
Reputation: 689

dataflow HDF5 loading pipeline errors

Any help will be greatly appreciated!!!

I an using dataflow to process H5 (HDF5 format) file.

For that, I have created a setup.py file that is based on juliaset example that was reference in one of the other tickets. my only change there is the list of packages to install:


The pipeline is the following:

import numpy as np
import h5py
import pandas as pd
import argparse
import logging
import re
import apache_beam as beam
from apache_beam.io import ReadFromText
from apache_beam.io import WriteToText
from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import PipelineOptions
from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import SetupOptions

class ReadGcsBlobs(beam.DoFn):
    def process(self, element, *args, **kwargs):
        from apache_beam.io.gcp import gcsio
        gcs = gcsio.GcsIO()
        yield (element, gcs.open(element).read())

class H5Preprocess(beam.DoFn):
    def process(self, element):
        logging.info('**********starting to read H5')
        h5py.File(element, 'r')
        logging.info('**********finished reading H5')
        expression = hdf['/data/']['expression']
        logging.info('**********finished reading the expression node')
        np_expression = expression[1:2,1:2]
        logging.info('**********subset the expression to numpy 2x2')
        yield (element, np_expression)

def run(argv=None):
    pipeline_options = PipelineOptions(argv)
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="read from h5 blog and write to file")
    #parser.add_argument('--input',help='Input for the pipeline', default='gs://archs4/human_matrix.h5')
    #parser.add_argument('--output',help='output for the pipeline',default='gs://archs4/output.txt')
    #known_args, pipeline_args = parser.parse_known_args(argv)
    logging.info('**********finish with the parser')

    # what does the args is relevant for? when the parameters are known_args.input and known_args.output
    #with beam.Pipeline(options=PipelineOptions(argv=pipeline_args)) as p:
    with beam.Pipeline(options=pipeline_options) as p:
                | 'Initialize' >> beam.Create(['gs://archs4/human_matrix.h5']) 
                | 'Read-blobs' >> beam.ParDo(ReadGcsBlobs()) 
                | 'pre-process' >> beam.ParDo(H5Preprocess()) 
                | 'write' >> beam.io.WriteToText('gs://archs4/outputData.txt')

if __name__ == '__main__':

the execution command is the following:

python beam_try1.py --job-name beam-try1 --project orielresearch-188115 --runner DataflowRunner --setup_file ./setup.py --temp_location=gs://archs4/tmp --staging_location gs://archs4/staging 

and the pipeline Error is the following:

(5a4c72cfc5507714): Workflow failed. Causes: (3bde8bf810c652b2): S04:Initialize/Read+Read-blobs+pre-process+write/Write/WriteImpl/WriteBundles/WriteBundles+write/Write/WriteImpl/Pair+write/Write/WriteImpl/WindowInto(WindowIntoFn)+write/Write/WriteImpl/GroupByKey/Reify+write/Write/WriteImpl/GroupByKey/Write failed., (7b4a7abb1a692d12): A work item was attempted 4 times without success. Each time the worker eventually lost contact with the service. The work item was attempted on: 

Could you please advice what need to be fixed?

Thanks, eilalan

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Views: 530

Answers (1)

Mete Atamel
Mete Atamel

Reputation: 831

did you try to run a subset of the data in the local runner? That might give you more info on what's going wrong.

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