Reputation: 117
im currently having a problem with the padding when decrypting a utf8 encoded string.
string length is not a multiple of 16, i use PKCS7 paddingmode
of course i do use the
whats happing is, after decrypting, the stream wont hold the last block. but when is use no paddingmode only while decrypting, the last block is there(with paddingbytes)
i have no clue whats wrong ;)
heres a bit code( im sry :D)
Dim rawPlaintext As Byte() = utf8.GetBytes(text) aes.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7 Using ms As New MemoryStream() Using cs As New CryptoStream(ms, aes.CreateEncryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Write) cs.Write(rawPlaintext, 0, rawPlaintext.Length) cs.FlushFinalBlock() ms.Position = 0 End Using Return ms End Using
aes.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7 Using ms As New MemoryStream() Using cs As New CryptoStream(ms, aes.CreateDecryptor(key, iv),
ciphertext.CopyTo(cs) ciphertext.Close() ms.Position = 0 End Using Return ms End Using
hope u guys can help ;)
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1163
Reputation: 8071
I can see two problems with your code: The first is probably minor: I don’t think it is a good practice to pass around a disposed MemoryStream – do not return the MemoryStream, return only the contained array (use ms.ToArray()).
The second is worse: you do not need to call cs.FlushFinalBlock() explicitly, it is called automatically on Dispose (when leaving the Using block of the CryptoStream). However, in the second case you do not call it, and you reset position of the output stream while the decrypting CryptoStream has not finished yet. It means that only after changing the stream position, the CryptoStream gets to flushing the final block. You can work around that by adding cs.FlushFinalBlock() before ms.Position = 0 in the decryption code.
But, IMHO just remove the stream seek completely (possibly with FlushFinalBlock in the encryption code), and you should be fine, too.
Upvotes: 2