Reputation: 45
I have the following data frame (called mydata_tsample
cusip_id trd_exctn_dt trd_exctn_tm price contra_party_type **refPrice**
BUHADU 01.04.2016 01:10:50 101.00 C 102.10
BUHADU 01.04.2016 02:10:50 101.50 C 102.10
BUHADU 01.04.2016 08:10:50 102.10 D 102.10
BUHADU 01.04.2016 09:10:50 102.10 C 102.10
BUHADU 02.04.2016 07:12:50 90.50 C 90.85
BUHADU 02.04.2016 09:10:55 90.85 D 90.85
BUHADU 02.04.2016 12:11:40 90.90 C 91.00
BUHADU 02.04.2016 12:12:02 91.00 D 91.00
XDSEOI 03.04.2016 06:52:51 50.00 D 50.00
XDSEOI 03.04.2016 08:40:58 50.20 C 50.00
XDSEOI 03.04.2016 15:10:51 51.00 C 52.00
XDSEOI 03.04.2016 15:14:51 52.00 D 52.00
I'd like to generate/add a new column (called refPrice
) that is calculated using a for loop.
For each row in column RefPrice
, I'd like to extract the price with following conditions:
= Dtrd_exctn_tm
I did a code that does exactly this:
for (i in 1:nrow(mydata_tsample)){
Mtx_aftr_CUSIP=mydata_tsample[mydata_tsample$cusip_id %in% mydata_tsample[i,1],]
Mtx_aftr_CUSIP_dt=Mtx_aftr_CUSIP[Mtx_aftr_CUSIP$trd_exctn_dt %in% mydata_tsample[i,2],]
Mtx_aftr_CUSIP_dt_dealer=Mtx_aftr_CUSIP_dt[Mtx_aftr_CUSIP_dt$contra_party_type %in% "D",]
if(nrow(Mtx_aftr_CUSIP_dt_dealer)==0) {next} else
closesttime=which.min(abs(Mtx_aftr_CUSIP_dt_dealer$trd_exctn_tm - mydata_tsample[i,3]))
mydata_tsample$RefPrice[i]=Mtx_aftr_CUSIP_dt_dealer[closesttime,4] }
The problem I have is speed. I takes me a couple of hours to process 0.5Mio. lines. In total I have 5Mio. lines...
I tried with doParallel
, but I did not work out.
foreach(i=1:nrow(mydata_tsample)) %dopar% {
Mtx_aftr_CUSIP=mydata_tsample[mydata_tsample$cusip_id %in% mydata_tsample[i,1],]
Mtx_aftr_CUSIP_dt=Mtx_aftr_CUSIP[Mtx_aftr_CUSIP$trd_exctn_dt %in% mydata_tsample[i,2],]
Mtx_aftr_CUSIP_dt_dealer=Mtx_aftr_CUSIP_dt[Mtx_aftr_CUSIP_dt$contra_party_type %in% "D",]
if(nrow(Mtx_aftr_CUSIP_dt_dealer)==0) {next} else
closesttime=which.min(abs(Mtx_aftr_CUSIP_dt_dealer$trd_exctn_tm - mydata_tsample[i,3]))
Upvotes: 1
Views: 244
Reputation: 23919
Here is a really fast solution using a rolling join with data.table
which takes only a couple of ms on 500000 rows:
dt <- fread("cusip_id trd_exctn_dt trd_exctn_tm price contra_party_type
BUHADU 01.04.2016 01:10:50 101.00 C
BUHADU 01.04.2016 02:10:50 101.50 C
BUHADU 01.04.2016 08:10:50 102.10 D
BUHADU 01.04.2016 09:10:50 102.10 C
BUHADU 02.04.2016 07:12:50 90.50 C
BUHADU 02.04.2016 09:10:55 90.85 D
BUHADU 02.04.2016 12:11:40 90.90 C
BUHADU 02.04.2016 12:12:02 91.00 D
XDSEOI 03.04.2016 06:52:51 50.00 D
XDSEOI 03.04.2016 08:40:58 50.20 C
XDSEOI 03.04.2016 15:10:51 51.00 C
XDSEOI 03.04.2016 15:14:51 52.00 D
XDSEOI 03.04.2016 23:59:00 58.00 D
XDSEOI 04.04.2016 01:00:00 52.00 C
XDSEOI 04.04.2016 15:14:51 55.00 D")
# Convert trd_exctn_tm to number of seconds (or create a new column)
dt[, trd_exctn_tm := as.numeric(hms(x = trd_exctn_tm)),]
# set keys
setkey(dt, cusip_id, trd_exctn_dt, trd_exctn_tm)
