
Reputation: 93

Maya Python 3x - Select Edges Based On Normal Angle

I am pretty new to python and scripting/coding in general.

I am currently working on a small script that serves the purpose of selecting edges of an object in my scene, based on their angle. I have two intfields for the user to specify a min and a max value. Based on the input, I want a button to select all edges within the min/max range.
Everything works so far, except when clicking the button, the min/max input is NOT taken into account. Maya only selects all edges with the default value of 0, instead of selecting all edges in the min/max range and I can't figure out why.

From my limited knowledge, it seems the "selEdges" function is the issue. The "ab=" flag usually takes two integer values and if i define it like this: ab=(0, 30), it works, but I don't want it hard coded. I just can't get my head around how to pass the user input from the two infields to the "selEdges" function.

Here is my script:

import maya.cmds as cmds

if cmds.window('myWindow', exists=True):

cmds.window('myWindow', title='myWindow', wh=[200, 100])


minNormalAngle = cmds.intField(minValue=0, maxValue=360)
minNA = cmds.intField(minNormalAngle, query=True, value=True)

maxNormalAngle = cmds.intField(minValue=0, maxValue=360)
maxNA = cmds.intField(maxNormalAngle, query=True, value=True)

def selEdges(*pArgs):
    cmds.polySelectConstraint(m=3, a=True, w=2, ab=(minNA, maxNA))

def sofEdges(*pArgs):

cmds.button(label='select', command=selEdges)
cmds.button(label='soften', command=sofEdges)


Here is a screenshot for better understanding of the UI in maya. !(http://abload.de/image.php?img=selscriptq9kcy.jpg)


This is what i have now:

# Selection Script by David Sikorsky 
#Alpha Version 0.5 


import maya.cmds as cmds
import functools

# Close window if it already exists
if cmds.window('myWindow', exists=True):

# Create a Window
myWindow = cmds.window('myWindow', title='Selection Script', resizeToFitChildren=True)
# Column 1: How To Text
cmds.columnLayout('columnLayoutName01', adjustableColumn=True)
cmds.frameLayout('layoutFrame01', label='How To Use:', collapsable=True, collapse=False, borderVisible=False)
cmds.separator(h=1, style='none')
cmds.text('howTo', font='boldLabelFont', label='How to use:', align="center")
cmds.text('desciption', font='boldLabelFont', align="center", label='''- Select an Object in your scene.
- Specify min/max Edge Angle.
- Select all Edges In Range.
- Soften or harden or Selected Edges.''')
cmds.separator(h=1, style='none')

# Column 2: Soft/Hard Text
cmds.rowColumnLayout('columnLayoutName02', numberOfColumns=3, cw=[(1, 102),(2, 20), (3, 102)])
cmds.text(label='<-Soft->', align='center', font='boldLabelFont')
cmds.separator(h=1, style='none')
cmds.text(label='<-Hard->', align='center', font='boldLabelFont')

# Column 2: min/max Text
cmds.rowColumnLayout('columnLayoutName03', numberOfColumns=7, cw=[(1, 51), (2, 51), (3, 20), (4, 51), (5, 51)])
cmds.text(label='Min', align='left')
cmds.text(label='Max', align='right')
cmds.separator(h=1, style='none')
cmds.text(label='Min', align='left')
cmds.text(label='Max', align='right')

#Column 3: Infields
cmds.rowColumnLayout('columnLayoutName04', numberOfColumns=7, cw=[(1, 50), (2, 2), (3, 50), (4, 20), (5, 50), (6, 2), (7, 50)])

def selSoftIRFunc(*pArgs):
    minSoftNA = cmds.intField(minSoftNormalAngle, query=True, value=True)
    maxSoftNA = cmds.intField(maxSoftNormalAngle, query=True, value=True)
    cmds.polySelectConstraint(m=3, t=0x8000, a=True, w=2, sm=0, ab=(minSoftNA, maxSoftNA))
    cmds.polySelectConstraint(m=0, a=False)

minSoftNormalAngle = cmds.intField(minValue=0, maxValue=180, enterCommand=selSoftIRFunc)
cmds.separator(h=1, style='none')
maxSoftNormalAngle = cmds.intField(minValue=0, maxValue=180, enterCommand=selSoftIRFunc)
cmds.separator(h=1, style='none')

def selHardIRFunc(*pArgs):
    minHardNA = cmds.intField(minHardNormalAngle, query=True, value=True)
    maxHardNA = cmds.intField(maxHardNormalAngle, query=True, value=True)
    cmds.polySelectConstraint(m=3, t=0x8000, a=True, w=2, sm=0, ab=(minHardNA, maxHardNA))
    cmds.polySelectConstraint(m=0, a=False)

minHardNormalAngle = cmds.intField(minValue=0, maxValue=180, enterCommand=selHardIRFunc)
cmds.separator(h=1, style='none')
maxHardNormalAngle = cmds.intField(minValue=0, maxValue=180, enterCommand=selHardIRFunc)


