Reputation: 73
I used jflex to generate a Java class and now I want to use it to get lexical analysis of a .txt file. The Java Class begins like this:
/* The following code was generated by JFlex 1.6.1 */
* This class is a scanner generated by
* <a href="">JFlex</a> 1.6.1
* from the specification file <tt>patch.flex</tt>
public class Patch {
/** This character denotes the end of file */
public static final int YYEOF = -1;
/** initial size of the lookahead buffer */
private static final int ZZ_BUFFERSIZE = 16384;
/** lexical states */
public static final int YYINITIAL = 0;
* ZZ_LEXSTATE[l] is the state in the DFA for the lexical state l
* ZZ_LEXSTATE[l+1] is the state in the DFA for the lexical state l
* at the beginning of a line
* l is of the form l = 2*k, k a non negative integer
private static final int ZZ_LEXSTATE[] = {
0, 0
* Translates characters to character classes
private static final String ZZ_CMAP_PACKED =
* Translates characters to character classes
private static final char [] ZZ_CMAP = zzUnpackCMap(ZZ_CMAP_PACKED);
* Translates DFA states to action switch labels.
private static final int [] ZZ_ACTION = zzUnpackAction();
private static final String ZZ_ACTION_PACKED_0 =
private static int [] zzUnpackAction() {
int [] result = new int[11];
int offset = 0;
offset = zzUnpackAction(ZZ_ACTION_PACKED_0, offset, result);
return result;
private static int zzUnpackAction(String packed, int offset, int [] result) {
int i = 0; /* index in packed string */
int j = offset; /* index in unpacked array */
int l = packed.length();
while (i < l) {
int count = packed.charAt(i++);
int value = packed.charAt(i++);
do result[j++] = value; while (--count > 0);
return j;
* Translates a state to a row index in the transition table
private static final int [] ZZ_ROWMAP = zzUnpackRowMap();
private static final String ZZ_ROWMAP_PACKED_0 =
private static int [] zzUnpackRowMap() {
int [] result = new int[11];
int offset = 0;
offset = zzUnpackRowMap(ZZ_ROWMAP_PACKED_0, offset, result);
return result;
private static int zzUnpackRowMap(String packed, int offset, int [] result) {
int i = 0; /* index in packed string */
int j = offset; /* index in unpacked array */
int l = packed.length();
while (i < l) {
int high = packed.charAt(i++) << 16;
result[j++] = high | packed.charAt(i++);
return j;
* The transition table of the DFA
private static final int [] ZZ_TRANS = zzUnpackTrans();
private static final String ZZ_TRANS_PACKED_0 =
private static int [] zzUnpackTrans() {
int [] result = new int[35];
int offset = 0;
offset = zzUnpackTrans(ZZ_TRANS_PACKED_0, offset, result);
return result;
private static int zzUnpackTrans(String packed, int offset, int [] result) {
int i = 0; /* index in packed string */
int j = offset; /* index in unpacked array */
int l = packed.length();
while (i < l) {
int count = packed.charAt(i++);
int value = packed.charAt(i++);
do result[j++] = value; while (--count > 0);
return j;
/* error codes */
private static final int ZZ_UNKNOWN_ERROR = 0;
private static final int ZZ_NO_MATCH = 1;
private static final int ZZ_PUSHBACK_2BIG = 2;
/* error messages for the codes above */
private static final String ZZ_ERROR_MSG[] = {
"Unknown internal scanner error",
"Error: could not match input",
"Error: pushback value was too large"
* ZZ_ATTRIBUTE[aState] contains the attributes of state <code>aState</code>
private static final int [] ZZ_ATTRIBUTE = zzUnpackAttribute();
private static final String ZZ_ATTRIBUTE_PACKED_0 =
private static int [] zzUnpackAttribute() {
int [] result = new int[11];
int offset = 0;
offset = zzUnpackAttribute(ZZ_ATTRIBUTE_PACKED_0, offset, result);
return result;
private static int zzUnpackAttribute(String packed, int offset, int [] result) {
int i = 0; /* index in packed string */
int j = offset; /* index in unpacked array */
int l = packed.length();
while (i < l) {
int count = packed.charAt(i++);
