Reputation: 23
I am trying to define a formula for multinomial logistic regression , it should take the input from drop down list upto maximum 6 Independent variables. ( SelectInput , Multiple = TRUE) in R Shiny. Not able to figure out how to resolve this ..
Here are sample code... Formula
Multiformula <- reactive ({
MultiModel <- reactive({
multinom(Multiformula(), data = filtered())
Above code works for single variable, however for more than one independent variables the approach may be different. I tried the below but no luck
indvar6 <- reactive({
Redefined the formula... but it didn't work
Multiformula <- reactive ({as.formula(paste(input$outcome,'~'indvar6())})
Any guidance will be highly appreciated...thanks
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1388
Reputation: 887501
We could try
fmnom <- function(data = NULL, depVar, indepVar) {
ui <- fluidPage(
headerPanel("Multinomial analysis"),
p("Select inputs for the Dependent Variable"),
selectInput(inputId = "dep", label = "Dependent Variables", multiple = FALSE,
choices = as.list(depVar)),
p("Select input for the Independent Variable"),
selectInput(inputId = "indep", label = "Independent Variables",
multiple = TRUE, choices = as.list(indepVar), selected = indepVar[1])
verbatimTextOutput(outputId = "RegOut"),
verbatimTextOutput(outputId = "IndPrint"),
verbatimTextOutput(outputId = "DepPrint")
server <- function(input, output) {
mlt <- reactive(
{multinom(reformulate(input$indep, input$dep), data = data)})
output$DepPrint <- renderPrint({input$dep})
output$IndPrint <- renderPrint({input$indep})
output$RegOut <- renderPrint({summary(mlt())})
shinyApp(ui= ui, server = server)
ml <- read.dta("")
-run shiny
fmnom(ml, depVar = c("prog", "schtyp"), indepVar = c("ses", "read", "write") )
-output single independent variable
-output multiple independent variables
Upvotes: 3