Reputation: 110062
I have a specific speech pattern I want to count. There are actors in column 1 and types of sentences in column 2. I'm wanting to programatically identify a conversational pattern called IRF/IRE. The pattern is this:
So I'm looking for Teacher-Student-Teacher in Column 1 corresponding to a ?-[.!]-[?.!].
So in the fake data below the following rows meet this pattern and count:
33 Teacher ?
34 Student .
35 Teacher .
I did this visually inspecting the data. How could I find what is essentially the following matrix pattern:
| Teacher | ? |
| Student | [.!] |
| Teacher | [?!.] |
I am open to any outside packages if it makes things faster/easier.
n <- 100
dat <- data.frame(
actor = sample(c("Teacher", "Student"), n, TRUE, c(.6, .4)),
type = c(sample(c('?', '.', '!'), n, TRUE, c(.3, .5, .1)))
## actor type
## 1 Teacher .
## 2 Teacher .
## 3 Teacher .
## 4 Student .
## 5 Teacher !
## 6 Teacher ?
## .
## .
## .
Upvotes: 0
Views: 58
Reputation: 35324
Here's an approach using only base R indexing, comparisons, and logical operations:
hits <- which(
& dat$type [-seq(nrow(dat),by=-1L,len=2L)]=='?'
& dat$actor[-c(1L,nrow(dat))]=='Student'
& dat$type [-c(1L,nrow(dat))]%in%c('.','!')
& dat$actor[-1:-2]=='Teacher'
& dat$type [-1:-2]%in%c('?','!','.')
## [1] 33 51 95
## actor type
## 33 Teacher ?
## 34 Student .
## 35 Teacher .
## 51 Teacher ?
## 52 Student .
## 53 Teacher .
## 95 Teacher ?
## 96 Student .
## 97 Teacher ?
I generalized the solution to parameterize the comparison operators as a list of functions and the operands as a data.frame of list columns with column names identifying the target columns:
dfmatch <- function(df,operands,preds=rep(list(`%in%`),length(operands))) {
preds <- as.list(preds);
operands <-;
if (length(preds)!=ncol(operands)) stop('length(preds)!=ncol(operands).');
predLen <- length(preds);
rowLen <- nrow(operands);
if (rowLen>nrow(df)) return(integer());
which(Reduce(`&`,lapply(seq_len(predLen),function(opi) {
pred <- preds[[opi]];
Reduce(`&`,lapply(seq_len(rowLen),function(ri) {
operand <- operands[[opi]][[ri]];
}; ## end dfmatch()
operands <- data.frame(actor=I(list('Teacher','Student','Teacher')),type=I(list('?',c('.','!'),c('?','!','.'))));
## actor type
## 1 Teacher ?
## 2 Student ., !
## 3 Teacher ?, !, .
## [1] 33 51 95
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 110062
Here's one approach:
if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")
pacman::p_load(dplyr, zoo)
dat2 <- dat %>%
combo = paste0(actor, type)
patterns <- expand.grid(
paste0('Teacher', '?'),
paste0('Student', c('.', '!')),
paste0('Teacher', c('.', '!', '?'))
locs <- apply(patterns, 1, function(x){
with(dat2, which(rollapply(combo, 3, identical, unname(unlist(x, use.names=FALSE)))))
lapply(unlist(locs[sapply(locs, length) > 0]), function(i) {
## [[1]]
## actor type combo
## 33 Teacher ? Teacher?
## 34 Student . Student.
## 35 Teacher . Teacher.
## [[2]]
## actor type combo
## 51 Teacher ? Teacher?
## 52 Student . Student.
## 53 Teacher . Teacher.
## [[3]]
## actor type combo
## 95 Teacher ? Teacher?
## 96 Student . Student.
## 97 Teacher ? Teacher?
length(unlist(locs[sapply(locs, length) > 0]))
## 3
Upvotes: 0