int value = packed.charAt(i++);
do result[j++] = value; while (--count > 0);
return j;
/** the input device */
private zzReader;
/** the current state of the DFA */
private int zzState;
/** the current lexical state */
private int zzLexicalState = YYINITIAL;
/** this buffer contains the current text to be matched and is
the source of the yytext() string */
private char zzBuffer[] = new char[ZZ_BUFFERSIZE];
/** the textposition at the last accepting state */
private int zzMarkedPos;
/** the current text position in the buffer */
private int zzCurrentPos;
/** startRead marks the beginning of the yytext() string in the buffer */
private int zzStartRead;
/** endRead marks the last character in the buffer, that has been read
from input */
private int zzEndRead;
/** number of newlines encountered up to the start of the matched text */
private int yyline;
/** the number of characters up to the start of the matched text */
private int yychar;
* the number of characters from the last newline up to the start of the
* matched text
private int yycolumn;
* zzAtBOL == true <=> the scanner is currently at the beginning of a line
private boolean zzAtBOL = true;
/** zzAtEOF == true <=> the scanner is at the EOF */
private boolean zzAtEOF;
/** denotes if the user-EOF-code has already been executed */
private boolean zzEOFDone;
* The number of occupied positions in zzBuffer beyond zzEndRead.
* When a lead/high surrogate has been read from the input stream
* into the final zzBuffer position, this will have a value of 1;
* otherwise, it will have a value of 0.
private int zzFinalHighSurrogate = 0;
* Creates a new scanner
* @param in the to read input from.
public Patch( in) {
this.zzReader = in;
* Unpacks the compressed character translation table.
* @param packed the packed character translation table
* @return the unpacked character translation table
private static char [] zzUnpackCMap(String packed) {
char [] map = new char[0x110000];
int i = 0; /* index in packed string */
int j = 0; /* index in unpacked array */
while (i < 44) {
int count = packed.charAt(i++);
char value = packed.charAt(i++);
do map[j++] = value; while (--count > 0);
return map;
* Refills the input buffer.
* @return <code>false</code>, iff there was new input.
* @exception if any I/O-Error occurs
private boolean zzRefill() throws {
/* first: make room (if you can) */
if (zzStartRead > 0) {
zzEndRead += zzFinalHighSurrogate;
zzFinalHighSurrogate = 0;
System.arraycopy(zzBuffer, zzStartRead,
zzBuffer, 0,
/* translate stored positions */
zzEndRead-= zzStartRead;
zzCurrentPos-= zzStartRead;
zzMarkedPos-= zzStartRead;
zzStartRead = 0;
/* is the buffer big enough? */
if (zzCurrentPos >= zzBuffer.length - zzFinalHighSurrogate) {
/* if not: blow it up */
char newBuffer[] = new char[zzBuffer.length*2];
System.arraycopy(zzBuffer, 0, newBuffer, 0, zzBuffer.length);
zzBuffer = newBuffer;
zzEndRead += zzFinalHighSurrogate;
zzFinalHighSurrogate = 0;
/* fill the buffer with new input */
int requested = zzBuffer.length - zzEndRead;
int numRead =, zzEndRead, requested);
/* not supposed to occur according to specification of */
if (numRead == 0) {
throw new"Reader returned 0 characters. See JFlex examples for workaround.");
if (numRead > 0) {
zzEndRead += numRead;
/* If numRead == requested, we might have requested to few chars to
encode a full Unicode character. We assume that a Reader would
otherwise never return half characters. */
if (numRead == requested) {
if (Character.isHighSurrogate(zzBuffer[zzEndRead - 1])) {
zzFinalHighSurrogate = 1;
/* potentially more input available */
return false;
/* numRead < 0 ==> end of stream */
return true;
* Closes the input stream.
public final void yyclose() throws {
zzAtEOF = true; /* indicate end of file */
zzEndRead = zzStartRead; /* invalidate buffer */
if (zzReader != null)
* Resets the scanner to read from a new input stream.
