Reputation: 4219
I built a heterogeneous List in Haskell using some type level programming.
data HList a where
Singleton :: HList '[]
Cons :: h -> HList t -> HList (h ': t)
Now I would like to be able to index this list, however there are some problems with types that are making this very difficult for me. I can get the head or tail of this list very easily
head :: HList (h ': t) -> h
head (Cons a _) = a
tail :: HList (h ': t) -> HList t
tail (Cons _ b) = b
However indexing the list is very different because the type of the output depends on what index we pass. So naïvely our type would look something like:
fromIndex :: (Num a) => a -> (HList b) -> ???
However determining the ???
is rather hard. So instead of taking a Num
we are going to have to take something else. My idea (code below) was to make a new Natural
and an IndexType
class with a functional dependency which would allow us to find the type of the result just from the types of the input.
{-# Language GADTs, DataKinds, TypeOperators, FunctionalDependencies, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, UndecidableInstances #-}
data Nat = Z | S Nat
data Natural a where
Zero :: Natural 'Z
Succ :: Natural a -> Natural ('S a)
data HList a where
Singleton :: HList '[]
Cons :: h -> HList t -> HList (h ': t)
class IndexType a b c | a b -> c
instance IndexType (Natural 'Z) (HList (h ': t)) h
instance IndexType (Natural n) (HList t) a => IndexType (Natural ('S n)) (HList (h ': t)) a
fromIndex :: (IndexType (Natural n) (HList l) a) => (Natural n) -> (HList l) -> a
fromIndex (Zero) (Cons x Singleton) = x
fromIndex (Succ a) (Cons _ (xs)) = fromIndex a xs
Our IndexType
class does work. If I test just the type class
class Test a | -> a
where test :: a
instance (IndexType (Natural ('S ('S ('S 'Z)))) (HList (Int ': String ': Char ': (Int -> String) ': Int ': '[])) a) => Test a
We get the correct result:
*Main> :t test
test :: Int -> String
However ghc is unable to verify our type signature and we get the rather monolithic error:
test.hs:28:39: error:
• Could not deduce: h ~ a
from the context: n ~ 'Z
bound by a pattern with constructor: Zero :: Natural 'Z,
in an equation for ‘fromIndex’
at test.hs:28:12-15
or from: l ~ (h : t)
bound by a pattern with constructor:
Cons :: forall h (t :: [*]). h -> HList t -> HList (h : t),
in an equation for ‘fromIndex’
at test.hs:28:19-34
or from: t ~ '[]
bound by a pattern with constructor: Singleton :: HList '[],
in an equation for ‘fromIndex’
at test.hs:28:26-34
‘h’ is a rigid type variable bound by
a pattern with constructor:
Cons :: forall h (t :: [*]). h -> HList t -> HList (h : t),
in an equation for ‘fromIndex’
at test.hs:28:19-34
‘a’ is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for:
fromIndex :: forall (n :: Nat) (l :: [*]) a.
IndexType (Natural n) (HList l) a =>
Natural n -> HList l -> a
at test.hs:27:1-81
• In the expression: x
In an equation for ‘fromIndex’:
fromIndex (Zero) (Cons x Singleton) = x
• Relevant bindings include
x :: h (bound at test.hs:28:24)
fromIndex :: Natural n -> HList l -> a (bound at test.hs:28:1)
28 | fromIndex (Zero) (Cons x Singleton) = x
| ^
test.hs:29:36: error:
• Could not deduce (IndexType (Natural a1) (HList t) a)
arising from a use of ‘fromIndex’
from the context: IndexType (Natural n) (HList l) a
bound by the type signature for:
fromIndex :: forall (n :: Nat) (l :: [*]) a.
IndexType (Natural n) (HList l) a =>
Natural n -> HList l -> a
at test.hs:27:1-81
or from: n ~ 'S a1
bound by a pattern with constructor:
Succ :: forall (a :: Nat). Natural a -> Natural ('S a),
in an equation for ‘fromIndex’
at test.hs:29:12-17
or from: l ~ (h : t)
bound by a pattern with constructor:
Cons :: forall h (t :: [*]). h -> HList t -> HList (h : t),
in an equation for ‘fromIndex’
at test.hs:29:21-31
• In the expression: fromIndex a xs
In an equation for ‘fromIndex’:
fromIndex (Succ a) (Cons _ (xs)) = fromIndex a xs
29 | fromIndex (Succ a) (Cons _ (xs)) = fromIndex a xs
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Failed, no modules loaded.
Can the index function be built? Is there a way to get GHC to deduce that my type signature is correct?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 303
Reputation: 29193
I'd define the following:
-- The type of numbers n such that xs !! n = x
-- Compare to Nat
data Elem (x :: k) (xs :: [k]) where
Here :: Elem x (x : xs)
There :: Elem x xs -> Elem x (y : xs)
And then you find that HList
s are isomorphic to "indexing functions" (in the same way Vect n a
is isomorphic to Fin n -> a
) involving this type:
indexHList :: forall xs. HList xs -> (forall x. Elem x xs -> x)
indexHList (Cons x _) Here = x
indexHList (Cons _ xs) (There i) = indexHList xs i
indexHList Singleton impossible = case impossible of {}
-- unindexHList ::ish forall xs. (forall x. Elem x xs -> x) -> HList xs
-- is a bit more work (and doesn't really have that type)
-- but is conceptually the other half of the isomorphism.
xs :: HList [Int, String, HList '[]]
xs = Cons 5 $ Cons "hello" $ Cons Singleton $ Singleton
-- Here :: Elem Int (Int:_)
indexHList xs Here == 5
-- Here :: Elem String (String:_)
-- There Here :: Elem String (_:String:_)
indexHList xs (There Here) == "hello"
Compared to your class
-based technique, Elem x xs
is basically exists n. (Natural n, IndexType (Natural n) (HList xs) x)
. Being a data type that you can inspect, it is easier to manipulate than the class.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 32339
The cases of your fromIndex
have different types! They need to be inside the instances
class IndexType (n :: Nat) (xs :: [Type]) (i :: Type) | n xs -> i where
fromIndex :: Natural n -> HList xs -> i
instance IndexType Z (x ': xs) x where
fromIndex Zero (Cons x _) = x
instance IndexType n xs a => IndexType (S n) (x ': xs) a where
fromIndex (Succ n) (Cons _ xs) = fromIndex n xs
(I've shuffled around slightly the type of fromIndex :: Natural n -> HList xs -> i
. That doesn't actually change anything - your solution works just as well, albeit with more confusing error messages if you call fromIndex
in an unexpected context.)
Upvotes: 3