# keep rollin rollin rollin...
dt[contra_party_type == "D", .(cusip_id, trd_exctn_dt, trd_exctn_tm, RefPrice=price),][dt,, roll = "nearest"]
cusip_id trd_exctn_dt trd_exctn_tm RefPrice price contra_party_type
1: BUHADU 01.04.2016 4250 102.10 101.00 C
2: BUHADU 01.04.2016 7850 102.10 101.50 C
3: BUHADU 01.04.2016 29450 102.10 102.10 D
4: BUHADU 01.04.2016 33050 102.10 102.10 C
5: BUHADU 02.04.2016 25970 90.85 90.50 C
6: BUHADU 02.04.2016 33055 90.85 90.85 D
7: BUHADU 02.04.2016 43900 91.00 90.90 C
8: BUHADU 02.04.2016 43922 91.00 91.00 D
9: XDSEOI 03.04.2016 24771 50.00 50.00 D
10: XDSEOI 03.04.2016 31258 50.00 50.20 C
11: XDSEOI 03.04.2016 54651 52.00 51.00 C
12: XDSEOI 03.04.2016 54891 52.00 52.00 D
13: XDSEOI 03.04.2016 86340 58.00 58.00 D
14: XDSEOI 04.04.2016 3600 55.00 52.00 C
15: XDSEOI 04.04.2016 54891 55.00 55.00 D
The first part of our data.table operation
dt[contra_party_type == "D", .(cusip_id, trd_exctn_dt, trd_exctn_tm, RefPrice=price),]
can be translated to
Take dt
, subset rows where contra... == "D"
, select columns cusip_id
, ..., and RefPrice
which equals price
So this data.table
looks like
cusip_id trd_exctn_dt trd_exctn_tm RefPrice
1: BUHADU 01.04.2016 08:10:50 102.10
2: BUHADU 02.04.2016 09:10:55 90.85
3: BUHADU 02.04.2016 12:12:02 91.00
4: XDSEOI 03.04.2016 06:52:51 50.00
5: XDSEOI 03.04.2016 15:14:51 52.00
6: XDSEOI 03.04.2016 23:59:00 58.00
7: XDSEOI 04.04.2016 15:14:51 55.00
Saving it as dt2
and setting the same keys with setkey(dt, cusip_id, trd_exctn_dt, trd_exctn_tm)
, we can go over to the second part of our command:
dt2[dt,, roll = "nearest"]
For the purpose of understanding change it to
and look at the result. You can see that we joined both tables by our key
columns. RefPrice
was added to dt
. But there are NA
s in RefPrice
, because these rows were not found in dt2
. To get rid of these NA
s we use roll = "nearest"
, meaning take the closest value of RefPrice
in dt2
according to trd_exctn_tm
and fill these rows.
Upvotes: 3
Here is a simple partial solution that runs in seconds, and gets the nearest previous price where contra_party_type=="D"
# generate toy data:
n <- 500000
dfr <- dplyr::tibble(
cusip_id = sample(LETTERS, n, replace = TRUE),
trd_exctn_dt = as.Date(sample(365, n, replace = TRUE),
origin = "2016-01-01"),
trd_exctn_tm = strftime(as.POSIXlt(sample(60*60*24, n, replace = TRUE),
origin = "1970-01-01"), "%H:%M:%S"),
price = round(rnorm(n, 100, 5), 2),
contra_party_type = sample(LETTERS[1:4], n, replace = TRUE)
dfr <- dfr %>%
group_by(cusip_id, trd_exctn_dt) %>%
arrange(trd_exctn_tm, .by_group = TRUE) %>%
refprice = ifelse(contra_party_type == "D", price, NA),
refprice = zoo::na.locf(refprice, na.rm = FALSE)
# A tibble: 500,000 x 6
# Groups: cusip_id, trd_exctn_dt [9,490]
cusip_id trd_exctn_dt trd_exctn_tm price contra_party_type refprice
<chr> <date> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl>
1 A 2016-01-02 00:25:47 89.6 D 89.6
2 A 2016-01-02 01:19:37 101. B 89.6
3 A 2016-01-02 01:22:34 108. B 89.6
4 A 2016-01-02 01:28:14 102. D 102.
5 A 2016-01-02 01:35:36 95.9 A 102.
6 A 2016-01-02 01:45:01 102. C 102.
To do exactly what you want, I would
Upvotes: 0