) {
viewModel: {
data: {
isNew: false,
currentRecord: Ext.create('MyModel')
controller: 'myView'
Ext.create('Ext.button.Button', {
text: 'no currentRecord',
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
listeners: {
click: function() {
Ext.create('Ext.window.Window', {
height: 500,
width: 500,
autoShow: true,
layout: 'fit',
items: [{
xtype: 'headerView',
height: 500,
width: 500
listeners: {
afterrender: function(view) {
viewModel: {
data: {
isNew: false
controller: 'myView'
Ext.create('Ext.button.Button', {
text: 'currentRecord form',
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
listeners: {
click: function() {
var myModel = Ext.create('MyModel');
Ext.create('Ext.window.Window', {
height: 500,
width: 500,
autoShow: true,
layout: 'fit',
items: [{
xtype: 'headerViewForm',
height: 500,
width: 500,
bind: {
currentRecord: '{currentRecord}'
setCurrentRecord: function(record) {
if (record) {
listeners: {
afterrender: function(view) {
viewModel: {
data: {
isNew: false,
currentRecord: myModel
controller: 'myView'
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1089
Reputation: 3331
Another solution I came up with was based on this SO thread, but I just extended on the css there... removed the borders, cursor, etc. It's not ideal, but it definitely gets the job done.
Ext.define('FauxDisplayField', {
extend: 'Ext.form.field.Text',
alias: 'widget.fauxDisplayField',
readOnly: true,
tabIndex: -1,
componentCls: 'faux-display-field'
.faux-display-field .x-form-trigger-wrap {
border: none;
.faux-display-field input {
text-shadow: 0 0 0 black; /* makes text show up without cursor */
color: transparent; /* makes blinking cursor invisible */
cursor: default;
background-color: transparent;
text-align: right;
Upvotes: 1