
Reputation: 151

Formatting Table in Shiny

I am trying to format a column in a table in a Shiny app but it is rendering as decimal. Can anybody help me get the percentage formatting? Here's my code:

Shiny Server code

output$freqTopCount =  DT::renderDataTable({
  freqTopCount <- faultCodeFrequency(Data, input$brwyline)
  freqTopCount[, input$brwyline] <- percent(freqTopCount[, input$brwyline])
}, options = list(paging = FALSE, searching = FALSE)
, rownames = TRUE, caption = "Frequency")

Here's function being called

faultCodeFrequency <- function(FuncData, line) {
  FuncData <-[which(FuncData[, 15] == line),])
  # Calculate frequency of fault codes by brewery line.
  freq <-, BRWYLine,Fault_Code), n = n()), freq = n / sum(n))))
  # Format frequency to 4 decimal points.
  freq$freq <- round(freq$freq,4)
  # Put the top 5 fault code frequencies by brewery line in a data table.
  freqTop <- data.table(freq)[order(freq, decreasing = TRUE), head(.SD, 5), by="BRWYLine"]
  # Remove column n from data table.
  freqTop$n <- NULL
  # Swing freqTop table into a crosstab. Brewery Line columns, Fault Code rows.  The sum function sums each combination of BrwyLine/FaultCode in the data table.
  freqTop <- tapply(freqTop$freq,list(freqTop$Fault_Code, freqTop$BRWYLine), FUN=sum)
  # Calculate sum of frequencies.
  freqTopSum <- as.matrix(t(colSums(freqTop,na.rm=TRUE)))
  # Name sum row.
  rownames(freqTopSum) <- ('Total')
  # Add sum row to frequency matrix.
  freqTopCount <- rbind(freqTop, freqTopSum)
  result <- freqTopCount

Upvotes: 1

Views: 1182

Answers (1)


Reputation: 151

I used the percent() function in the scales package to solve this.

freqTopCount[, input$brwyline] <- scales::percent(freqTopCount[, input$brwyline])

Upvotes: 1

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