
Reputation: 1304

Haskell Servant Get Current Route / URL From Handler

I'd like to get current route that corresponds to my handler. Here is mockup of my server just for reference:

type ServerAPI = 
         "route01" :> Get '[HTML] Text
    :<|> "route02" :> "subroute" :> Get '[HTML] Text
    :<|> "route03" :> Get '[HTML] Text

And here are some handlers :

route1and2Handler :: Handler Text
route1and2Handler = do
    route <- getCurrentRoute
    return template

route3Handler :: Handler Text
route3Handler = return "Hello, I'm route 03"

And my server :

server :: Server ServerAPI
server = route1and2Handler :<|> route1and2Handler :<|> route3Handler

So, essentially my route1and2Handler should have some way of getting current route. I've tried getting a request object into my handler and extracting url from that by implementing HasServer instance like so :

data FullRequest

instance HasServer a => HasServer (FullRequest :> a) where
    type Server (FullRequest :> a) = Request -> Server a
    route Proxy subserver request respond =
        route (Proxy :: Proxy a) (subserver request) request respond

[EDIT] I have just noticed that I was looking at api for old version of servant and this isn't valid any more. New route has type signature of route :: Proxy api -> Context context -> Delayed env (Server api) -> Router env and I don't really see way to get Request from here.

And than making route1and2Handler type signature to be Request -> Handler Text, but I'm getting this error when trying to create HasServer instance :

`Server' is not a (visible) associated type of class `HasServer'

And just to point out in the end, my end goal is to get current route from within the Handler, adding visit count for route in the database is just for example purposes. I'm not interested in better way to count visits or something of that sort.

Upvotes: 5

Views: 1796

Answers (3)


Reputation: 12133

There are two questions in one:

  1. how to get current Request or URL?
  2. how to get current "route"?

Note, that URL (e.g. /route12/42) is different than route (e.g. `"route12" :> Capture "id" Int :> Get '[JSON] Int). Let's see how we can solve both of these questions, right after a short language pragma and import section.

{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableSuperClasses #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans         #-}
module Main where

import Data.Maybe             (fromMaybe)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import System.Environment     (getArgs)
import GHC.Generics           (to, from, M1 (..), K1 (..), (:*:) (..))

-- for "unsafe" vault key creation
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)

import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8    as BS8
import qualified Data.Vault.Lazy          as V
import qualified Network.Wai              as Wai
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp

import Servant
import Servant.API.Generic 
import Servant.Server.Generic
import Servant.Server.Internal.RoutingApplication (passToServer)

How to get current Request object or URL

Passing current WAI Request to the handler is actually quite easy. This is "lazy" approach, we ask for "everything" in the request, and we have to be careful in the handler (e.g. we cannot touch requestBody). Also this "combinator" ties implementation to the wai server implementation, which is an implementation detail (nothing else in servant-server exposes wai internals, except of Raw).

The idea is to make Server (Wai.Request :> api) = Wai.Request -> Server api. If we imagine for a second that we have such functionality in place, we can write, using Servant.API.Generic (see "Using generics" cookbook recipe):

data Routes1 route = Routes1
    { route11 :: route :- Wai.Request :> "route1" :> Get '[JSON] Int
    , route12 :: route :- Wai.Request :> "route2" :> Capture "id" Int :> Get '[JSON] Int
  deriving (Generic)

routes1 :: Routes1 AsServer
routes1 = Routes1
    { route11 = \req -> liftIO $ do
        let p = Wai.rawPathInfo req
        BS8.putStrLn p
        return (BS8.length p)
    , route12 = \req i -> liftIO $ do
        let p = Wai.rawPathInfo req
        BS8.putStrLn p
        return (succ i)

app1 :: Application
app1 = genericServe routes1

We define a Routes1 data type, implement Routes1 AsServer value and turn it into the wai's Application. However, to compile this example, we need an additional instance. We use an internal passToServer combinator in the implementation of route.

instance HasServer api ctx => HasServer (Wai.Request :> api) ctx where
    type ServerT (Wai.Request :> api) m = Wai.Request -> ServerT api m

    hoistServerWithContext _ pc nt s =
        hoistServerWithContext (Proxy :: Proxy api) pc nt . s

    route _ ctx d = route (Proxy :: Proxy api) ctx $
        passToServer d id

This solution is good quick fix, but there are arguably better ways.

Specific combinator

We may notice that both our handlers use Wai.rawPathInto req call. That should alert us. Specific combinator is more elegant. An ability to create new combinators outside the core framework, is one of design principles of servant.

data RawPathInfo

instance HasServer api ctx => HasServer (RawPathInfo :> api) ctx where
    type ServerT (RawPathInfo :> api) m = BS8.ByteString -> ServerT api m

    hoistServerWithContext _ pc nt s =
        hoistServerWithContext (Proxy :: Proxy api) pc nt . s

    route _ ctx d = route (Proxy :: Proxy api) ctx $
        passToServer d Wai.rawPathInfo

Using new RawPathInfo combinator, we can re-implement our application:

data Routes2 route = Routes2
    { route21 :: route :- RawPathInfo :> "route1" :> Get '[JSON] Int
    , route22 :: route :- RawPathInfo :> "route2" :> Capture "id" Int :> Get '[JSON] Int
  deriving (Generic)

routes2 :: Routes2 AsServer
routes2 = Routes2
    { route21 = \p -> liftIO $ do
        BS8.putStrLn p
        return (BS8.length p)
    , route22 = \p i -> liftIO $ do
        BS8.putStrLn p
        return (succ i)

app2 :: Application
app2 = genericServe routes2

This version is slightly more declarative, and handlers are more restrictive. We moved the rawPathInfo selector from handlers to combinator implementation, removed repetition.

