Reputation: 55
I have the following data in excel:
| name | count | net | CD |
| c1 | 125 | 12500 | D |
| c2 | 55 | 3500 | C |
| c3 | 80 | 2599 | C |
| c4 | 30 | 1500 | D |
| DGPS | 45 | 1000 | D |
| | | | |
| PART | 51 | 1560 | C |
| DGPS | 20 | 1990 | D |
| c2 | 25 | 1325 | C |
| | | | |
| c3 | 15 | 4500 | C |
| c1 | 25 | 6300 | D |
| | | | |
I don't need the rows which start with DGPS,PART or is null.So I have to remove them. Then I need to perform sum and group by. First I need to convert net to -net if CD = D. Then try to get name,sum(count),sum(net) group by name. Then finally perform a check on if sum(net) > 0 then CD=C and if sum(net)<0 then CD=D.
I could use the following query in sql:
select name,sum(count),to_char(ABS(ROUND(sum(net),2))),CASE when sum(net) > 0 then 'C' when sum(net) < 0 then 'D' when sum(net) = 0 then '0' END AS CD
(SELECT name,count,CASE WHEN CD = 'C' THEN to_char(ROUND(net,2)) ELSE to_char(ROUND(-net,2)) END AS net
FROM tb1
group by name order by upper(name);
But I am not allowed to use external DB or lib, so cannot use sql-adodb. But I am hopeful that since this is a simple sum and group by ,we can achieve it by only vba without using sql.
| name | count | net | CD |
| c1 | 150 | 18800 | D |
| c2 | 80 | 4825 | C |
| c3 | 95 | 7099 | C |
| c4 | 30 | 1500 | D |
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1623
Reputation: 54807
in ThisWorkbook
i.e. the workbook that contains this code.Const
) section.CSV
have to set cEnableCSV
to True
and change cCsv
to the name of
the open CSV
file including the extension e.g. "Sum
, check out my post CSV
Nightmare.Option Explicit
Sub MagicSort()
' Note: Do not remove the first comma, because it will include "" into
' the array.
Const cExceptions As String = ",DGPS,PART" ' Exception List
Const cSheet As String = "Sheet1" ' Source Worksheet Name
Const cTarget As String = "Result" ' Target Worksheet Name
Const cCols As String = "A:D" ' Source Columns Range Address
Const cHeaders As Long = 1 ' Source Header Row Number
Const cFcell As String = "A1" ' Target First Cell Address
Const cCsv As String = "Sum Group.csv" ' Source CSV Name
Const cEnableCSV As Boolean = False ' CSV Enabler, True: enable CSV.
Dim wsT As Worksheet ' Target Worksheet
Dim rng As Range ' Init Last Used Cell Range,
' Init Range
Dim dict As Object ' Source Dictionary
Dim key As Variant ' Dictionary Key
Dim vntI As Variant ' Init Array
Dim vntE As Variant ' Exception Array
Dim vntS As Variant ' Source Array
Dim NorI As Long ' Init Number of Rows
Dim Noe As Long ' Number of Exceptions - 1 (0-based array)
Dim NorS As Long ' Source Number of Rows
Dim NorT As Long ' Target Number of Rows
Dim Noc As Long ' (Init/Source) Number of Columns
Dim i As Long ' Init Row Counter
Dim j As Long ' Column Counter
Dim k As Long ' Source Row Counter
Dim m As Long ' Exception Element Counter
Dim currV As Variant ' Current Value (in 1st, 2nd Column)
' Task: Copy all data sorted to Init Array.
With ThisWorkbook
' Delete Target Worksheet if it exists.
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
' Check value of CSVEnabler.
If cEnableCSV Then
' Create a copy of Source CSV as Target Worksheet.
Windows(cCsv).ActiveSheet.Copy After:=.Worksheets(.Sheets.Count)
' Create a copy of Source Worksheet as Target Worksheet.
.Worksheets(cSheet).Copy After:=.Worksheets(.Sheets.Count)
End If
' Create a reference to Target Worksheet.
Set wsT = ActiveSheet
' Rename Target Worksheet.
wsT.Name = cTarget
End With
' In Target Worksheet
With wsT.Columns(cCols)
' Calculate and create a reference to Source Last Used Cell Range.
Set rng = .Resize(, 1).Find("*", , xlFormulas, , , xlPrevious)
' Calculate and create a reference to Init Range.
Set rng = .Rows(cHeaders).Resize(rng.Row - cHeaders + 1)
' Sort Init Range.
rng.Sort Key1:=Range("A2"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlYes
End With
' Write number of rows in Init Range to Init Number of Rows.
NorI = rng.Rows.Count
' Write number of columns in Init Range to Number of Columns.
Noc = rng.Columns.Count
' Copy Init Range to Init Array.
vntI = rng
' Task: Count Source Number of Rows.
' Write Exception List to Exception Array.
vntE = Split(cExceptions, ",")
' Write number of elements in Exception Array to Number of Exceptions - 1.
