Reputation: 452
First I have created both the DataSet and MySQLDataAdapter in global. Then in Form_Load event, I query all of my tables like this.
dS = New DataSet
dA = New MySqlDataAdapter(myCommand)
Using sqlConn As New MySqlConnection(connStr)
myCommand = New MySqlCommand("Select ID, DevCompanyName from developer_name_table; Select ID, DevType from development_type_table; Select ID, Mukim from mukim_table; Select ID, Daerah from daerah_table; Select ID, Negeri from negeri_table; Select * from project_record ORDER BY FloatNo desc limit 1", sqlConn)
MsgBox("Connection open.")
Dim myCB As New MySqlCommandBuilder(dA)
dA.SelectCommand = myCommand
dA.UpdateCommand = myCB.GetUpdateCommand
dA.InsertCommand = myCB.GetInsertCommand
dA.DeleteCommand = myCB.GetDeleteCommand
dA.FillSchema(dS, SchemaType.Source)
dS.Tables(0).TableName = "developer_name_table"
dS.Tables(1).TableName = "development_type_table"
dS.Tables(2).TableName = "mukim_table"
dS.Tables(3).TableName = "daerah_table"
dS.Tables(4).TableName = "negeri_table"
dS.Tables(5).TableName = "project_record"
End Using
Everything is working fine until I try to add new record into the database like this. The add record code below is under a button click event. First I check if record exits, then I add a new row like this.
For Each r As DataRow In dS.Tables("project_record").Rows()
If r.Item("FloatNo") = TextBox1.Text.Trim() Then
MsgBox("Project exist. Please recheck.")
Exit Sub
End If
SecurityAdd() 'This is just to fill None if field are empty.
Dim row = dS.Tables("project_record").NewRow()
row.Item("FloatNo") = TextBox1.Text.Trim()
row.Item("DevCompanyName") = ComboBox1.Text.Trim()
row.Item("DevType") = ComboBox2.Text.Trim()
row.Item("LotPt") = TextBox2.Text.Trim()
row.Item("Mukim") = ComboBox3.Text.Trim()
row.Item("Daerah") = ComboBox4.Text.Trim()
row.Item("Negeri") = ComboBox5.Text.Trim()
row.Item("TempReference") = RichTextBox1.Text.Trim()
row.Item("PermanentNo") = 0
row.Item("QuotationNo") = 0
row.Item("InvoiceNo") = 0
row.Item("Staff") = loggedUser.ToString() 'Just user ID.
dA.Update(dS, "project_record")
After the update, I am sure that the DataSet is updated because the second time I click on add record, the messagebox told me that the record existed. But when I check in my database, there are no new record? What am I doing wrong here?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1743
Reputation: 38905
The problem is that you are trying to configure the DataAdapter
to work on all 6 tables in the DataSet
. If you look at the INSERT or UPDATE commands built, you will see they are an amalgam of all the columns in all the tables. Setting up a DataAdapter
to do the grunt work for you works for one table.
I do not know what negeri
and the rest translate to, but it looks like only one is a transaction table; the rest, like DevCompanyName
appear to be domain/code tables which provide values for the project record table.
Often, some of these are fixed based on business rules, those don't need a way to add/update. Others may well need a way to add new items, but only occassionally. Do those updates by hand so that the DA can be setup and used with the main table the app is focused on. If there is a form or tab for adding Mukim et al, just do the inserts there and refresh.
At a minimum, I'd store those domain table in a separate DataSet
just so they dont get in the way, but using just one, you'd configure it something like this:
Using dbcon As New MySqlConnection(MySQLConnStr)
dsS = New DataSet
' add table 1 - Mukim
Using cmd As New MySqlCommand("SELECT DeptCode, Descr FROM Department", dbcon)
cboColors.DataSource = dsS.Tables("Mukim")
cboColors.DisplayMember = "Descr" ' ie "Management"
cboColors.ValueMember = "DeptCode" ' eg "MGMT"
End Using
' add table 2 - negeri
' this table is fixed - new rows are very rare
Using cmd As New MySqlCommand("SELECT DeptCode, Descr FROM cDepartment", dbcon)
Dim dt As New DataTable
cboDept.DataSource = dt
cboDept.DisplayMember = "Descr" ' "Sommelier"
cboDept.ValueMember = "DeptCode" ' "SOMM"
End Using
' etc
' main transaction table - project
' do this last
Dim prjcmd = New MySqlCommand(prjSql, dbcon)
daSample = New MySqlDataAdapter(prjcmd)
Dim cb As New MySqlCommandBuilder(daSample)
daSample.SelectCommand = prjcmd
daSample.InsertCommand = cb.GetInsertCommand
' etc
daSample.FillSchema(dsS.Tables("Project"), SchemaType.Source)
End Using
The code is stores those domain/code tables in the DataSet
for those which might change. Instead of an adapter they are filled using a DataReader
. Any that are fixed such as "Department" are posted to the related CBO and forgotten. Depending on how often each are actually updated, you could use this method for all of them and just bind to a new table should they get a new row.
The code also uses the DataTable
s created as the DataSource
for the related CBO. I am not sure what your code is doing since it stores the Combobox.Text
. If I do update that DataTable
with a new entry, it can be coded to show up automatically.
The result is that the DataAdapter
knows how to update etc the main Project table and is not confused by these other tables. Then inserting is pretty much as you have it:
Dim dr = dsS.Tables("Project").NewRow
dr("Name") = "My New Row"
dr("Mukim") = cboMukim.SelectedValue ' MGMT
... etc
' See Notes
Dim rows = daSample.Fill(dsS.Tables("Project")) ' refresh
for storing to the project.DataTable
tracks which rows are new, added, deleted etc. After the update, use AcceptChanges
to clear those flags.It is not clear whether item 3 applies. FloatNo
could be the PK, in which case you can skip the removal. Also, looping thru "all" the rows to see if "FloatNo" exists is only going to loop thru the one (1) row loaded since the query includes a LIMTI 1
Not for nothing but you might be able to simplify the UI by using a DataGridView
. Rather than comboboxes on the form, Mukim et al could be ComboBox columns so that adding a new row to the table would be done for you. You'd just need to update after it validates and/or they click save.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 21
Here is a simple example to show data insertion using datarow:
Module *GiveAModuleName*
Function GetTable() As DataTable
Dim table As DataTable = New DataTable
table.Columns.Add("ID", GetType(Integer))
table.Columns.Add("Name", GetType(String))
table.Columns.Add("Location", GetType(String))
table.Columns.Add("D.O.B.", GetType(DateTime))
table.Rows.Add(1, "Koko", "Sydney", 06/12/1990)
table.Rows.Add(2, "Fido", "Ottawa", 06/12/1990)
table.Rows.Add(3, "Alex", "California",06/12/1990)
table.Rows.Add(4, "Charles", "Malta", 06/12/1990)
table.Rows.Add(7, "Candy", "Delhi", 06/12/1990)
Return table
End Function
Sub Main()
Dim table As DataTable = GetTable()
End Sub
End Module
Refer this and re-write the existing code to insert data.
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