* Does not close the old reader.
* All internal variables are reset, the old input stream
* <b>cannot</b> be reused (internal buffer is discarded and lost).
* Lexical state is set to <tt>ZZ_INITIAL</tt>.
* Internal scan buffer is resized down to its initial length, if it has grown.
* @param reader the new input stream
public final void yyreset( reader) {
zzReader = reader;
zzAtBOL = true;
zzAtEOF = false;
zzEOFDone = false;
zzEndRead = zzStartRead = 0;
zzCurrentPos = zzMarkedPos = 0;
zzFinalHighSurrogate = 0;
yyline = yychar = yycolumn = 0;
zzLexicalState = YYINITIAL;
if (zzBuffer.length > ZZ_BUFFERSIZE)
zzBuffer = new char[ZZ_BUFFERSIZE];
* Returns the current lexical state.
public final int yystate() {
return zzLexicalState;
* Enters a new lexical state
* @param newState the new lexical state
public final void yybegin(int newState) {
zzLexicalState = newState;
* Returns the text matched by the current regular expression.
public final String yytext() {
return new String( zzBuffer, zzStartRead, zzMarkedPos-zzStartRead );
* Returns the character at position <tt>pos</tt> from the
* matched text.
* It is equivalent to yytext().charAt(pos), but faster
* @param pos the position of the character to fetch.
* A value from 0 to yylength()-1.
* @return the character at position pos
public final char yycharat(int pos) {
return zzBuffer[zzStartRead+pos];
* Returns the length of the matched text region.
public final int yylength() {
return zzMarkedPos-zzStartRead;
* Reports an error that occured while scanning.
* In a wellformed scanner (no or only correct usage of
* yypushback(int) and a match-all fallback rule) this method
* will only be called with things that "Can't Possibly Happen".
* If this method is called, something is seriously wrong
* (e.g. a JFlex bug producing a faulty scanner etc.).
* Usual syntax/scanner level error handling should be done
* in error fallback rules.
* @param errorCode the code of the errormessage to display
private void zzScanError(int errorCode) {
String message;
try {
message = ZZ_ERROR_MSG[errorCode];
catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
throw new Error(message);
* Pushes the specified amount of characters back into the input stream.
* They will be read again by then next call of the scanning method
* @param number the number of characters to be read again.
* This number must not be greater than yylength()!
public void yypushback(int number) {
if ( number > yylength() )
zzMarkedPos -= number;
* Resumes scanning until the next regular expression is matched,
* the end of input is encountered or an I/O-Error occurs.
* @return the next token
* @exception if any I/O-Error occurs
public int yylex() throws {
int zzInput;
int zzAction;
// cached fields:
int zzCurrentPosL;
int zzMarkedPosL;
int zzEndReadL = zzEndRead;
char [] zzBufferL = zzBuffer;
char [] zzCMapL = ZZ_CMAP;
int [] zzTransL = ZZ_TRANS;
int [] zzRowMapL = ZZ_ROWMAP;
int [] zzAttrL = ZZ_ATTRIBUTE;
while (true) {
zzMarkedPosL = zzMarkedPos;
boolean zzR = false;
int zzCh;
int zzCharCount;
for (zzCurrentPosL = zzStartRead ;
zzCurrentPosL < zzMarkedPosL ;
zzCurrentPosL += zzCharCount ) {
zzCh = Character.codePointAt(zzBufferL, zzCurrentPosL, zzMarkedPosL);
zzCharCount = Character.charCount(zzCh);
switch (zzCh) {
case '\u000B':
case '\u000C':
case '\u0085':
case '\u2028':
case '\u2029':
yycolumn = 0;
zzR = false;
case '\r':
yycolumn = 0;
zzR = true;
case '\n':
if (zzR)
zzR = false;
else {
yycolumn = 0;
zzR = false;
yycolumn += zzCharCount;
if (zzR) {