Noe = UBound(vntE)
' Loop through rows in 1st column of Init Array.
For i = 1 To NorI
' Write current element of Init Array to Current Value.
currV = Trim(vntI(i, 1))
' Loop through elements of Exception Array.
For m = 0 To Noe
' Check if value of current element in Init Array is different
' than value of current element in Exception Array.
If currV = vntE(m) Then Exit For
' Check if match was not found.
If m = Noe + 1 Then
' Count Source Row.
k = k + 1
End If
' Write current value of Source Row Counter to Source Number of Rows.
NorS = k
' Task: Write 'cleaned' data to Source Array.
' Resize Source Array to Source Number of Rows by Number of Columns.
ReDim vntS(1 To NorS, 1 To Noc)
' Reset Source Row Counter
k = 0
' Loop through rows of Init Array.
For i = 1 To NorI
' Write current element of Init Array to Current Value.
currV = Trim(vntI(i, 1))
' Loop through elements of Exception Array.
For m = 0 To Noe
' Check if value of current element in Init Array is different
' than value of current element in Exception Array.
If currV = vntE(m) Then Exit For
' Check if match was not found.
If m = Noe + 1 Then
' Count Source Row.
k = k + 1
' Loop through columns (of Init/Source Array).
For j = 1 To Noc
' Write current value from Init Array to current element
' of Source Array.
vntS(k, j) = vntI(i, j)
End If
' Erase not needed arrays.
Erase vntI
Erase vntE
' Task: Perform calculations and write to Target Array.
For k = 1 To NorS
If Trim(vntS(k, 4)) = "D" Then vntS(k, 3) = -vntS(k, 3)
' Create a reference to Source Dictionary.
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
' Loop through elements (rows) of Source Array.
For k = 2 To NorS
' Write element in current row (i) in 2nd column of Source Array (vntS)
' to Current Value.
currV = vntS(k, 2)
' Check if Current Value (CurV) is NOT a number.
If Not IsNumeric(currV) Then
' Assign 0 to Current Value.
currV = 0
End If
' Add current element (row) in Source Array (vntS) and Current Value
' to the Dictionary. If the key to be added is new (not existing),
' the new key and the item will be added. But if the key exists, then
' the existing item will be increased by the value of the new item.
' This could be called "The Dictionary SumIf Feature".
dict(vntS(k, 1)) = dict(vntS(k, 1)) + currV
' Write Number of keys in Source Dictionary + 1 for Headers to Target
' Number of Rows.
NorT = dict.Count + 1 ' + 1 for headers.
' Resize Target Array to Target Number of Rows and Number of Columns.
ReDim vntT(1 To NorT, 1 To Noc)
' Write Headers from Source to Target Array's first row.
For j = 1 To Noc
vntT(1, j) = vntS(1, j)
' Reset Dictionary (Row) Counter.
i = 1
For Each key In dict.Keys
' Count Dictionary Key.
i = i + 1
' Write Dictionary Key to 1st column Target Array.
vntT(i, 1) = key
' Write Dictionary Value to 2nd column Target Array.
vntT(i, 2) = dict(key)
' Clear Source Dictionary.
' Loop through elements (rows) of Source Array.
For k = 2 To NorS
' Write element in current row (i) in 2nd column of Source Array (vntS)
' to Current Value.
currV = vntS(k, 3)
' Check if Current Value (CurV) is NOT a number.
If Not IsNumeric(currV) Then
' Assign 0 to Current Value.
currV = 0
End If
' Add current element (row) in Source Array (vntS) and Current Value
' to the Dictionary. If the key to be added is new (not existing),
' the new key and the item will be added. But if the key exists, then
' the existing item will be increased by the value of the new item.
' This could be called "The Dictionary SumIf Feature".
dict(vntS(k, 1)) = dict(vntS(k, 1)) + currV
' Erase not needed arrays.
Erase vntS
' Reset Dictionary (Row) Counter.
i = 1
For Each key In dict.Keys
' Count Dictionary Key.
i = i + 1
' Write Dictionary Key to 1st column Target Array.
vntT(i, 1) = key
' Write Dictionary Value to 2nd column Target Array.
vntT(i, 3) = dict(key)
' Clear Source Dictionary.
' Calculate 3rd and 4th column.
For k = 2 To NorT
If vntT(k, 3) > 0 Then
vntT(k, 4) = "C"
vntT(k, 4) = "D"
vntT(k, 3) = -vntT(k, 3)
End If
' For j = 1 To Noc
' For i = 1 To NorT
' Debug.Print vntT(i, j)
' Next
' Next
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(cTarget)
Set rng = .Range(cFcell).Resize(NorT, Noc)
End With
rng.Value = vntT
' Apply Formatting
With rng
' Apply formatting to whole Target Range.
