Reputation: 62848
So I tried to ask a general "how do you debug type-level programming problems?" question, and it seems either the question is too general to answer, or maybe it's impossible to debug such things. :-}
On this particular day, the problem that's irking me is a moderately large, complex program. I've managed to boil it down to a reasonably small core that still goes wrong. Here we go:
GADTs, MultiParamTypeClasses,
FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, RankNTypes,
module Minimal where
data Union (t :: * -> *) (ts :: * -> *) x
class Member (x :: * -> *) (ys :: * -> *) where
instance Member x (Union x ys) where
instance (Member x ys) => Member x (Union y ys) where
data ActM (effects :: * -> *) x
instance Monad (ActM effects) where
data Reader i x where
Get :: Reader i i
get :: Member (Reader i) req => ActM req i
get = undefined
runReader :: i -> ActM (Union (Reader i) req) x -> ActM req x
runReader = undefined
(Aside: I look at that list of language extensions and think to myself "maybe this is just a terrible idea!")
Anyway, the really interesting part is at the bottom. We see that
runReader :: i -> ActM (Union (Reader i) req) x -> ActM req x
In other words, for any i
, runReader
takes an action in the ActM
monad that has Reader i
as one of its possible effects, and returns an action in the ActM
monad without that possible effect. Simple, right?
Now if I pass (say) a Char
as the first argument, then the reader type is fixed to Char
runReader 'X' :: ActM (Union (Reader Char) req) x -> ActM req x
So far, so good. If I just return some data, all is fine:
runReader 'X' (return True) :: ActM req Bool
(Reassuringly, I also get the correct value as the result!)
But now, what about the get
get :: Member (Reader i) req => ActM req i
So get
is an action in the ActM
monad for any set of effects that includes Reader i
. And that means that if I pass it to runReader
then I get...
runReader 'X' get :: Member (Reader x) (Union (Reader Char) req) => ActM req x
...wait, what?!? Why hasn't the compiler figured out that x
must be Char
Indeed, if I add an explicit type signature that says
runReader 'X' get :: ActM req Char
then it compiles perfectly (and, incidentally, I get the right value output, which is nice). So where am I missing a constraint?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 83
Reputation: 153182
The compiler hasn't figured out that x
must be Char
because it isn't true. For example, one might write
type ReadsBool req = Union (Reader Bool) req
type ReadsCharAndBool req = Union (Reader Char) (ReadsBool req)
and then you have:
runReader 'X' (get :: ReadsCharAndBool req) :: ActM (ReadsBool req) Bool
So congratulations, now you know why mtl's MonadReader
class has the fundep it does: for type inference reasons, one often wants the monad to uniquely determine what kind of thing you can get
from it.
Upvotes: 3