Sumeet Kumar Yadav
Sumeet Kumar Yadav

Reputation: 12985

Infix to Binary Expression Tree

I have infix expression like :

((source = id)AND (target= id) AND ( NOT( color != blue) OR ( age<= 23 )))

How to convert to Binary tree which should be like below tree diagram . I just started writing code in javascript , but don't know how to write insert operation , especially unary operator like NOT . How to solve this problem.

enter image description here

var Node = function(data,left,right){ = data;
    this.left = left;
    this.right = right;

var BinaryTree = function(){
    this.head = new Node(null,null,null);

BinaryTree.prototype.insert = function(data){
    if( == null){
        this.head = new Node(data,null,null);
    } else{
        var current = this.head;

var insert = function(current,data){
    // How to insert ?

Upvotes: 1

Views: 2104

Answers (1)


Reputation: 3593

As talked last night, here the Point I've got to:

the graph-nodes:

//abstract base-class
class GraphNode {
        Object.defineProperty(this, "parent", {
            writable: true,
            //enumerable: false,    //so it doesn't show up in JSON
            value: null
    compute(ctx){ throw new Error("not implemented") }
    toString(){ throw new Error("not implemented") }

class ValueNode extends GraphNode{
        this.value = value; 
    compute(){ return this.value; }
    toString(){ return JSON.stringify(this.value); }

class PropertyNode extends GraphNode{
        super(); = property;
    compute(ctx){ return ctx[]; }
    toString(){ return String(; }

class UnaryNode extends GraphNode{
    constructor(op, node){
        if(!(node instanceof GraphNode)){
            throw new Error("invalid node passed")
        this.op = op;
        this.node = node;
        node.parent = this;
        var v = this.node.compute(ctx);
            case "NOT": return !v;
        throw new Error("operator not implemented '"+this.op+"'");
        return  "( " + this.op + " " + this.node.toString() + " )";
UnaryNode.operators = ["NOT"];

class BinaryNode extends GraphNode{
    constructor(op, l, r){
        if(!(l instanceof GraphNode && r instanceof GraphNode)){
            throw new Error("invalid node passed")
        this.op = op;
        this.left = l;
        this.right = r;
        l.parent = this;
        r.parent = this;
        var l = this.left.compute(ctx);
        var r = this.right.compute(ctx);
            //logic operators
            case "AND": return l && r;
            case "OR": return l || r;

            case "=": return l === r;
            case "<=": return l <= r;
            case ">=": return l >= r;
            case "!=": return l != r;
            case ">": return l > r;
            case "<": return l < r;

            //computational operators
            case "+": return l + r;
            case "-": return l - r;
            case "*": return l * r;
            case "/": return l / r;
        throw new Error("operator not implemented '"+this.op+"'");

        return "( " + this.left.toString() + " " + this.op + " " + this.right.toString() + " )";
//also defines precendence
BinaryNode.operators = [

//dot is kind of special:
class DotNode extends BinaryNode{
    constructor(l, r){
        if(!(l instanceof PropertyNode || l instanceof DotNode)){
            throw new Error("invalid left node")
        if(!(r instanceof PropertyNode)){
            throw new Error("invalid right node")
        super(".", l, r);

        //especially because of this composition:
        //fetch the right property in the context of the left result
        return this.right.compute( this.left.compute(ctx) );
        return this.left.toString() + "." + this.right.toString();

the parser:

function escapeForRegex(str){
    return String(str).replace(/[.*+?^=!:${}()|[\]\/\\]/g, '\\$&');

//dynamically build my parsing regex:
var tokenParser = new RegExp([

        //  /["](?:\\[\s\S]|[^"])+["]|['](?:\\[\s\S]|[^'])+[']/.source,


        [".", "(", ")"].concat(UnaryNode.operators, BinaryNode.operators)
            .sort((a,b) => b.length-a.length) //so that ">=" is added before "=" and ">", for example

        //has to be after the operators

        //remaining (non-whitespace-)chars, just in case
        //has to be at the end
    ].map(s => "("+ s +")").join("|"), "g");

function parse(str){
    var tokens = [];
    //abusing str.replace() as a RegExp.forEach
    str.replace(tokenParser, function(token, number, op, property){
            token = new ValueNode(+number);
        //}else if(string){
        //  token = new ValueNode(JSON.parse(string));      
        //}else if(bool){
        //  token = new ValueNode(bool === "true");
        }else if(property){
            token = new PropertyNode(property);
        }else if(!op){
            throw new Error("unexpected token '"+token+"'");

    for(var i; (i=tokens.indexOf(".")) > -1; ){
        tokens.splice(i-1, 3, new DotNode(tokens[i-1], tokens[i+1]))

    for(var i,j; (i=tokens.lastIndexOf("(")) > -1 && (j=tokens.indexOf(")", i)) > -1;){
        tokens.splice(i, j+1-i, process(tokens.slice(i+1, j)));
    if(~tokens.indexOf("(") || ~tokens.indexOf(")")){
        throw new Error("mismatching brackets");

    return process(tokens);

function process(tokens){
    UnaryNode.operators.forEach(token => {
        for(var i=-i; (i=tokens.indexOf(token, i+1)) > -1;){
            tokens.splice(i, 2, new UnaryNode(token, tokens[i+1]));

    BinaryNode.operators.forEach(token => {
        for(var i=1; (i=tokens.indexOf(token, i-1)) > -1;){
            tokens.splice(i-1, 3, new BinaryNode(token, tokens[i-1], tokens[i+1]));

    if(tokens.length !== 1){
        console.log("error: ", tokens.slice());
        throw new Error("something went wrong");
    return tokens[0];

and it's usage:

var tree = parse("((a.source = id)AND (target= id) AND ( NOT( color != blue) OR ( age<= 23 )))")
//var tree = parse("1=1=age+10>30"); //to test operator precedence

var data = {
    id: 12345,

    a: { source: 12345 },
    target: 12345,

    color: "#FF0",
    blue: "#00F",

    age: 20

console.log(JSON.stringify(tree, null, 2));

Upvotes: 1

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