Reputation: 5552
I'm creating a macro in PowerPoint VBA to export an image from the current slide. The export image will be the first image having a width larder than 250 units. The image is stored as a Shape
, so I do a For Each ... Next
loop to do it. The code works fine.
Function FindAndSavePicture() As String
' Find the target picture at the active windows
Dim myTempPath As String
myTempPath = "C:\Users\" & Environ$("USERNAME") _
& "\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\pic_VBA.jpg"
With ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange
For Each s In .Shapes
Debug.Print s.Name
If s.Type = msoPicture And s.Width > 250 Then
' Show scale
Debug.Print "s.Width=" & s.Width ' s.Width=323,3931
Debug.Print "s.Height=" & s.Height ' s.Height=405
' Save pic in file system
s.Export myTempPath, ppShapeFormatJPG
' assign the return value for this function
FindAndSavePicture = myTempPath
Exit For
End If
End With
End Function
The exported image pic_VBA.jpg
is much smaller than it is shown in the PowerPoint. I want the original size of the picture. This exported image by VBA pic_VBA.jpg
has 331 x 413 in dimensions. And if I export the image manually using Save As Picture..., the exported image pic_SaveAs.jpg
has 692 x 862 in dimensions, which is the original size.
dimensions : 331 x 413 pic_SaveAs.jpg
dimensions : 692 x 862 (original size)What I've tested
s.Export myTempPath, ppShapeFormatJPG, s.Width, s.Height, ppScaleXY
It doesn't work. The export image's dimensions are 150 x 413
So, how to adjust export image size in PowerPoint using vba ?
Related infomations
Upvotes: 2
Views: 3335
Reputation: 11
Use ActivePresentation.PageSetup.SlideWidth
and ActivePresentation.PageSetup.SlideHeight
as ScaleWidth and ScaleHeight in the Shape.Export method to receive a picture file with the original dimensions.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 2999
Is the image scaled in PowerPoint? If it's anything but 100%, you'll need to work out the scale % in X/Y dimensions, set it to 100%, export it and then scale it back to the stored settings. This function will assist with that:
' Function to return the scale percentages of a given picture shape
' Written by: Jamie Garroch of
Public Type ypPictureScale
ypScaleH As Single
ypScaleW As Single
End Type
' Calculate the scale of a picture by resetting it to 100%,
' comparing with it's former size and then rescaling back to it's original size
Public Function PictureScale(oShp As Shape) As ypPictureScale
Dim ShpW As Single, ShpH As Single
Dim LAR As Boolean
' Save the shape dimensions
ShpH = oShp.height
ShpW = oShp.width
' Unlock the aspect ratio if locked
If oShp.LockAspectRatio Then LAR = True: oShp.LockAspectRatio = msoFalse
' Rescale the image to 100%
oShp.ScaleHeight 1, msoTrue
oShp.ScaleWidth 1, msoTrue
' Calculate the scale
PictureScale.ypScaleH = ShpH / oShp.height
PictureScale.ypScaleW = ShpW / oShp.width
' Rescale the image to it's former size
oShp.ScaleHeight PictureScale.ScaleH, msoTrue
oShp.ScaleWidth PictureScale.ScaleW, msoTrue
' Relock the aspect ratio if originally locked
If LAR Then oShp.LockAspectRatio = msoFalse
End Function
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 14809
It's not clear from your comments, but you may be missing the fact that PowerPoint uses points (72 points to the inch) as dimensions, not inches or pixels.
Convert the size of the shape from points to inches then multiply by 150 to get the size PPT will export to.
That 150 may vary from one system to another, but I don't believe it does.
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