Reputation: 1433
I have a datatable in which I would like to format the column New_Membership
. The way I am doing right now is either to identify the difference between columns Modified
and Current
and use style color bar. I wanted to know if I can add a up or down arrow based on the difference between the two columns. Or if I can style the column to red or green based on the difference in values if its positive or negative.
df <- data.frame(Channel = c("A", "B","C"),
Current = c(2000, 3000, 4000),
Modified = c(2500, 3500,3000),
New_Membership = c(500, 500,-1000),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#### Module 1 renders the first table
tableMod <- function(input, output, session, modelRun,modelData,ratesData,budget){
output$x1 <- DT::renderDataTable({
modelData , selection = 'none', editable = TRUE
) %>% formatStyle(
background = styleColorBar(( modelData$Modified -modelData$Current), 'lightblue'),
backgroundSize = '100% 50%',
backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat',
backgroundPosition = 'center'
firstTableUI <- function(id) {
ns <- NS(id)
ui <- function(request) {
numericInput("budget_input", "Total Forecast", value = 2),
actionButton("opt_run", "Run") )
server <- function(input, output, session) {
callModule( tableMod,"opfun",
modelRun = reactive(input$opt_run),
modelData = df,
ratesData = rates,
budget = reactive(input$budget_input))
observeEvent(input$opt_run, {
shinyApp(ui, server, enableBookmarking = "url")
Upvotes: 2
Views: 11005
Reputation: 734
I know this question is a little bit older, but here is another R-like answer.
df %>%
mutate("New_Membership" = ifelse(New_Membership==500, "Yes", "No")) %>%
datatable() %>%
fontWeight = "bold",
color = styleEqual(c("Yes", "No"), c("green", "red")))
However, bear in mind that this approach changes the original data, meaning that when you add a download button, it'll have "Yes" and "No" in it, instead of 500 and -1000. Now your output will look like:
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 84699
Maybe something like this:
modelData <- data.frame(Channel = c("A", "B", "C"),
Current = c(2000, 3000, 4000),
Modified = c(2500, 3500, 3000),
New_Membership = c(500, 500, -1000),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
styleColorBar2 <- function (data, color1, color2)
M <- max(abs(data), na.rm = TRUE)
js <- c(
"value <= 0 ? ",
sprintf("'linear-gradient(90deg, transparent ' + (1+value/%f) * 100 + '%%, %s ' + (1+value/%f) * 100 + '%%)'",
M, color1, M),
" : ",
sprintf("'linear-gradient(90deg, transparent ' + (1-value/%f) * 100 + '%%, %s ' + (1-value/%f) * 100 + '%%)'",
M, color2, M)
modelData , selection = 'none', editable = TRUE
) %>% formatStyle(
background = styleColorBar2(modelData$New_Membership, "red", "lightblue"),
backgroundSize = '100% 50%',
backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat',
backgroundPosition = 'center'
Upvotes: 1