Reputation: 2216
I got a hash:
%hash = (
Honda.Blue => '10',
Honda.Red => '10',
Honda.Yellow => '60',
Ford.Blue => '20',
Ford.Red => '25',
Ford.Yellow => '26',
Toyota.Blue => '17',
Toyota.Red => '16',
Toyota.Yellow => '18',
Need to convert this hash into a csv file with the following headers (make,blue_volume,red_volume,yellow_volume) and fill it with data
loop over %hash
@array = split('.',$key);
$line = "$make,$hash{'$make.Blue'},$hash{'$make.Red'},$hash{'$make.Yellow'}";
foreach (@lines)
open (LOG, '>>summary.csv');
print LOG "$_";
close (LOG);
Need help figuring out this code.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 6758
Reputation: 25137
A solution with List::MoreUtils.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use 5.012;
use List::MoreUtils qw/first_index/;
use Text::CSV;
my $file_out = 'my_new_file.csv';
my %hash = (
'Honda.Blue' => '10',
'Honda.Red' => '10',
'Honda.Yellow' => '60',
'Ford.Blue' => '20',
'Ford.Red' => '25',
'Ford.Yellow' => '26',
'Toyota.Blue' => '17',
'Toyota.Red' => '16',
'Toyota.Yellow' => '18',
my @brands = qw( Honda Ford Toyota );
my @colors = qw( Blue Red Yellow );
my @array;
for my $key ( keys %hash ) {
my( $brand, $color ) = split /\./, $key, 2;
my $idx_1 = first_index { $_ eq $brand } @brands;
my $idx_2 = first_index { $_ eq $color } @colors;
$array[$idx_1][0] = $brand;
$array[$idx_1][$idx_2+1] = $hash{$key};
my $csv = Text::CSV->new ( { binary => 1, eol => $/, auto_diag => 2 } )
or die Text::CSV->error_diag();
my $col_names = [ qw( Make blue_volume red_volume yellow_volume ) ];
open my $fh, '>:encoding(UTF-8)', $file_out or die $!;
$csv->print ( $fh, $col_names );
$csv->print ( $fh, $_ ) for @array;
close $fh;
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 2216
For those interested I was able to figure it out, thanks for everyone's help!
my %hash;
$hash{''} = 'domainRegistered';
$hash{''} = 'domainRegistered';
$hash{''} = 'domainRegistered';
$hash{''} = 'domainRegistered';
$hash{''} = 'domainRegistered';
$hash{''} = 'domainRegistered';
$hash{''} = 'domainRegistered';
$hash{''} = 'domainRegistered';
$hash{''} = 'domainRegistered';
$hash{''} = 'domainRegistered';
foreach $key (sort keys %hash)
push (@names, $array[0]);
#Extract unique values and sort
my %seen = ();
my @result = grep { !$seen{$_}++ } @names;
@names = sort { $a <=> $b } @result;
foreach $element (@names)
foreach $key (sort keys %hash)
if (@array [0] eq $element){push (@values, $hash{$key});}
$values = join(",",@values);
$line = "$element,$values";
undef @values;
print join("\n",@lines);
open (summary, '>>summary.csv');
print summary join("\n",@lines);
close (summary);
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 4555
Check out Text::CSV::Slurp. It will allow you to turn a hash into CSV and vice versa as well.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 754910
First step:
use strict;
Bareword "Honda" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at line 4.
That is not an approved way of creating the hash. I suggest:
use strict;
use warnings;
my %hash = (
Honda => { Blue => '10', Red => '10', Yellow => '60' },
Ford => { Blue => '20', Red => '25', Yellow => '26' },
Toyota => { Blue => '17', Red => '16', Yellow => '18' },
Then, you should probably use Text::CSV. However, it is not all that hard to do output with simple manipulation. We can exploit the fact that you've asked for blue, red, yellow which happen to be in alphabetic order:
print "make,blue_volume, red_volume,yellow_volume\n";
foreach my $make (sort keys %hash)
print "$make";
foreach my $colour (sort keys %{$hash{$make}})
print ",$hash{$make}{$colour}";
print "\n";
For the sample hash, the output is:
make,blue_volume, red_volume,yellow_volume
If there was any risk of needing to use quotes or anything else, I'd use Text::CSV.
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 98423
If you iterate over the hash and make a line for each key, you will have each make repeated three times; instead, create another hash with all the makes by looping over %hash, extracting the make, and setting $makes{$make} = 1. Then loop over that to produce your lines.
When you extract the make from the %hash key, use /\./
as the split pattern; split always uses a pattern, not a simple string (with one odd exception), and you don't want to split on every character, which is what split '.' would do (thanks, codaddict, for pointing this part out).
uses single quotes, so it won't interpolate the variable. Use "$make.Blue"
Move the open and close to before and after the @lines loop, respectively. There's no reason to open the file for each line.
Don't forget a "\n" at the end of each line (unless you are using the -l flag or say instead of print).
Upvotes: 1