Reputation: 259
My requirement is to access the mobile camera in iOS and android using the mobile browser.
Using Ionic PWA app can I access mobile camera in iOS and android device browsers? Looking for PWA solution using Cordova (not native solution).
Upvotes: 25
Views: 41208
Reputation: 548
Accessing the camera via Cordova (and more specifically ionic since you tagged the ionic-framework in your question) is a matter of installing the plugin, whether you're using ionic or not. There are several camera plugins but the one recommended by ionic can be found here:
For example to add the plugin to your ionic project, simply run:
ionic Cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-camera
You would use it like this in your component's .ts file (for example):
import { Camera, CameraOptions } from '@ionic-native/camera'; constructor(private camera: Camera) { } ... const options: CameraOptions = { quality: 100, destinationType:, encodingType:, mediaType: } => { // imageData is either a base64 encoded string or a file URI // If it's base64: let base64Image = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + imageData; }, (err) => { // Handle error });
The above implementation was taken from here, where more details can also be found:
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Reputation: 141
It will run on Android and Ios platform with PWA and on a browser file
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { Plugins, CameraResultType, Capacitor, FilesystemDirectory,
CameraPhoto, CameraSource } from '@capacitor/core';
const { Camera, Filesystem, Storage } = Plugins;
selector: 'app-home',
templateUrl: '',
styleUrls: [''],
export class HomePage {
constructor() {}
async capturedImage(){
const image = await Camera.getPhoto({
resultType: CameraResultType.DataUrl,
source: CameraSource.Camera,
quality: 90
<ion-button expand="full" (click)="capturedImage()"> Captured Image</ion-button>
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Reputation: 126
The solution given above only make selection of file resticted to i mages category only. But we want to access camera or audio device here of browser. So, to rescue this challege here come api from browser("browsers are powerfull now yeah").
Here <media_type>
is type of media you want to access like
You can set it as {audio: true/false}
and {video:true/false}
But error "NotFoundError" will be returned if media not found.
Here is eg; :>
if('mediaDevices' in navigator && 'getUserMedia' in navigator.mediaDevices){ const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({video: true}) }
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 343
You can open video devices in the web browser...
<video id="cameraPlayer"></video>
// find the video devices (font/back cameras etc)
navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices().then(function (devices) {
devices.forEach(function (device) {
if (device.kind === 'videoinput') {
// attach camera output to video tag
video: { deviceId: { exact: cameraDeviceIds[currentCameraIndex] } }
}).then(function (stream) {
document.getElementById("cameraPlayer").srcObject = stream
If you just want an image you can use an input
<input type="file" accept="image/*" id="inputPhoto" class="hidden" capture="environment" />
// trigger capture
// event handler for change
function onInputPhotoChange() {
if (document.getElementById('inputPhoto').files.length === 0) {
var reader = new window.FileReader()
reader.onloadend = function (event) {
// image data
// note you may need to rotate using EXIF data on a canvas
// Read the file into memory as dataurl
var blob = document.getElementById('inputPhoto').files[0]
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 1934
In addition to the above answers, you will have to add this in your index.html file, for the camera to work on PWA
<script nomodule="" src="[email protected]/dist/ionicpwaelements/ionicpwaelements.js"></script>
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 2787
If you want to use the camera in an Ionic PWA app, you can use Capacitor:
I implemented the camera feature and it works 100%:
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 1141
While working on a PWA. I came across the need to access a mobile device's camera/images.(a native app was out of the question). After doing some research I came across this little nugget.
<input type="file" accept="image/*" capture="camera" />
By adding the accept and capture attributes I was able to access my phone's camera and images. I should also point out that you don't need to do anything special with your Server side (Node or PHP). It acts just like a standard file upload input in a browser.
Upvotes: 48