Reputation: 3660
I'm trying to create a functionnality in Xamarin Forms that allow the application to change [1..N] colors to [1..N] of an images.
Change all blue & purple pixels to yellow & orange pixels
After some investigation, It seems that I need to create a custom CIColorKernel to achieve it.
The problem is that is very difficult to find examples and the documentation is light.
If someone have a tutorial or a basic example to start...
I implemented the soutioion of @SushiHangover and I Call it in the second method of the code sample :
private IImageSourceHandler GetHandler(ImageSource source)
IImageSourceHandler returnValue = null;
if (source is UriImageSource)
returnValue = new ImageLoaderSourceHandler();
else if (source is FileImageSource)
returnValue = new FileImageSourceHandler();
else if (source is StreamImageSource)
returnValue = new StreamImagesourceHandler();
return returnValue;
public async Task<ImageSource> ChangeImageColor(ImageSource source, string oldColor, string newColor)
var handler = GetHandler(source);
var uiImage = (UIImage)null;
uiImage = await handler.LoadImageAsync(source);
UIImage uiImageOutput = null;
using (var context = new EAGLContext(EAGLRenderingAPI.OpenGLES3))
using (var filter = new ColorReplaceFilter
InputImage = new CIImage(uiImage),
MatchColor = CIColor.FromRgb(200, 200, 200),
ReplaceWithColor = CIColor.RedColor,
Threshold = 1f // Exact match, values >0 & <=1 to make a fuzzy match
uiImageOutput = UIImage.FromImage(filter.OutputImage);
return Xamarin.Forms.ImageSource.FromStream(() => uiImageOutput.AsPNG().AsStream()); ;
This two methods are in a class named BitmapHelper
that is called in Xamarin Forms project with Dependecy Injection.
var bitmap = DependencyService.Get<IBitmapHelper>().ChangeImageColor(AmbiancePicture.Source, oldColor, newColor);
AmbiancePicture.Source = bitmap.Result;
The result contains as expected the new Image but AmbiancePicture.Source
but is not updated.
Here the image I try to change :
EDIT 2 :
If I set the AmbiancePicture.Source to null before the update, The image stay empty. The image seems to not be empty ( I see some correct properties in the stream ).
So after the error comes from the UIImage creation and convertion.
This is the working code :
using (var context = new EAGLContext(EAGLRenderingAPI.OpenGLES3))
using (var filter = new ColorReplaceFilter
InputImage = new CIImage(uiImage),
MatchColor = CIColor.FromString(oldColor),
ReplaceWithColor = CIColor.FromString(newColor),
Threshold = 1f // Exact match, values >0 & <=1 to make a fuzzy match
var output = context.CreateCGImage(filter.OutputImage, filter.OutputImage.Extent); // This line is slow...
var img = UIImage.FromImage(output);
jpegData = img.AsJPEG(1.0f);
return Xamarin.Forms.ImageSource.FromStream(() => jpegData.AsStream());
Upvotes: 1
Views: 551
Reputation: 74209
Change all blue & purple pixels to yellow & orange pixels
Lets break that down into two distinct steps:
This means we need just one CIFilter
that changes a single color to another color and we can chain two (or more) of those filter together to change as many colors as needed.
In terms of a custom CIFilter
, if we are changing only the color, we can use a CIColorKernel
to process this on a GPU or a CPU vector unit (the OS will determine which one based on availability and kernel features requested). CIKernel
subclasses use a modified version of GLSL
(OpenGL Shading Language) as the language in a kernel (this code gets compiled at runtime as each device might have a different CPU and/or GPU).
