
Reputation: 2507

How do you pull git committer information for Jenkins pipeline

I have a pipeline set up in groovy and need to pull the person who committed some code in git so I can publish that persons name who broke the build. I've searched the web and can't seem to find a solution. I figured out how to publish posted in slack by using the slack plugin for jenkins. Example:

slackSend color: 'warning', message: "${git.user_name} broke the build."

Upvotes: 10

Views: 20314

Answers (7)


Reputation: 347

For windows you can use

   def committerDetails = bat ( 
      script: 'git log -n 1 --format="%%ae"',
      returnStdout: true

   env.COMMITTER_EMAIL = committerDetails.tokenize('\n')[2]

And use it like

mail to: "${env.COMMITTER_EMAIL}",
 from: '[email protected]',
 subject: 'Buld Failures Detected', 
 body: "Job Failed - \"${env.JOB_NAME}\" build: ${env.BUILD_NUMBER}\n\nView the log at:\n ${env.BUILD_URL}\n\nBlue Ocean:\n${env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL}"

If you want all email addresses for all commits on the branch, you can use

def allCommitterDetails = bat ( 
 script: 'git log --format="%%ae"',
 returnStdout: true

def committersEmails = allCommitterDetails.tokenize('\n')
committersEmails .unique()
env.COMITTERS_EMAILS = committersEmails 

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 2215

Another way to get committers if you have Email Ext Plugin installed:

def emailTo = emailextrecipients([culprits()])

Upvotes: 1

Alin Soare
Alin Soare

Reputation: 41

One line:

def lastCommiterEmail = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'git log --format="%ae" | head -1').trim()

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 1910

I use the following method.

First add a stage in JenkinsFile to retrieve commit author (and message) from git log into an env. var:

stage('get_commit_details') {
        steps {
            script {
                env.GIT_COMMIT_MSG = sh (script: 'git log -1 --pretty=%B ${GIT_COMMIT}', returnStdout: true).trim()
                env.GIT_AUTHOR = sh (script: 'git log -1 --pretty=%cn ${GIT_COMMIT}', returnStdout: true).trim()

Then in post-build action send the Slack message: (BTW I send to two different channels (success/failure) so that the success channel can be muted.

post {
    failure {
        slackSend (channel: 'xyz-build-failure', color: '#FF0000', message: """FAILED:
Job: ${env.JOB_NAME}
Build #${env.BUILD_NUMBER}
Build: ${env.BUILD_URL})
Comitted by: ${env.GIT_AUTHOR}
Last commit message: '${env.GIT_COMMIT_MSG}'""")
    success {
        slackSend (channel: 'xyz-build-success', color: '#00FF00', message: """SUCCESS:
Job: ${env.JOB_NAME}
Build #${env.BUILD_NUMBER}
Build: ${env.BUILD_URL})
Comitted by: ${env.GIT_AUTHOR}
Last commit message: '${env.GIT_COMMIT_MSG}'""")

Upvotes: 5

Jevgenij Kononov
Jevgenij Kononov

Reputation: 1237

My way of pulling user email.

                script: "git --no-pager show -s --format=%%ae",
                  returnStdout: true

    echo "The last commit was written by ${COMMITTER_EMAIL}"

Upvotes: 0

Itai Ganot
Itai Ganot

Reputation: 6333

There's another way to pull that information.

For each job run in Jenkins there's a variable which is called ${env.BUILD_URL}.

If you add to this ${env.BUILD_URL} "api/json" and curl this url you will get all the information that Jenkins knows about that build.

Committer name is also displayed there:

  "commitId": "d2212180afc238fb423981d91f39d680dfd06c67",
  "timestamp": 1499117423000,
  "author": {
    "absoluteUrl": "",
    "fullName": "itai ganot"

The following command will get you the full name of the last committer:

itai@Itais-MacBook-Pro ~/src/scripts -  (master) $ curl -s --insecure | python -mjson.tool | grep fullName
                        "fullName": "itai ganot"


itai@Itais-MacBook-Pro ~/src/scripts -  (master) $ curl -s --insecure
    {"_class":"org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.job.WorkflowRun","actions":[{"_class":"hudson.model.CauseAction","causes":[{"_class":"jenkins.branch.BranchIndexingCause","shortDescription":"Branch indexing"}]},{},{},{},{},{},{"_class":"hudson.plugins.git.util.BuildData","buildsByBranchName":{"master":{"_class":"hudson.plugins.git.util.Build","buildNumber":5,"buildResult":null,"marked":{"SHA1":"d2212180afc238fb423981d91f39d680dfd06c67","branch":[{"SHA1":"d2212180afc238fb423981d91f39d680dfd06c67","name":"master"}]},"revision":{"SHA1":"d2212180afc238fb423981d91f39d680dfd06c67","branch":[{"SHA1":"d2212180afc238fb423981d91f39d680dfd06c67","name":"master"}]}}},"lastBuiltRevision":{"SHA1":"d2212180afc238fb423981d91f39d680dfd06c67","branch":[{"SHA1":"d2212180afc238fb423981d91f39d680dfd06c67","name":"master"}]},"remoteUrls":[""],"scmName":""},{"_class":"hudson.plugins.git.GitTagAction"},{},{"_class":"org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.EnvActionImpl"},{},{},{},{"_class":"org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.job.views.FlowGraphAction"},{},{}],"artifacts":[],"building":false,"description":null,"displayName":"# 5 | master","duration":17807,"estimatedDuration":14531,"executor":null,"fullDisplayName":"Itai Ganot » scripts » master # 5 | master","id":"5","keepLog":false,"number":5,"queueId":4894,"result":"SUCCESS","timestamp":1499117462714,"url":"","changeSets":[{"_class":"hudson.plugins.git.GitChangeSetList","items":[{"_class":"hudson.plugins.git.GitChangeSet","affectedPaths":["Jenkinsfile"],"commitId":"d2212180afc238fb423981d91f39d680dfd06c67","timestamp":1499117423000,"author":{"absoluteUrl":"","fullName":"itai ganot"},"authorEmail":"[email protected]","comment":"Test\n","date":"2017-07-04 00:30:23 +0300","id":"d2212180afc238fb423981d91f39d680dfd06c67","msg":"Test","paths":[{"editType":"edit","file":"Jenkinsfile"}]}],"kind":"git"}],"nextBuild":null,"previousBuild":{"number":4,"url":""}}itai@Itais-MacBook-Pro ~/src/scripts -  (master) $ curl -s --insecure

For more readability, you may use python jsonTool or the tool jq which will order the output as JSON.

curl ${env.BUILD_URL}api/json | python -mjson.tool


curl ${env.BUILD_URL}api/json | jq

Upvotes: 3

Krzysztof Krasoń
Krzysztof Krasoń

Reputation: 27496

You have to use shell for that and execute git command to retrieve data, store it in a file and later read the file into a variable, like this:

sh 'git log --format="%ae" | head -1 > commit-author.txt'                 

The above will give you the last commit author.

Upvotes: 7

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