Reputation: 133
I created a custom servant handler
type ServiceSet = TVar (M.Map String [MicroService])
type LocalHandler = ReaderT ServiceSet IO
But i failed to find a way to response a 404-not-found status code to client in following function:
getService :: String -> LocalHandler MicroService
getService sn = do
tvar <- ask
ms <- liftIO $ do
sl <- atomically $ do
sm <- readTVar tvar
return $ case M.lookup sn sm of
Nothing -> []
Just sl -> sl
let n = length sl
i <- randomRIO (0, n - 1)
return $ if n == 0
then Nothing
else Just . head . drop i $ sl
case ms of
Nothing -> ??? -- throwError err404
Just ms' -> return ms'
how to send 404 status code in ???
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1342
Reputation: 1307
you can use UVerb in yor handlers and then respond WithStatus:
type API =
"fisx" :> Capture "bool" Bool
:> UVerb 'GET '[JSON] '[WithStatus 200 Int, WithStatus 303 String]
fisx :: Bool -> Handler (Union '[WithStatus 200 Int, WithStatus 303 String])
fisx True = respond (WithStatus @200 5)
fisx False = respond (WithStatus @303 ("still fisx" :: String))
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 10238
You will need to add ExceptT
to your stack of monad transforms. Right now, with just ReaderT
, there is no way to encode the notion of an error being thrown.
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Lib where
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Map
import GHC.Conc
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Servant.API
import Servant.Server
import System.Random
type API =
Capture "name" String :> Get '[JSON] Int
type World =
TVar (Map String [Int])
type Effects =
ExceptT ServantErr (ReaderT World IO)
server :: World -> Server API
server world =
enter (Nat transform) get
transform :: Effects a -> ExceptT ServantErr IO a
transform (ExceptT foo) =
ExceptT $ runReaderT foo world
get :: String -> Effects Int
get sn = do
tvar <- ask
ms <- liftIO $ do
sl <- atomically $ do
sm <- readTVar tvar
return (fromMaybe [] (lookup sn sm))
let n = length sl
i <- randomRIO (0, n - 1)
return $ if n == 0
then Nothing
else Just . head . drop i $ sl
case ms of
Nothing ->
throwError err404
Just ms' ->
return ms'
With ExceptT ServantErr . ReaderT (TVar ...)
you can then throwError err404
, which Servant will catch and use to return an HTTP 404. The natural transformation ExceptT ServantErr . ReaderT (TVar ...) :~> ExceptT ServantErr
will then have to unwrap and rewrap in order to discharge the reader effect. All in all, not terribly more code.
Upvotes: 5