Reputation: 125
I have a dataframe which have few columns like email_address(String), paid(integer) and date(datetime type)
I'm running a UDF as mentioned below:
from pyspark.sql.functions import udf, col
def conv(column):
a = None
if column:
a= datetime.strptime(str(column),'%Y-%m-%d').strftime(date_format)
print("Inside Try")
a = column
print("Inside except")
return a
conv_func = udf(conv)
df_new =*(conv_func(col(c)).alias(c) for c in date_df.columns))
So in df_new I'm expecting email_address(String), paid(integer) and date(string) with changed format from YYYY-MM-DD to MM/DD/YYYY .
The problem is UDF does converts the format but also changes the datatype of paid column to string from integer which I didn't anticipated for.
I wonder how to avoid that using this UDF.
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Views: 3703
Reputation: 5880
To change the format of date columns, you can use date_format from pyspark sql functions. I created example data and tested,
>>> for pyspark.sql import functions as F
>>> l=[('2018-01-22','id1',123,'2018-01-21'),('2018-01-22','id2',234,'2018-01-21'),('2018-01-22','id3',345,'2018-01-21'),('2018-01-22','id2',456,'2018-01-21')]
>>> df = spark.createDataFrame(l,['date1','id','value','date2'])
>>> df ='date'),'id','value',df.date2.cast('date'))
>>> df.printSchema()
|-- date1: date (nullable = true)
|-- id: string (nullable = true)
|-- value: long (nullable = true)
|-- date2: date (nullable = true)
| date1| id|value| date2|
|2018-01-22|id1| 123|2018-01-21|
|2018-01-22|id2| 234|2018-01-21|
|2018-01-22|id3| 345|2018-01-21|
|2018-01-22|id2| 456|2018-01-21|
>>> dcols,cols = [],[]
>>> for x in df.schema.fields:
... if repr(x.dataType) == 'DateType':
... dcols.append(
... else:
... cols.append(
>>> dcols
['date1', 'date2']
>>> cols
['id', 'value']
>>>[F.date_format(c,'MM/dd/yyy').alias('%s'%c) for c in dcols]+cols).show()
| date1| date2| id|value|
|01/22/2018|01/21/2018|id1| 123|
|01/22/2018|01/21/2018|id2| 234|
|01/22/2018|01/21/2018|id3| 345|
|01/22/2018|01/21/2018|id2| 456|
## If you still want to use UDF
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> def conv(column):
... date_format='%m/%d/%Y'
... a = datetime.strptime(str(column),'%Y-%m-%d').strftime(date_format)
... return a
>>> conv_func = F.udf(conv)
>>>[conv_func(F.col(x)).alias('%s'%x) for x in dcols]+cols).show()
| date1| date2| id|value|
|01/22/2018|01/21/2018|id1| 123|
|01/22/2018|01/21/2018|id2| 234|
|01/22/2018|01/21/2018|id3| 345|
|01/22/2018|01/21/2018|id2| 456|
Hope this helps.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 43544
Here is one way to do this in the way you are trying.
Use a function to test if a column is a date and only apply your conversion on those.
from pyspark.sql.functions import udf, col
from pyspark.sql.types import BooleanType
def conv(column):
a = datetime.strptime(str(column),'%Y-%m-%d').strftime(date_format)
return a
def is_date(column):
return True
return False
conv_func = udf(conv)
date_udf = udf(is_date, BooleanType())
df_new =
*(conv_func(col(c)).alias(c) if date_udf(col(c)) else col(c) for c in date_df.columns)
I haven't tested this (pseudo)code (It would have helped if you have provided an MCVE), but I think something like this approach should work.
Upvotes: 1