Reputation: 83
I am trying to include checkboxes in a shiny app supposed to draw graphics. My problem seems simple but I have not been able to solve it by myself, despite the multiple CheckboxGroupInput questions here on StackOverflow or the R help tool...
So, I have a scientific study including 8 essays (named 1 to 8) and 5 control essays (named PC1 to PC5). I would like my app to ask through checkboxes which essays you want to look at, and to draw them in the same graphic. Please note I already have a dropdown menu asking which two variables you wish to see (in 2 graphics), and this is working like a charm.
Here is a simplified version of my ui:
ui <- dashboardPage(
dropdownMenu(type = "notifications",
text = "Verifier les points centraux",
icon = icon("exclamation-triangle"),
status = "warning"
menuItem("Suivi par Variable", tabName = "SuiviVariable", icon =
# Suivi par Variable tab content
tabItem(tabName = "SuiviVariable",
h2("Graphique de Suivi pour Chaque Variable d'Intérêt"),
box(title = "Choisir deux variables à comparer", status =
selectInput("Variable1", label = "Variable 1",
choices = list_variables,
selected = list_variables[1]),
selectInput("Variable2", label = "Variable 2",
choices = list_variables,
selected = list_variables[1]),
checkboxGroupInput("Essais", "Essais à afficher :",c(1:8,"PC1", "PC2", "PC3", "PC4", "PC5")),
plotOutput("plot5", height = 600),
plotOutput("plot6", height = 600)
The ui part seems okay, as the checkboxes appear correctly.
Here is the server part:
server<-function(input, output){
output$plot5 <- renderPlot({
a<- as.vector(input$Essais)
dataTest <-[a,])
ggplot(data=dataTest, aes(x= N_ByEssai,y=dataTest[,input$Variable1], group= Nom, colour=Nom))+
xlab("Duree de l'Essai")+
output$plot6 <- renderPlot({
dataTest <-[input$Essais,])
ggplot(data=dataTest, aes(x= N_ByEssai,y=dataTest[,input$Variable2],group= Nom, colour=Nom))+
xlab("Duree de l'Essai")+
There you can see I have tried to use input$Essais, in vain. I have read that CheckboxGroupOutput returns a character vector and I felt it may have been my problem, so I tried to trick it around with as.vector but it doesn't change the result: Depending on which boxes are checked, I get an empty graphic or a graphic with the legend PC1/NA and one only line at values I don't recognize (?!).
Do you know why I can't just use TrameTest[input$Essais,] to be my x values? Is it because it is not a vector? Do you have simple (I am not very good with R yet) examples of CheckboxGroupInput I could use as reference?
Thanks in advance for your time and ideas
Upvotes: 4
Views: 1704
Reputation: 108623
Your problem isn't Shiny but a misunderstanding of the selection.
checks whether it finds rownames that correspond to input$Essais
, and selects those rows. But from your code and your own answer it's clear that you want those rows where input$Essais
appears in the second column. That's something completely different, starting with the fact that rownames have to be unique whereas your new code allows for multiple occurences of input$Essais
That said, using subset()
inside functions is adviced against in ?subset
This is a convenience function intended for use interactively. For programming it is better to use the standard subsetting functions like [, and in particular the non-standard evaluation of argument subset can have unanticipated consequences.
So to have optimal code, do:
output$plot5 <- renderPlot({
id <- TrameTest[, 2] %in% input$Essais
dataTest <- TrameTest[ id , ]
ggplot(data=dataTest, aes(x= N_ByEssai,y=dataTest[,input$Variable1], group = Nom, colour=Nom))+
xlab("Duree de l'Essai")+
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 83
I have found something that works ! In the server part, I start by subsetting my dataframe (TrameTest), keeping only the lines with names corresponding to input$Essais. Then the plot is easy, working with my subsetted dataframe (dataTest).
output$plot5 <- renderPlot({
dataTest<-subset(TrameTest, TrameTest[,2] %in% input$Essais)
ggplot(data=dataTest, aes(x= N_ByEssai,y=dataTest[,input$Variable1], group = Nom, colour=Nom))+
xlab("Duree de l'Essai")+
Upvotes: 1