I'm using jQuery 1.12. I want to replace a query string parameter in my window's URL query string, or add the parameter if doesn't exist. I tried the below:
new_url = window.location.href.replace( /[\?#].*|$/, "?order_by=" + data_val )
window.location.href = new_url
but what I'm discovering is that this wipes out all previous parameters in the query string, which I don't want. If the query string is:
I would want the new query string to be:
and if the query string was:
it would become:
Upvotes: 11
Views: 26764
Reputation: 7505
You could use a jQuery plugin to do the all the heavy lifting for you. It will parse the query string, and also reconstruct the updated query string for you. Much less code to deal with.
Plugin Download Page
Github Repo
// URL: ?a=2&b=3&order_by=old_data
var order_by = $.query.get('order_by');
//=> old_data
// Conditionally modify parameter value
if (order_by) {
order_by = 'data';
// Inject modified parameter back into query string
var newUrl = $.query.set('order_by', order_by).toString();
//=> ?a=2&b=3&order_by=data
For those using Node.js, there is a package for this available in NPM.
var queryString = require('query-string');
var parsed = queryString.parse('?a=2&b=3&order_by=old_data'); //
// Conditionally modify parameter value
if (parsed.order_by) {
parsed.order_by = 'data';
// Inject modified parameter back into query string
const newQueryString = queryString.stringify(parsed);
//=> a=2&b=3&order_by=data
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 11
function myFunction() {
var str = "|acquire|2003|comparecards&ranMID=44660&ranEAID=2759285&ProspectID=516511657A844EF3A6F0C2B1E85FEFB0&ID=3000";
var res = str.split("&");
var myKey;
if (!str.includes("ranSiteID")) {
console.log("key not found ");
} else { {
console.log("my keys", key);
if (key.includes("ranSiteID")) {
console.log("my required-->key", key);
mykey = key.split("=");
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = res;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>Click the button to display the array values after the split.</p>
<button onclick="myFunction()">Try it</button>
<p id="demo"></p>
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 17936
Based on AVAVT´s answer I improved it so it takes any key, and I also fixed the missing "?" if there was no querystring
function addOrReplace(key, value) {
var stringToAdd = key+"=" + value;
if ( == "")
return window.location.href + '?'+stringToAdd;
if ('=') == -1)
return window.location.href + stringToAdd;
var newSearchString = "";
var searchParams ="&");
for (var i = 0; i < searchParams.length; i++) {
if (searchParams[i].indexOf(key+'=') > -1) {
searchParams[i] = key+"=" + value;
return window.location.href.split("?")[0] + "?" + searchParams.join("&");
window.location.href = addOrReplace('order_by', 'date_created');
if you would not want to reload the page you can use pushState Api
if (history.pushState) {
var newurl = addOrReplace('order_by', 'date_created');
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 410
something like this?
let new_url = "";
if ( &&'order_by=') != -1) {
new_url = /order_by=\w*\d*/, "order_by=" + data_val);
} else if ( {
new_url = + "&order_by=" + data_val;
} else {
new_url = + "?order_by=" + data_val;
window.location.href = new_url;
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 2855
To use Regex pattern, I prefer this one:
var oldUrl = "";
var data_val = "newORDER" ;
var r = /^(.+order_by=).+?(&|$)(.*)$/i ;
var newUrl = "";
var matches = oldUrl.match(r) ;
newUrl = oldUrl + ((oldUrl.indexOf("?")>-1)?"&":"?") + "order_by=" + data_val ;
newUrl = matches[1]+data_val+matches[2]+matches[3] ;
If no order_by
exist, matches
is null
and order_by=..
should come after ?
or &
(if other parameters exist, new one needs &
If order_by
exist, matches
has 3 items, see here
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 375
Maybe you could try tweaking the regular expression to retrieve only the values you're looking for, then add or update them in a helper function, something like this:
function paramUpdate(param) {
var url = window.location.href,
regExp = new RegExp(param.key + '=([a-z0-9\-\_]+)(?:&)?'),
existsMatch = url.match(regExp);
if (!existsMatch) {
return url + '&' + param.key + '=' + param.value
var paramToUpdate = existsMatch[0],
valueToReplace = existsMatch[1],
updatedParam = paramToUpdate.replace(valueToReplace, param.value);
return url.replace(paramToUpdate, updatedParam);
var new_url = paramUpdate({
key: 'order_by',
value: 'id'
window.location.href = new_url;
Hope it works well for your needs!
