Reputation: 41

How to calculate the angle of ellipse Gaussian distribution

I make following Python Code to calculate center and size of Gaussian-like distribution basis of moment method. But, I can't make the code to calculate the angle of gaussian.

Please look at pictures.

First Picture is original data.

enter image description here

Second picture is reconstruct data from the result of moment method.

enter image description here

But, second picture is insufficient reconstruction. Because, original data is inclined distribution. I have to, I think, calculate the angle of axis for Gaussian-like distribution.

To assume that the original distribution is sufficiently Gaussian-like distribution.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import json, glob
import sys, time, os
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
from linecache import getline, clearcache
from scipy.integrate import simps
from scipy.constants import *

def integrate_simps (mesh, func):
    nx, ny = func.shape
    px, py = mesh[0][int(nx/2), :], mesh[1][:, int(ny/2)]
    val = simps( simps(func, px), py )
    return val

def normalize_integrate (mesh, func):
    return func / integrate_simps (mesh, func)

def moment (mesh, func, index):
    ix, iy = index[0], index[1]
    g_func = normalize_integrate (mesh, func)
    fxy = g_func * mesh[0]**ix * mesh[1]**iy
    val = integrate_simps (mesh, fxy)
    return val

def moment_seq (mesh, func, num):
    seq = np.empty ([num, num])
    for ix in range (num):
        for iy in range (num):
            seq[ix, iy] = moment (mesh, func, [ix, iy])
    return seq

def get_centroid (mesh, func):
    dx = moment (mesh, func, (1, 0))
    dy = moment (mesh, func, (0, 1))
    return dx, dy

def get_weight (mesh, func, dxy):
    g_mesh = [mesh[0]-dxy[0], mesh[1]-dxy[1]]
    lx = moment (g_mesh, func, (2, 0))
    ly = moment (g_mesh, func, (0, 2))
    return np.sqrt(lx), np.sqrt(ly)

def plot_contour_sub (mesh, func, loc=[0, 0], title="name", pngfile="./name"):
    sx, sy = loc
    nx, ny = func.shape
    xs, ys = mesh[0][0, 0], mesh[1][0, 0]
    dx, dy = mesh[0][0, 1] - mesh[0][0, 0], mesh[1][1, 0] - mesh[1][0, 0]
    mx, my = int ( (sy-ys)/dy ), int ( (sx-xs)/dx )
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
    ax_x = divider.append_axes("bottom", 1.0, pad=0.5, sharex=ax)
    ax_x.plot (mesh[0][mx, :], func[mx, :])
    ax_x.set_title ("y = {:.2f}".format(sy))
    ax_y = divider.append_axes("right" , 1.0, pad=0.5, sharey=ax)
    ax_y.plot (func[:, my], mesh[1][:, my])
    ax_y.set_title ("x = {:.2f}".format(sx))
    im = ax.contourf (*mesh, func, cmap="jet")
    ax.set_title (title)
    plt.colorbar (im, ax=ax, shrink=0.9)
    plt.savefig(pngfile + ".png")

def make_gauss (mesh, sxy, rxy, rot):
    x, y = mesh[0] - sxy[0], mesh[1] - sxy[1]
    px = x * np.cos(rot) - y * np.sin(rot)
    py = y * np.cos(rot) + x * np.sin(rot)
    fx = np.exp (-0.5 * (px/rxy[0])**2)
    fy = np.exp (-0.5 * (py/rxy[1])**2)
    return fx * fy

if __name__ == "__main__":
    argvs = sys.argv  
    argc = len(argvs)
    print (argvs)

    nx, ny = 500, 500
    lx, ly = 200, 150
    rx, ry = 40, 25
    sx, sy = 50, 10
    rot    = 30

    px = np.linspace (-1, 1, nx) * lx
    py = np.linspace (-1, 1, ny) * ly
    mesh = np.meshgrid (px, py)
    fxy0 = make_gauss (mesh, [sx, sy], [rx, ry], np.deg2rad(rot)) * 10
    s0xy = get_centroid (mesh, fxy0)
    w0xy = get_weight (mesh, fxy0, s0xy)

    fxy1 = make_gauss (mesh, s0xy, w0xy, np.deg2rad(0))
    s1xy = get_centroid (mesh, fxy1)
    w1xy = get_weight (mesh, fxy1, s1xy)

    print ([sx, sy], s0xy, s1xy)
    print ([rx, ry], w0xy, w1xy)

    plot_contour_sub (mesh, fxy0, loc=s0xy, title="Original", pngfile="./fxy0")
    plot_contour_sub (mesh, fxy1, loc=s1xy, title="Reconst" , pngfile="./fxy1")

Upvotes: 1

Views: 3047

Answers (1)



As Paul Panzer said, the flaw of your approach is that you look for "weight" and "angle" instead of covariance matrix. The covariance matrix fits perfectly in your approach: just compute one more moment, mixed xy.

The function get_weight should be replaced with

def get_covariance (mesh, func, dxy):
    g_mesh = [mesh[0]-dxy[0], mesh[1]-dxy[1]]
    Mxx = moment (g_mesh, func, (2, 0))
    Myy = moment (g_mesh, func, (0, 2))
    Mxy = moment (g_mesh, func, (1, 1))
    return np.array([[Mxx, Mxy], [Mxy, Myy]])

Add one more import,

from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal

for reconstruction purpose. Still using your make_gauss function to create the original PDF, this is how it now gets reconstructed:

s0xy = get_centroid (mesh, fxy0)
w0xy = get_covariance (mesh, fxy0, s0xy)
fxy1 = multivariate_normal.pdf(np.stack(mesh, -1), mean=s0xy, cov=w0xy)

That's it; reconstruction works fine now.

enter image description here

Units on the color bar are not the same, because your make_gauss formula does not normalize the PDF.

Upvotes: 2

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