Reputation: 59
I'm tryiing to run this query in Postgresql. I get the results I want, but I'm trying to limit the results to a value in a column. However, it doesn't let me access the column:
select count(event), event, u.userid, u.campaign_id,
rank() over (partition by u.campaign_id order by count(event) desc) as THISHERE
from events e join users u on u.userid = e.userid
where THISHERE=1
group by event, 3 , 4
order by 1 desc
limit 20;
ERROR: column "thishere" does not exist
Upvotes: 0
Views: 39
Reputation: 1271003
You need to use a subquery:
select eu.*
from (select count(event), event, u.userid, u.campaign_id,
rank() over (partition by u.campaign_id order by count(event) desc) as THISHERE
from events e join
users u
on u.userid = e.userid
group by event, 3 , 4
) eu
where THISHERE = 1
order by 1 desc
limit 20;
I think you can also do what you want using distinct on
select distinct on (campaign_id) count(event), event, u.userid, u.campaign_id,
rank() over (partition by u.campaign_id order by count(event) desc) as THISHERE
from events e join
users u
on u.userid = e.userid
group by event, 3 , 4
order by campaign_id, count(event) desc
fetch first 20 rows only;
Upvotes: 1