Reputation: 41012
I am trying to use MDAnalysis (MDAnalysis.__version__ == 0.17.0
) API functions principal_axes()
and moment_of_inertia()
to calculate
these matrices for a group of selected atoms as described in the doc:
import MDAnalysis
from MDAnalysis.tests.datafiles import PSF, DCD
import numpy as np
u = MDAnalysis.Universe(PSF, DCD)
CA = u.select_atoms("protein and name CA")
I = np.matrix(CA.moment_of_inertia())
U = np.matrix(CA.principal_axes())
print("center of mass", CA.center_of_mass())
print("moment of inertia", I)
print("principal axes", U)
print("Lambda = U'IU", np.transpose(U)*I*U)
The output:
center of mass [ 0.06873595 -0.04605918 -0.24643682]
moment of inertia [[ 393842.2070687 -963.01376005 -6050.68541811]
[ -963.01376005 474434.9289629 -3902.61617054]
[ -6050.68541811 -3902.61617054 520207.91703069]]
principal axes [[-0.04680878 -0.08278738 0.99546732]
[ 0.01813292 -0.9964659 -0.08201778]
[-0.99873927 -0.01421157 -0.04814453]]
Lambda = U'IU [[ 519493.24344558 -4093.3268841 11620.96444297]
[ -4093.3268841 473608.1536763 7491.56715845]
[ 11620.96444297 7491.56715845 395383.6559404 ]]
This looks wrong, one of the reason is that U'IU
isn't diagonal as mentioned in the doc:
Maybe I need to align the protein to the center of mass to calculate the moment of inertia with respect to that.
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Views: 1697
Reputation: 41012
The thing is that in the documentation they say U'IU
, but U is the transpose of the return value from CA.principal_axes()
(see the source code):
# Sort
indices = np.argsort(e_val)[::-1]
# Return transposed in more logical form. See Issue 33.
return e_vec[:, indices].T
Matlab to confirm:
>> I=[ 393842.2070687 -963.01376005 -6050.68541811 ; -963.01376005 474434.9289629 -3902.61617054; -6050.68541811 -3902.61617054 520207.91703069];
>> U=[-0.04680878 -0.08278738 0.99546732; 0.01813292 -0.9964659 -0.08201778;-0.99873927 -0.01421157 -0.04814453];
>> U*I*U'
ans =
1.0e+05 *
5.2082 0.0000 -0.0000
0.0000 4.7413 -0.0000
-0.0000 -0.0000 3.9354
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 3269
The docs in the tutorial on AtomGroup.principal_axes() are in principle correct but it is confusing that the return value of AtomGroup.principal_axes()
is not the matrix U
but its transpose, U.T
The AtomGroup.principal_axes()
method returns an array [p1, p2, p3]
where the principal axes p1
, p2
, p3
are arrays of length 3; this layout as row vectors was chosen for convenience (so that one can extract the vectors with p1, p2, p3 = ag.principal_axes()
). To form a matrix U
where the principal axes are the column vectors as in the usual treatment of the principal axes one has to transpose. For example:
import MDAnalysis
from MDAnalysis.tests.datafiles import PSF, DCD
import numpy as np
u = MDAnalysis.Universe(PSF, DCD)
CA = u.select_atoms("protein and name CA")
I = CA.moment_of_inertia()
UT = CA.principal_axes()
# transpose the row-vector layout UT = [p1, p2, p3]
U = UT.T
# test that U diagonalizes I
Lambda =
# check that it is diagonal (to machine precision)
print(np.allclose(Lambda - np.diag(np.diagonal(Lambda)), 0))
The matrix Lambda
should be diagonal (the last print
should show True
[[ 5.20816990e+05 -6.56706349e-10 -2.83491351e-12]
[-6.62283524e-10 4.74131234e+05 -2.06979926e-11]
[-6.56687024e-12 -2.07159142e-11 3.93536829e+05]]
Finally, if you want to calculate "by hand":
values, evecs = np.linalg.eigh(I)
indices = np.argsort(values)
U = evecs[:, indices]
This gives U
with the principal axes as column vectors.
Upvotes: 1