Using Vault

The vault value in wai Request is not well known or used. But in this scenario it can be useful. Vault is explained in Using WAI's vault for fun and profit blog post. It fills a "dynamic" gap of strongly typed Request: we can attach arbitrary data to the request, as is common in web frameworks in a dynamically typed languages. As servant-server is based on wai, using vault is the third answer to the first part of the question.

We (unsafely) create a key to the vault:

rpiKey :: V.Key BS8.ByteString
rpiKey = unsafePerformIO V.newKey

Then we create a middleware which will put rawPathInfo into the vault.

middleware :: Wai.Middleware
middleware app req respond = do
    let vault' = V.insert rpiKey (Wai.rawPathInfo req) (Wai.vault req)
        req' = req { Wai.vault = vault' }
    app req' respond

Using this we make third variant of our application. Note that we values might not be in the vault, that's small functional regression.

data Routes3 route = Routes3
    { route31 :: route :- Vault :> "route1" :> Get '[JSON] Int
    , route32 :: route :- Vault :> "route2" :> Capture "id" Int :> Get '[JSON] Int
  deriving (Generic)

routes3 :: Routes3 AsServer
routes3 = Routes3
    { route31 = \v -> liftIO $ do
        let p = fromMaybe "?" $ V.lookup rpiKey v
        BS8.putStrLn p
        return (BS8.length p)
    , route32 = \v i -> liftIO $ do
        let p = fromMaybe "?" $ V.lookup rpiKey v
        BS8.putStrLn p
        return (succ i)

app3 :: Application
app3 = middleware $ genericServe routes3

Note: that vault can be used to pass information from middlewares to handlers and from handlers to middlewares. For example, the authentication can be done completely in the middleware, with a user information stored in the vault for handlers to use.

How to get current route?

The second part of a question, is how to get current route. Something, we can get route2/:id out? Note that handlers are anonymous, in the same sense functions are. E.g. to write recursive anonymous functions, we can use fix combinator. We can use something close to that to pass "route into itself", using Servant.API.Generics we can reduce the boilerplate too.

We start with ordinary looking Routes4 data structure.

data Routes4 route = Routes4
    { route41 :: route :- "route1" :> Get '[JSON] Int
    , route42 :: route :- "route2" :> Capture "id" Int :> Get '[JSON] Int
  deriving (Generic)

But instead of making a Routes4 AsServer value, we'll use a different mode. AsRecServer route is a handler which takes route :- api as a first argument. In this example we use HasLink', but reader is free to use other automatic interpretations, e.g. servant-client to make a proxy!

data AsRecServer route
instance GenericMode (AsRecServer route) where
    type AsRecServer route :- api = (route :- api) -> (AsServer :- api)

routes4 :: Routes4 (AsRecServer (AsLink Link))
routes4 = Routes4
    { route41 = \l -> liftIO $ do
        print l
        return 42
    , route42 = \l i -> liftIO $ do
        print (l i)
        return i

app4 :: Application
app4 = genericRecServe routes4

The usage is very simple, unfortunately the implementation is not.

Hairy bits

The implementation of genericRecServe is intimidating. The missing bit is a function genericHoist. In short, given a function which can convert modeA :- api into modeB :- api for all api, genericHoist converts routes modeA into routes modeB. Maybe this function should exist in Servant.API.Generic?

    :: ( GenericMode modeA, GenericMode modeB
       , Generic (routes modeA), Generic (routes modeB)
       , GServantHoist c api modeA modeB (Rep (routes modeA)) (Rep (routes modeB))
    => Proxy modeA -> Proxy modeB -> Proxy c -> Proxy api
    -> (forall api'. c api' => Proxy api' -> (modeA :- api') -> (modeB :- api'))
    -> routes modeA -> routes modeB
genericHoist pa pb pc api nt = to . gservantHoist pa pb pc api nt . from

genericRecServe is genericHoist precomposed with a variant of genericServe. The implementation of one-liner, given a wall of constraints.

