Reputation: 521
This is the query I am currently using to generate my SQL string, which is currently getting the correct information.
Dim colArray As Variant: colArray = Array(7,9,6,8,10,11,15,25)
sWIR.[F" & Join(colArray, "], sWIR.[F") & "], sCodes.[F7]
FROM [" & SourceWIR & "] sWIR INNER JOIN [" & SourceCODES & "] AS sCodes ON sWIR.[F5] = sCodes.[F6]
WHERE sWIR.[F1] =""" & Address & """
ORDER BY sCodes.[F7], sWIR.[F7];"
What I need it to include is if the data in columns 7, 9, 6 are equal then sum column 10
Below is the full code, I am using for the ADODB Connection
Dim szConnect As String, szSQL As String
Dim SourceFileName As String: SourceFileName = Left(wb.Name, Len(wb.Name) - 5)
Dim SourceFile As String: SourceFile = wb.FullName
Dim rsCon As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rsData As New ADODB.Recordset
szConnect = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" & "Data Source=" & SourceFile & ";" & "Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0;HDR=No"";"
rsCon.Open szConnect
Dim LastRow As Long: LastRow = wb.WIR.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Dim LastCol As Long: LastCol = wb.WIR.Cells(1, wb.WIR.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
Dim SourceWIR As String: SourceWIR = wb.WIR.Name & "$"
Dim SourceCODES As String: SourceCODES = wb.CODES.Name & "$"
Dim colArray As Variant: colArray = Array(7,9,6,8,10,11,15,25)
szSQL = "SELECT sWIR.[F" & Join(colArray, "], sWIR.[F") & "], sCodes.[F7]FROM [" & SourceWIR & "] sWIR INNER JOIN [" & SourceCODES & "] AS sCodes ON sWIR.[F5] = sCodes.[F6] " & _
"WHERE sWIR.[F1] =""" & Address & """ ORDER BY sCodes.[F7], sWIR.[F7];"
rsData.Open szSQL, rsCon, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
wb.Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A25").CopyFromRecordset rsData
Below is an image of what the data looks like now, and how the data should look when matches are found.
With help from Parfait, who provided me with the correct string.
After spending hours googling and testing I was able to get the correct string to exclude zero values.
main.[wF7], main.[F9], main.[F6], Max(main.[F8]) As maxF8,
Sum(main.[F10]) As sumF10, Max(main.[F11]) As maxF11,
Max(main.[F15]) As maxF15, Max(main.[F25]) As maxF25,
Max(main.[sF7]) As maxsF7
sWIR.[F7] As wF7, sWIR.[F9], sWIR.[F6], sWIR.[F8], sWIR.[F10],
sWIR.[F11], sWIR.[F15], sWIR.[F25], sCodes.[F7] As sF7
[Works Instruction Record$] AS sWIR
[Codes$] AS sCodes
sWIR.[F5] = sCodes.[F6]
sWIR.[F1] ="1 Foney Road") AS main
main.[wF7], main.[F9], main.[F6]
Sum(main.[F10]) = 0
Max(main.[sF7]), main.[wF7];
I found that when using a group by, I needed to use a having clause with the same sum statement used within the select.
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Views: 2644
Reputation: 107652
As mentioned, consider an aggregate query grouped by first three columns, F7, F9, F6, summing F10 and taking the max of all other non-grouped columns. Max/Min works on strings and numbers.
Notice your original query embedded as a derived table with aggregate on outside. Below is the SQL version to be incorporated into your VBA string. Do not use Join()
due to GROUP BY
SELECT main.[wF7], main.[F9], main.[F6], Max(main.[F8]) As maxF8,
Sum(main.[F10]) As sumF10, Max(main.[F11]) As maxF11,
Max(main.[F15]) As maxF15, Max(main.[F25]) As maxF25, Max(main.[sF7]) As maxsF7
(SELECT sWIR.[F7] As wF7, sWIR.[F9], sWIR.[F6], sWIR.[F8], sWIR.[F10],
sWIR.[F11], sWIR.[F15], sWIR.[F25], sCodes.[F7] As sF7
FROM [" & SourceWIR & "] AS sWIR
INNER JOIN [" & SourceCODES & "] AS sCodes
ON sWIR.[F5] = sCodes.[F6]
WHERE sWIR.[F1] ='" & Address & "') AS main
GROUP BY main.[wF7], main.[F9], main.[F6]
ORDER BY Max(main.[sF7]), main.[wF7]
Upvotes: 1