Reputation: 167
I'm working on a project using Excel VBA where I have a number of datasets, each populated with a number of 'patients' which have a number of parameters (such as treatment, outcome etc.). To handle this, I intend to create a class called 'patient', with properties such as treatment and outcome. Then create a class called 'dataset', with a public property of 'patient'. I've created the classes, and I can instantiate a dataset object. But how do I go about instantiating patient object, or ideally an array of patient objects within the dataset object?
Dataset class module:
Private pNumber As Integer
Public Patient As Patient
Public Property Get Number() As Integer
Number = pNumber
End Property
Public Property Let Number(p As Integer)
pNumber = p
End Property
Patient class module:
Private pID As Integer
Private pTreatment As Boolean
Private pResponse As Single
Public Property Get ID() As Integer
ID = pID
End Property
Public Property Let ID(p As Integer)
pID = p
End Property
Public Property Get Treatment() As Boolean
Treatment = pTreatment
End Property
Public Property Let Treatment(p As Boolean)
pTreatment = p
End Property
Public Property Get Response() As Single
Response = pResponse
End Property
Public Property Let Response(p As Single)
pResponse = p
End Property
Main Module
Sub main()
Dim data1 As Dataset
Set data1 = New Dataset
'code to instantiate array of patient within data1 here
End Sub
Upvotes: 5
Views: 880
Reputation: 35597
The dataset will be better appointed something like this.
I would call the class what it is intended to be, so Patients
private colPatients as new collection
public function add(aPatient as patient)
colPatients.add aPatient, aPatient.Id
end function
public property get count() as long
count = colPatients.count
end property
public property get items() as collection
set items = colPatients
end property
public property get item(vItem as variant) as patient
set item = colPatients(vItem)
end property
public sub remove(vItem as variant)
colPatients.remove vItem
end sub
So to use:
dim patientCollection as patients
Sub main()
Set patientCollection = New patients
'code to instantiate array of patient within data1 here
IDs = Array(1,2,3)
treats = array("x","y","z")
dim x as integer
dim p as patient
for x = lbound(IDs) to Ubound(IDs)
set p= new patient = IDs(x)
p.treatment = treats(x)
patientCollection.add p
set p = nothing
next x
End Sub
Upvotes: 2