So we need a CIColorKernel
function that accepts the source "color" in RGA8 format as a vec4
, a vec4
that represents the color to match, another vec4
to represent the color to change to if the source vec4
matches. Also we can supply a threshold that provides how "close" the original color needs to be (like chroma-keying). Taking all that and writing some GLSL, we get:
kernel vec4 main(__sample s, __color o, __color r, float threshold) {
vec4 diff = s.rgba - o;
float distance = length( diff );
float alpha = compare( distance - threshold, 0.0, 1.0 );
if (alpha == 0.0)
return r;
return s;
Now we need a CIFilter
subclass to create/compile that kernel and provide the Core Image inputs and outputs to that kernel:
public class ColorReplaceFilter : CIFilter
const string filterName = "colorReplace";
const int numArgs = 4;
const string coreImageShaderProgram =
kernel vec4 main(__sample s, __color o, __color r, float threshold) {
vec4 diff = s.rgba - o;
float distance = length( diff );
float alpha = compare( distance - threshold, 0.0, 1.0 );
if (alpha == 0.0)
return r;
return s;
NSObject[] arguments;
CIColorKernel colorKernel;
public ColorReplaceFilter() { Initializer(); }
public ColorReplaceFilter(NSCoder coder) : base(coder) { Initializer(); }
public ColorReplaceFilter(NSObjectFlag t) : base(t) { Initializer(); }
public ColorReplaceFilter(IntPtr handle) : base(handle) { Initializer(); }
public CIImage InputImage { get; set; }
public CIColor MatchColor { get; set; }
public CIColor ReplaceWithColor { get; set; }
NSNumber _threshold;
public nfloat Threshold
get { return _threshold.NFloatValue; }
set { _threshold = NSNumber.FromNFloat(value); }
void Initializer()
arguments = new NSObject[numArgs];
colorKernel = CIColorKernel.FromProgramSingle(coreImageShaderProgram);
MatchColor = CIColor.WhiteColor;
ReplaceWithColor = CIColor.WhiteColor;
_threshold = new NSNumber(0.2f);
public override string Name
get => filterName;
public override CIImage OutputImage
get => CreateOutputImage();
CIImage CreateOutputImage()
if (InputImage != null) // Avoid object creation to allow fast filter chaining
arguments[0] = InputImage as NSObject;
arguments[1] = MatchColor as NSObject;
arguments[2] = ReplaceWithColor as NSObject;
arguments[3] = _threshold as NSObject;
var ciImage = colorKernel.ApplyWithExtent(InputImage.Extent, arguments);
return ciImage;
return null;
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
arguments = null;
InputImage = null;
MatchColor = null;
ReplaceWithColor = null;
A simple CIContext
var uiImageInput = inputVIew.Image;
UIImage uiImageOutput;
using (var context = CIContext.Create())
using (var filter = new ColorReplaceFilter
InputImage = new CIImage(uiImageInput),
MatchColor = CIColor.BlueColor,
ReplaceWithColor = CIColor.RedColor,
Threshold = 0.0f // Exact match, values >0 & <=1 to make a fuzzy match
uiImageOutput = UIImage.FromImage(filter.OutputImage);
// Do something with your new uiImageOutput
Note: There are EAGLContext
based contexts also if you have special needs for real-time image/video processing.
Note: As creating a context has overhead, you do not need the CIContext
if you are rendering that CIImage
directly to a UIImage holder that already has a context. A UIImageView
would have a context since it is displaying an image on the screen, so remove the context creation and create/assign the CIImage
backed UIImage
directly to the UIImageView
aUIImageViewObject.Image = UIImage.FromImage(replaceFilter.OutputImage);
In chaining filters, you take the CIImage
output of one filter and apply that as the CIImage
input to the next filter.
var uiImageInput = inputVIew.Image;
UIImage uiImageOutput;
using (var context = CIContext.Create())
using (var filter1 = new ColorReplaceFilter
InputImage = new CIImage(uiImageInput),
MatchColor = CIColor.BlueColor,
ReplaceWithColor = CIColor.RedColor,
Threshold = 0
using (var filter2 = new ColorReplaceFilter
InputImage = filter1.OutputImage,
MatchColor = CIColor.WhiteColor,
ReplaceWithColor = CIColor.BlackColor,
Threshold = 0
uiImageOutput = UIImage.FromImage(filter2.OutputImage);
// Do something with your new UIImage
As Apple puts it, a CIImage object is a “recipe” for producing an image
and since we do not "render" a UIImage|CGImage until the end of the chain above, this chained filter rendering happens in one pass as we are only passing CIImage
s through the chain.
Note: If you are processing a number of images with different color replacements, create the CIFilters once and keep changing the CIImage input and replacement colors to process each image reusing the filters. When you are done remember to dispose the CIFilter(s). This way the GLSL kernel only has to be compiled once per filter for an unlimited number of input/output images.
Here is an example where the input colors of the filters are being changed. The filters are created and maintained a class level objects of the UIViewController and disposed of when the view controller is closed.
Another example using the threshold to interactively replace "blue" pixels with red.
Re:Core Image Kernel Language Re: CIContext Re: CIColorKernel
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 26
I used filter in Xamarin.iOS and this this a small sample code:
CIContext ci = CIContext.Create();
CGImage img = <YourUIImageInstanceClass>.CGImage;
CIImage inputImage = CIImage.FromCGImage(img);
CLFGaussianBlur blurFilter = new CLFGaussianBlur();
NSMutableDictionary inputParameters = new NSMutableDictionary ();
NSNumber num = new NSNumber(<radius>);
inputParameters.SetValueForKey(num, new NSString("inputRadius"));
outputImage = inputImage.CreateByFiltering("CIGaussianBlur", inputParameters);
This is made for blurring a image but i think is the same procedure for other filters
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