// peek one character ahead if it is \n (if we have counted one line too much)
boolean zzPeek;
if (zzMarkedPosL < zzEndReadL)
zzPeek = zzBufferL[zzMarkedPosL] == '\n';
else if (zzAtEOF)
zzPeek = false;
else {
boolean eof = zzRefill();
zzEndReadL = zzEndRead;
zzMarkedPosL = zzMarkedPos;
zzBufferL = zzBuffer;
if (eof)
zzPeek = false;
zzPeek = zzBufferL[zzMarkedPosL] == '\n';
if (zzPeek) yyline--;
zzAction = -1;
zzCurrentPosL = zzCurrentPos = zzStartRead = zzMarkedPosL;
zzState = ZZ_LEXSTATE[zzLexicalState];
// set up zzAction for empty match case:
int zzAttributes = zzAttrL[zzState];
if ( (zzAttributes & 1) == 1 ) {
zzAction = zzState;
zzForAction: {
while (true) {
if (zzCurrentPosL < zzEndReadL) {
zzInput = Character.codePointAt(zzBufferL, zzCurrentPosL, zzEndReadL);
zzCurrentPosL += Character.charCount(zzInput);
else if (zzAtEOF) {
zzInput = YYEOF;
break zzForAction;
else {
// store back cached positions
zzCurrentPos = zzCurrentPosL;
zzMarkedPos = zzMarkedPosL;
boolean eof = zzRefill();
// get translated positions and possibly new buffer
zzCurrentPosL = zzCurrentPos;
zzMarkedPosL = zzMarkedPos;
zzBufferL = zzBuffer;
zzEndReadL = zzEndRead;
if (eof) {
zzInput = YYEOF;
break zzForAction;
else {
zzInput = Character.codePointAt(zzBufferL, zzCurrentPosL, zzEndReadL);
zzCurrentPosL += Character.charCount(zzInput);
int zzNext = zzTransL[ zzRowMapL[zzState] + zzCMapL[zzInput] ];
if (zzNext == -1) break zzForAction;
zzState = zzNext;
zzAttributes = zzAttrL[zzState];
if ( (zzAttributes & 1) == 1 ) {
zzAction = zzState;
zzMarkedPosL = zzCurrentPosL;
if ( (zzAttributes & 8) == 8 ) break zzForAction;
// store back cached position
zzMarkedPos = zzMarkedPosL;
if (zzInput == YYEOF && zzStartRead == zzCurrentPos) {
zzAtEOF = true;
return YYEOF;
else {
switch (zzAction < 0 ? zzAction : ZZ_ACTION[zzAction]) {
case 1:
{ System.out.print(yytext());
case 3: break;
case 2:
{ System.out.println("***found match");
case 4: break;
* Runs the scanner on input files.
* This is a standalone scanner, it will print any unmatched
* text to System.out unchanged.
* @param argv the command line, contains the filenames to run
* the scanner on.
public static void main(String argv[]) {
if (argv.length == 0) {
System.out.println("Usage : java Patch [ --encoding <name> ] <inputfile(s)>");
else {
int firstFilePos = 0;
String encodingName = "UTF-8";
if (argv[0].equals("--encoding")) {
firstFilePos = 2;
encodingName = argv[1];
try {
java.nio.charset.Charset.forName(encodingName); // Side-effect: is encodingName valid?
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Invalid encoding '" + encodingName + "'");
for (int i = firstFilePos; i < argv.length; i++) {
Patch scanner = null;
try { stream = new[i]); reader = new, encodingName);
scanner = new Patch(reader);
while ( !scanner.zzAtEOF ) scanner.yylex();
catch ( e) {
System.out.println("File not found : \""+argv[i]+"\"");
catch ( e) {
System.out.println("IO error scanning file \""+argv[i]+"\"");
catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Unexpected exception:");
The shell keep giving me the error
Error: Could not find or load main class Patch
when I use the command like:
java Patch SearchText.txt
Besides, there's no error when I run:
I tried to set the path explicitly:
java -cp. Patch SearchText.txt
and got something like this:
{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}
\f0\fs24 \cf0 a+b+c+d}AmbertekiMacBook-Air:ADS4 amber95$ java Patch SearchText.txt
Error: Could not find or load main class Patch
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