Upvotes: 1
This small function could help.
function changeSearchQueryParameter(oldParameter,newParameter,newValue) {
var parameters ="?", "").split("&").filter(function(el){ return el !== "" });
var out = "";
var count = 0;
if(oldParameter.length>0) {
if(newParameter.length>0 && (newValue.length>0 || newValue>=0)){
out += "?";
var params = [];
var vA = v.split("=");
if(vA[0]==oldParameter) {
if((newValue.length>0 || newValue>=0)) {
vA[1] = newValue;
} else {
if(count==parameters.length) {
params = params.filter(function(el){ return el !== "" });
if(params.length>1) {
out += params.join("&");
if(params.length==1) {
out += params[0];
} else {
if((newParameter.length>0) && (newValue.length>0 || newValue>=0)){
if(location.href.indexOf("?")!==-1) {
var out = "&"+newParameter+"="+newValue;
} else {
var out = "?"+newParameter+"="+newValue;
return location.href+out;
// if old query parameter is declared but does not exist in url then new parameter and value is simply added if it exists it will be replaced
// add new parameter and value in url
// if no new or old parameter are present url does not change
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 39464
A good solution ought to handle all of the following:
query parameter, optionally with whitespace before the equals sign. This can be further divided into cases where the order_by
appears at the start, middle or end of the query string.order_by
query parameter but does already have a question mark to delimit the query string.order_by
query parameter and doesn't already have a question mark to delimit the query string.The following will handle the cases above:
if (/[?&]order_by\s*=/.test(oldUrl)) {
newUrl = oldUrl.replace(/(?:([?&])order_by\s*=[^?&]*)/, "$1order_by=" + data_val);
} else if (/\?/.test(oldUrl)) {
newUrl = oldUrl + "&order_by=" + data_val;
} else {
newUrl = oldUrl + "?order_by=" + data_val;
as demonstrated below:
getNewUrl("?a=2&b=3&order_by = old_data&c=4");
function getNewUrl(oldUrl) {
var data_val = "new_data";
var newUrl;
if (/[?&]order_by\s*=/.test(oldUrl)) {
newUrl = oldUrl.replace(/(?:([?&])order_by\s*=[^?&]*)/, "$1order_by=" + data_val);
} else if (/\?/.test(oldUrl)) {
newUrl = oldUrl + "&order_by=" + data_val;
} else {
newUrl = oldUrl + "?order_by=" + data_val;
console.log(oldUrl + "\n...becomes...\n" + newUrl);
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 1865
Try this:
For reading parameters:
const data = ['', '']
const getParameters = url => {
const parameters = url.split('?')[1],
regex = /(\w+)=(\w+)/g,
obj = {}
let temp
while (temp = regex.exec(parameters)){
obj[temp[1]] = decodeURIComponent(temp[2])
return obj
for(let url of data){
For placing only this parameters:
const data = ['']
const parameters = {a:1, b:2, add: "abs"}
const setParameters = (url, parameters) => {
const keys = Object.keys(parameters)
let temp = url.split('?')[0] += '?'
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
temp += `${keys[i]}=${parameters[keys[i]]}${i == keys.length - 1 ? '' : '&'}`
return temp
for (let url of data){
console.log(setParameters(url, parameters))
And finaly for inserting (or replace while exists)
const data = ['']
const parameters = {order_by: 'abc', a: 11}
const insertParameters = (url, parameters) => {
const keys = Object.keys(parameters)
let result = url
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++){
if (result.indexOf(keys[i]) === -1) {
result += `&${keys[i]}=${encodeURIComponent(parameters[keys[i]])}`
} else {
let regex = new RegExp(`${keys[i]}=(\\w+)`)
result = result.replace(regex, `&${keys[i]}=${encodeURIComponent(parameters[keys[i]])}`)
return result
for (let url of data){
console.log(insertParameters(url, parameters))
Hope this works for you ;)
After using function just replace window.location.href
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 7143
function addOrReplaceOrderBy(newData) {
var stringToAdd = "order_by=" + newData;
if ( == "")
return window.location.href + stringToAdd;
if ('order_by=') == -1)
return window.location.href + stringToAdd;
var newSearchString = "";
var searchParams ="&");
for (var i = 0; i < searchParams.length; i++) {
if (searchParams[i].indexOf('order_by=') > -1) {
searchParams[i] = "order_by=" + newData;
return window.location.href.split("?")[0] + "?" + searchParams.join("&");
window.location.href = addOrReplaceOrderBy("new_order_by");
A little long but I think it works as intended.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 1854
You can remove parameter from query string using URLSearchParams
It is not yet supported by IE and Safari, but you can use it by adding polyfill
And for accessing or modifying query part of the URI you should use "search" property of the window.location.
Working code example:
var a = document.createElement("a")
a.href = "¶m2=val2¶m3=val3#myHashCode";
var queryParams = new URLSearchParams(
queryParams.delete("param2") = queryParams.toString();
Upvotes: 4