Reputation: 12585
I've looked around for some string manipulation routines, and am aware that I could do this in several other languages, but I'd like it in a batch file for simplicity.
I wish it to search an XML file for a tag and extract everything from there to the end of the file.
So I guess, for example in pseudo-javascript:
marketIndex = str.indexOf("<Markets>");
length = str.length;
marketString = str.substring(markeIndex, length-1);
return str;
I have a substring function in bat:
:: extracts the substring from string starting at startIndex for the specified length
SET string=%2%
SET startIndex=%3%
SET length=%4%
if "%4" == "0" goto :noLength
CALL SET _substring=%%string:~%startIndex%,%length%%%
goto :substringResult
CALL SET _substring=%%string:~%startIndex%%%
set "%~1=%_substring%"
and a length of a string function:
::returns the length of the string specified in %2 and stores it in %1
set #=%2%
set length=0
if defined # (set #=%#:~1%&set /A length += 1&goto stringLengthLoop)
::echo the string is %length% characters long!
set "%~1=%length%"
so I guess I'm missing an indexOf() function in bat...
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1398
Reputation: 354416
rem indexof result haystack needle
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion enableextensions
set result=
set "haystack=%~2"
call :strlength length %3
call :strlength haylength %2
set /a max=haylength-length
for /l %%i in (0,1,%max%) do (
if "!haystack:~%%i,%length%!"=="%~3" (set result=%%i&goto indexofDone)
set result=-1
endlocal && set %~1=%result%
goto :eof
Also available in my SVN. Note that I altered the definition of strLength
to fix some bugs:
setlocal enableextensions
set "#=%~2"
set length=0
if defined # (set "#=%#:~1%"&set /A length+=1&goto stringLengthLoop)
endlocal && set "%~1=%length%"
Note further, that all this will not help you at all as parsing XML with batch files is not something you should do.
Upvotes: 3