Reputation: 67
I've written a program that successfully shows a simple limit cycle for the Duffing equation. However, I now need to plot the Poincaré section for this case.
I need to do this by taking snapshots of the Phase-Space diagram at regular time intervals, such that t*omega = 2*pi*n
. As I have omega set to 1 for this case, this is just when t = 2*pi*n
. I've attempted this, but am not getting the Poincaré section I expect.
Here's my code:
program rungekutta
implicit none
integer, parameter :: dp = selected_real_kind(15,300)
integer :: i, n
real(kind=dp) z, y, t, A, C, D, B, omega, h
open(unit=100, file="rungekutta.dat",status='replace')
n = 0
omega = 1.0_dp
A = 0.25_dp
B = 1.0_dp
C = 0.1_dp
D = 1.0_dp
y = 0.0_dp
z = 0.0_dp
t = 0.0_dp
do i=1,1000
call rk2(z, y, t, n)
n = n + 1.0_dp
write(100,*) y, z
end do
subroutine rk2(z, y, t, n) !subroutine to implement runge-kutta algorithm
implicit none
integer, parameter :: dp = selected_real_kind(15,300)
integer, intent(inout) :: n
real(kind=dp) :: k1y, k1z, k2y, k2z, y, z, t, pi
pi = 4.0*ATAN(1.0)
h = 0.1_dp
t = n*2*pi
k1y = dydt(y,z,t)*h
k1z = dzdt(y,z,t)*h
k2z = dzdt(y + (0.5_dp*k1y), z + (0.5_dp*k1z), t + (0.5_dp*h))*h
k2y = dydt(y, z +(0.5_dp*k1z), t)*h
y = y + k2y
z = z + k2z
end subroutine
!2nd order ODE split into 2 for coupled Runge-Kutta, useful to define 2
function dzdt(y,z,t)
real(kind=dp) :: y, z, t, dzdt
dzdt = -A*y**3.0_dp + B*y - C*z + D*sin(omega*t)
end function
function dydt(y,z,t)
real(kind=dp) :: z, dydt, y, t
dydt = z
end function
end program
I have also attached an image of what my Poincaré section looks like:
This is y on the x axis vs dydt.
And an image of what I'd expect:
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Views: 2682
Reputation: 25992
In your rk2
routine you perform one step of step length 0.1
. Thus the plot is the full trajectory of the solution at that resolution. However the intend seems to be to integrate over a full period length. This would require a loop in that routine.
In other words, what you want is the plot of (y(n*T), z(n*T))
where T
is one of the periods of the system, per your code T=2*p
. What you actually compute is (y(n*h), z(n*h))
where h=0.1
is the step size of a single step of RK2.
Also the arguments of k2y
need to be corrected as per the comment of user5713492
With a corrected integrator you should get something like the following picture:
where the red squares are the points at t=n*2*pi
. The indicated step size by the dots on the solution curve is the same h=0.1
, the integration is over t=0..300
def RK2(f,u,times,subdiv = 1):
uout = np.zeros((len(times),)+u.shape)
uout[0] = u;
for k in range(len(times)-1):
t = times[k]
h = (times[k+1]-times[k])/subdiv
for j in range(subdiv):
k1 = f(u,t)*h
k2 = f(u+0.5*k1, t+0.5*h)*h
u, t = u+k2, t+h
return uout
def plotphase(A,B,C,D):
def derivs(u,t): y,z = u; return np.array([ z, -A*y**3 + B*y - C*z + D*np.sin(t) ])
u0 = np.array([0.0, 0.0])
t = np.arange(0,300,2*np.pi/N);
u = RK2(derivs, u0, t, subdiv = 10)
plt.plot(u[:-2*N,0],u[:-2*N,1],'.--y', u[-2*N:,0],u[-2*N:,1], '.-b', lw=0.5, ms=2);
plt.plot(u[::N,0],u[::N,1],'rs', ms=4); plt.grid();
plotphase(0.25, 1.0, 0.1, 1.0)
Upvotes: 1