    :: forall routes.
       ( HasServer (ToServantApi routes) '[]
       , GenericServant routes AsApi
       , GenericServant routes AsServer
       , GenericServant routes (AsRecServer (AsLink Link))
       , Server (ToServantApi routes) ~ ToServant routes AsServer
       , GServantHoist 
          (ToServantApi routes)
          (AsRecServer (AsLink Link))
          (Rep (routes (AsRecServer (AsLink Link))))
          (Rep (routes AsServer))
    => routes (AsRecServer (AsLink Link)) -> Application
    = serve (Proxy :: Proxy (ToServantApi routes)) 
    . toServant
    . genericHoist
        (Proxy :: Proxy (AsRecServer (AsLink Link)))
        (Proxy :: Proxy AsServer)
        (Proxy :: Proxy HasLink')
        (genericApi (Proxy :: Proxy routes))
        (\p f -> f $ safeLink p p)

There we us single-instance-class trick to make partially applicable HasLink.

class (IsElem api api, HasLink api) => HasLink' api
instance (IsElem api api, HasLink api) => HasLink' api

The work horse of genericHoist is gservantHoist which works on Rep of route structures. It's important to notice that c and api arguments are class arguments. This let us constraint them in instances.

class GServantHoist c api modeA modeB f g where
        :: Proxy modeA -> Proxy modeB -> Proxy c -> Proxy api
        -> (forall api'. c api' => Proxy api' -> (modeA :- api') -> (modeB :- api'))
        -> f x -> g x

Instance for M1 (metadata) and :*: (product) are straight-forward pass-through, something you would expect:

    GServantHoist c api modeA modeB f g
    GServantHoist c api modeA modeB (M1 i j f) (M1 i' j' g)
    gservantHoist pa pb pc api nt
        = M1
        . gservantHoist pa pb pc api nt
        . unM1

    ( GServantHoist c apiA modeA modeB f f'
    , GServantHoist c apiB modeA modeB g g'
    ) =>
    GServantHoist c (apiA :<|> apiB) modeA modeB (f :*: g) (f' :*: g')
    gservantHoist pa pb pc _ nt (f :*: g) =
        gservantHoist pa pb pc (Proxy :: Proxy apiA) nt f 
        gservantHoist pa pb pc (Proxy :: Proxy apiB) nt g

The implementation for the leaf K1 shows why we need c and api as class arguments: here we require c api, and "coherence" conditions, so api, modeA, modeB, x and y match.

    ( c api, (modeA :- api) ~ x, (modeB :- api) ~ y )
    => GServantHoist c api modeA modeB (K1 i x) (K1 i y)
    gservantHoist _pa _pb _pc api nt
        = K1
        . nt api
        . unK1


Using similar Generic approach, we can do various transformations on handlers. For example we can wrap ordinary routes in servant "middleware", which would put route information into vault, and that information may be used by wai Middleware to collect statistics. This way we can make an improved version of servant-ekg, as currently servant-ekg may get confused by overlapping routes.

Main for testing

main :: IO ()
main = do
    args <- getArgs
    case args of
        ("run1":_) -> run app1
        ("run2":_) -> run app2
        ("run3":_) -> run app3
        ("run4":_) -> run app4
        _ -> putStrLn "To run, pass 'run1' argument: cabal new-run cookbook-generic run"
    run app = do
        putStrLn "Starting cookbook-current-route at http://localhost:8000" 8000 app

Upvotes: 11


Reputation: 1

When you add a 'route' parameter to your handler, you could then set the parameter value via function application when you combine the handlers for your server.

Based on your example:

type ServerAPI = 
         "route01" :> Get '[JSON] Text
    :<|> "route02" :> "subroute" :> Get '[JSON] Text
    :<|> "route03" :> Get '[JSON] Text

route1and2Handler :: String -> Handler Text
route1and2Handler route = do
    -- addVisitCountForRouteToDatabaseOrSomethingOfThatSort...
    return (pack route)

route3Handler :: Handler Text
route3Handler = return "Hello, I'm route 03"

server :: Server ServerAPI
server = route1and2Handler "route01" :<|> route1and2Handler "route02" :<|> route3Handler

Alternatively, if what you are really interested in is some generic request processing for all routes, this is perhaps better achieved by applying 'middleware' between the server and the application. The middleware (usually of type Application -> Application) has access to the request. See wai-extra for examples of wai middleware.

An example of performing logging for all requests:

import Network.Wai.Middleware.RequestLogger (logStdoutDev)


app :: Application
app = serve serverAPI server

main :: IO ()
main = run 8081 $ logStdoutDev app

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 27766

I don't know how to do this automatically, but it can be done "manually" by using the safeLink function.

The idea is that, if you have an API

type ServerAPI = 
        "route01" :> Get '[HTML] Text
   :<|> "route02" :> "subroute" :> Get '[HTML] Text
   :<|> Route3

type Route3 = "route03" :> Get '[HTML] Text

You can pass to safeLink a proxy with the whole API and a proxy with the particular route, and show the resulting URI:

show (safeLink (Proxy::Proxy ServerAPI) (Proxy::Proxy Route3))

If the route has parameters, you will also have to pass the parameters taken by the handler. For example:

type ServerAPI =
   :<|> Route4

type Route4 = "route04" :> Capture "cap" Int :> Get '[JSON] Text

in ghci:

ghci> :set -XKindSignatures -XDataKinds -XTypeOperators -XTypeFamilies
ghci> :type safeLink (Proxy::Proxy ServerAPI) (Proxy::Proxy Route4)
Int -> URI

You will have to do this for each route.

Upvotes: 2

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