Reputation: 1767
running npm install
from any directory having package.json
is not working for me at the moment. I've even tried it with some well known projects but the problem is same, so I guess it's not me messing up with my package.json
So the problem is, npm install
actually install about 241 modules in my local node_modules
directory. While i have clearly listed just 3 in package.json
. npm behaves abruptly installing the again and again, everytime I run it.
I previously worked with same code committed to git and npm install
just resulted in 3 packages in my node_modules
$ npm -v
$ node -v
list of modules inside node_modules
$ ls node_modules/
ansi-regex color-convert extract-zip gulp-concat isstream lodash.template ordered-read-streams request supports-color
ansi-styles combined-stream extsprintf gulp-util jodid25519 lodash.templatesettings os-homedir resolve throttleit
archy commander fancy-log gulplog jsbn loud-rejection parse-json rimraf through2
array-differ concat-map fd-slicer har-validator json-schema lru-cache path-exists semver tildify
array-find-index concat-stream find-index has-ansi json-stringify-safe map-obj path-is-absolute sequencify time-stamp
array-uniq concat-with-sourcemaps find-up has-gulplog jsonpointer meow path-type sigmund tough-cookie
asn1 core-util-is findup-sync hawk jsprim mime-db pend signal-exit trim-newlines
assert-plus cryptiles first-chunk-stream hoek liftoff mime-types pify single-line-log tunnel-agent
async dashdash flagged-respawn home-path load-json-file minimatch pinkie sntp tweetnacl
aws-sign2 dateformat forever-agent hosted-git-info lodash minimist pinkie-promise source-map typedarray
aws4 debug form-data http-signature lodash._basecopy mkdirp pretty-bytes sparkles unique-stream
balanced-match decamelize gaze indent-string lodash._basetostring ms pretty-hrtime spdx-correct user-home
beeper deep-extend generate-function inflight lodash._basevalues multipipe process-nextick-args spdx-exceptions util-deprecate
bl defaults generate-object-property inherits lodash._getnative mv progress-stream spdx-expression-parse v8flags
boom delayed-stream get-stdin ini lodash._isiterateecall ncp pseudomap spdx-license-ids validate-npm-package-license
bower deprecated glob interpret lodash._reescape node-uuid qs speedometer verror
brace-expansion duplexer2 glob-stream is-arrayish lodash._reevaluate normalize-package-data rc sshpk vinyl
builtin-modules ecc-jsbn glob-watcher is-builtin-module lodash._reinterpolate nugget read-pkg stream-consume vinyl-fs
camelcase electron-download glob2base is-finite lodash._root number-is-nan read-pkg-up string_decoder wrappy
camelcase-keys electron-prebuilt globule is-my-json-valid lodash.escape oauth-sign readable-stream stringstream xtend
caseless end-of-stream glogg is-property lodash.isarguments object-assign rechoir strip-ansi yallist
chalk error-ex graceful-fs is-typedarray lodash.isarray object-keys redent strip-bom yauzl
clone escape-string-regexp graceful-readlink is-utf8 lodash.keys once repeating strip-indent
clone-stats extend gulp isarray lodash.restparam orchestrator replace-ext strip-json-comments
"name": "test",
"version": "1.0.0",
"main": "main.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
"start": "./node_modules/electron-prebuilt/dist/electron --harmony --enable-transparent-visuals ."
"author": "[email protected]",
"license": "MIT",
"dependencies": {
"bower": "^1.7.7",
"electron-prebuilt": "^0.36.7",
"gulp": "^3.9.1",
"gulp-concat": "^2.6.0"
"devDependencies": {},
"description": ""
Upvotes: 0
Views: 765
Reputation: 9985
This behaviour of npm has changed from version 2 to 3 and later: version 2 and older used subfolders. Since version 3 you get a flat package structure. So what you now see is all the transient dependencies that before were available as subfolders (node_modules) of your 4 dependencies.
However, the final behaviour should be exactly the same.
The rationale behind this can be found here.
Upvotes: 3