' ' Apply formatting to Headers only:
' With .Rows(1)
' End With
' ' Apply formatting to Body (Data) only:
' With .Rows(1).Offset(1).Resize(Rows.Count - 1)
' End With
End With
End Sub
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 107652
Consider using SQL if using Excel for Windows. Below shows connection strings with driver using ODBC and provider using OLEDB. However, your current SQL which looks to be Oracle dialect must be translated to the Jet/ACE SQL dialect (very engine of MS Access). Also, below assumes your data maintains headers and begins in top leftmost cell at A1 and blank worksheet named RESULTS for query output.
SQL (used in VBA string further below, adjust SheetName in FROM
SELECT agg.[name],
agg.sum_count AS [count],
agg.sum_net AS [net],
IIF(sub.sum_net > 0, 'C',
IIF(sub.sum_net < 0, 'D', '0')
) AS [CD]
(SELECT s.[name],
SUM(s.[count]) AS sum_count,
SUM(IIF(CD = 'C', ROUND(net,2), ROUND(net,2) * -1)) AS sum_net
FROM [SheetName$] s
WHERE INSTR(s.[name], 'DGPS') = 0 OR INSTR(s.[name], 'PART') = 0
GROUP BY s.[name]
) AS agg
ORDER BY UCASE(agg.[name]);
VBA (no loops or if logic)
Sub RunSQL()
Dim conn As Object, rst As Object
Dim strConnection As String, strSQL As String
Dim LastRow As Integer
Set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set rst = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
' strConnection = "DRIVER={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb)};" _
' & "DBQ=" & ThisWorkbook.FullName & ";"
strConnection = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" _
& "Data Source='" & ThisWorkbook.FullName & "';" _
& "Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0;HDR=YES;"";"
conn.Open strConnection
strSQL = "SELECT agg.[name], " _
& " agg.sum_count AS [count], " _
& " agg.sum_net AS [net], " _
& " IIF(sub.sum_net > 0, 'C', " _
& " IIF(sub.sum_net < 0, 'D', '0') " _
& " ) AS [CD] " _
& " FROM " _
& " (SELECT s.[name], " _
& " SUM(s.[count]) AS sum_count, " _
& " SUM(IIF(CD = 'C', ROUND(net,2), ROUND(net,2) * -1)) AS sum_net " _
& " FROM [SheetName$] s " _
& " WHERE INSTR(s.[name], 'DGPS') = 0 OR INSTR(s.[name], 'PART') = 0 " _
& " GROUP BY s.[name] " _
& " ) AS agg " _
& " ORDER BY UCASE(agg.[name]);"
rst.Open strSQL, conn
Worksheets("RESULTS").Range("A2").CopyFromRecordset rst
rst.Close: conn.Close
Set rst = Nothing: Set conn = Nothing
End Sub
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 57683
Probably something like that:
Option Explicit
Public Sub SpecialSum()
Dim wsData As Worksheet
Set wsData = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("data")
Dim wsOutput As Worksheet
Set wsOutput = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("output")
Dim AllNames As Variant
AllNames = wsData.Range("A2", wsData.Cells(wsData.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp)).Value
Dim UniqueNames As Object
Set UniqueNames = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Dim iRow As Long
For iRow = 1 To UBound(AllNames, 1)
If AllNames(iRow, 1) <> "DGPS" And AllNames(iRow, 1) <> "PART" And AllNames(iRow, 1) <> "" Then
If Not UniqueNames.Exists(AllNames(iRow, 1)) Then
UniqueNames.Add AllNames(iRow, 1), 1
End If
End If
Next iRow
ReDim AllNames(1 To UniqueNames.Count, 1 To 1) As String
iRow = 1
Dim Key As Variant
For Each Key In UniqueNames.Keys
AllNames(iRow, 1) = Key
iRow = iRow + 1
Next Key
wsOutput.Rows(1).Value = wsData.Rows(1).Value
wsOutput.Range("A2").Resize(RowSize:=UniqueNames.Count).Value = AllNames
wsOutput.Range("B2").Resize(RowSize:=UniqueNames.Count).Formula = "=SUMIF('" & wsData.Name & "'!A:A,'" & wsOutput.Name & "'!A:A,'" & wsData.Name & "'!B:B)"
wsOutput.Range("C2").Resize(RowSize:=UniqueNames.Count).Formula = "=ABS(SUMIFS('" & wsData.Name & "'!C:C,'" & wsData.Name & "'!A:A,""=""&A2,'" & wsData.Name & "'!D:D,""=C"")-SUMIFS(data!C:C,'" & wsData.Name & "'!A:A,""=""&A2,'" & wsData.Name & "'!D:D,""=D""))"
wsOutput.Range("D2").Resize(RowSize:=UniqueNames.Count).Formula = "=IF(SUMIFS('" & wsData.Name & "'!C:C,'" & wsData.Name & "'!A:A,""=""&A2,'" & wsData.Name & "'!D:D,""=C"")-SUMIFS(data!C:C,'" & wsData.Name & "'!A:A,""=""&A2,'" & wsData.Name & "'!D:D,""=D"")<0,""D"", ""C"")"
End Sub
Upvotes: 2