Reputation: 4239
MY question would best be understood be the following example, my goal is to classify the following string into category if the string matches any one of the strings defined in those categories. For example,
dim test_str as string
test_str = "tomato"
If the test string tomato
matches any one of the keywords (1) potato
, (2) tomato
and (3) spaghetti
, then tomato will be classified as food.
I have a very inefficient way of doing this now, which involves using multiple strcomp
, i.e.
if(strcomp(test_str, "potato", vbtextcompare) = 0 or _
strcomp(test_str, "tomato", vbtextcompare) =0 or _
strcomp(test_str, "spaghetti", vbtextcompare)=0 ) then
'label test str as "food"
However, if I have 10 keywords defined within "food", I would then need 10 strcomp
statements, which would be tedious. Is there a better way to do this ?
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Views: 3671
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This is my first time posting; excuse my formatting. Have not been using VBA for too long but was able to piece this together.
Sub vinden4()
Dim EXCEPT() As String, a As Integer
EM = "[email protected]"
Exceptions = "no-Reply,noreply,nO.reply,"
EXCEPT = Split(Exceptions, ",")
For i = LBound(EXCEPT) To UBound(EXCEPT)
NOREPLY = InStr(1, EM, EXCEPT(i), vbTextCompare)
If NOREPLY > 0 Then
'CbEM.Value = True '~food~
EM = InputBox("NOREPLY E-MAILADRES", "Geef E-mailadres aan", EM)
'CbEM.Value = False ~not food~
End If
Next i
MsgBox EM
End Sub
Hope this can help someone.
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Reputation: 42538
I would simply store all the combinations in a string and check that the value is present with InStr
Const food = "|potato|tomato|spaghetti|"
Dim test_str As String
test_str = "tomato"
If InStr(1, food, "|" & test_str & "|", vbTextCompare) Then
Debug.Print "food"
Debug.Print "not food"
End If
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 1874
Write a function that helps you
Function ArrayWordNotInText(textValue, arrayKeyword)
Dim i
ArrayWordNotInText = -1
For i = LBound(arrayKeyword) To UBound(arrayKeyword)
If Not StrComp(textValue, arrayKeyword(i), vbTextCompare) Then ArrayWordNotInText = i
Next i
End Function
If the return value = -1 ... no Match, >0 the index of the word
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