#column 4: Buttons Layout
cmds.rowColumnLayout('columnLayoutName05', numberOfColumns=3, cw=[(1,102),(2,20),(3,102)])
for i in range(3):
    cmds.separator(h=5, style='none')

cmds.button(label='Select Edges', command=selSoftIRFunc)
cmds.separator(h=5, style='none')
cmds.button(label='Select Edges', command=selHardIRFunc)

for i in range(3):
    cmds.separator(h=5, style='none')

def softEFunc(*pArgs):

cmds.button(label='Soften Edges', command=softEFunc)
cmds.separator(h=5, style='none')

def hardenEFunc(*pArgs):

cmds.button(label='Harden Edges', command=hardenEFunc)

for i in range(3):
    cmds.separator(h=5, style='none')

def selSoftEFunc(*pArgs):
    cmds.polySelectConstraint(m=3, t=0x8000, w=2, sm=2)

cmds.button(label='Select Soft Edges', command=selSoftEFunc)
cmds.separator(h=5, style='none') 

def selHardEFunc(*pArgs):
    cmds.polySelectConstraint(m=3, t=0x8000, w=2, sm=1)

cmds.button(label='Select Hard Edges', command=selHardEFunc)

for i in range(3):
    cmds.separator(h=5, style='none')

def selInvertFunc(*pArgs):
    cmds.InvertSelection('*', tgl=True)

cmds.button(label='Invert Selection', command=selInvertFunc)
cmds.separator(h=5, style='none')

# Close Button Layout
cmds.rowColumnLayout('columnLayoutName06', numberOfColumns=3, cw=[(1,102),(2,20),(3,102)])
def closeCallback(*pArgs):
    if cmds.window('myWindow', exists=True):
for i in range(20):
    cmds.separator(h=10, style='none')
cmds.button(label='Close', command=closeCallback)

Upvotes: 2

Views: 1929

Answers (2)

Andy Jazz
Andy Jazz

Reputation: 58553

Flags a, w and ab are only available in Vertex, Edge, Face and Texture Modes. You need to use polySelectConstraint() in Edge Mode.

Here is a Python version of code you should add to your script:

cmds.polyListComponentConversion( te = 1 )
cmds.ls( sl = 1 )

Look also at MEL equivalent:

string $sel[] = `ls -sl`;

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 12218

Typically you'd want to do this with a sequence like this:

  1. convert the current selection to edges
  2. apply a polySelectConstraint to the selection to winnow it down
  3. reset the polySelect constraint so it doesn't interfere with future selections

It's a good idea to write that function so it doesn't change the selection, since it's easy to accidentally deselect things with a bad value. The minimum version would be something like this (notice how it resets the selection at the end)

def edges_by_angle(selection, min_angle, max_angle):
    '''return the edges in selection with a crossing angle between <min_angle> and <max_angle>'''
    result = []
        edges = cmds.polyListComponentConversion(selection, te=True)
        cmds.polySelectConstraint(mode =3, type = 0x8000, a = 1, ab = (min_angle,max_angle))
        result = cmds.ls(sl=True) or []
    return result

You can simplify the GUI by using an intFieldGrp instead of two intFields. It's a good idea to get in the habit of building your gui inside a function -- the code you have written above will work in the listener but will behave oddly if imported from a module file. Putting things into a function is a cheap way to control the scope of the variables so there's not difficulty in figuring out where the callback functions you need are living. Here's a very minimal example:

def selection_window():

    # callbacks
    def select_by_angle(a, b):
        old_sel = cmds.ls(sl=True, o=True) or []
        new_sel = (edges_by_angle(old_sel, a, b))
        if new_sel:

    def smooth_edges(*_):

    def harden_edges(*_):

    # gui....
    w = cmds.window(title='select by edges')
    c = cmds.columnLayout()
    ifg = cmds.intFieldGrp(label = 'angles', nf = 2, cc = select_by_angle)
    cmds.button('Soften', c= smooth_edges)
    cmds.button('Harden', c= harden_edges)

    #show the window and return it if you need it's name later...
    return w

You can keep the edges_by_angle() function separate from this because it's likely to be useful in other cases.

Upvotes: 1

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