Reputation: 2766
How might you define a subclass of an RDF List (yes, it needs to be an RDF List) such that it reflects the restrictions on the datatypes of a method signature's parameter list?
Given a method signature:
void set(uint, string);
Where an ABox statement would look like this:
# syntax: Turtle
("42"^^xsd:unsignedInt "Doug") a :SetCallArgumentList .
# syntax: Turtle
rdfs:subClassOf a owl:Class ;
owl:intersectionOf (
a owl:Restriction ;
owl:onProperty rdf:first ;
owl:cardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
owl:allValuesFrom xsd:unsignedInt ; # 1st parameter: uint
a owl:Restriction ;
owl:onProperty rdf:rest ;
owl:cardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
owl:allValuesFrom [
a owl:Class ;
owl:intersectionOf rdf:List, [
a owl:Restriction ;
owl:onProperty rdf:first ;
owl:cardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
owl:allValuesFrom xsd:string ; # 2nd parameter: string
], [
a owl:Restriction ;
owl:onProperty rdf:rest ;
owl:cardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
owl:hasValue rdf:nil ; # end-of-list
] ;
] ;
] ;
) .
Are there any dangers, redundancies or oversights to what I've done here? Any comments are welcome.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 238
Reputation: 4787
Assume we have a class C
with a method f(p1:P1, p2:P2):R
meaning f
is a method taking parameters p1
of type P1
and p2
of type P2
returning something of type R
. The types P1
, P2
and R
can be data types or classes.
The basic idea is to introduce a class that will represent your method with its signature using reification. So we introduce a class, say Method_f
, with properties r_f
, r_f_inv
, r_p1
, r_p2
and r_R
. r_f
. r_f
is an object property with r_f_inv
its inverse. r_p1
, r_p2
and r_R
will be object properties or data properties depending on whether P1
, P2
and R
are classes or data types. I.e. if P1
is a class r_p1
will be an object property, if it is a data type, r_p1
will be a data property. Throughout I will use object properties.
(1) The class Method_f
must represent a tuple (consisting of 4 components in this case), for which we add the following axioms:
Class: Method_f
r_f_inv exactly 1 Thing and
r_p1 exactly 1 Thing and
r_p2 exactly 1 Thing and
r_R exactly 1 Thing
(2) To ensure that a method for a given instance of a class C
with given values for parameters p1
and p2
will not return different results, we add for class Method_f
the following key:
r_f_inv, r_p1, r_p2
For methods not returning anything, the key is simply omitted.
(3) To ensure the parameters and return value has the correct types, the following axioms are added:
ObjectProperty: r_p1
Domain: Method_f
Range: P1
ObjectProperty: r_p2
Domain: Method_f
Range: P2
ObjectProperty: r_R
Domain: Method_f
Range: R
(4) To ensure that instances of the class C
can invoke the method f
, we add the axiom:
Class: C
r_f some Method_f
To represent the method f
being invoked we have to:
(1) have instances of C
, P1
, P2
and R
, say c
, p1
, p2
, r
(2) have an instance of Method_f
Individual: method_f_call_1
Types: Method_f
r_f_inv c,
r_p1 p1,
r_p2 p2,
r_R r
(3) invoke it.
Individual: c
Types: C
Facts: r_f method_f_call_1
For a detailed explanation regarding this, see Chapter 5 of my dissertation.
Upvotes: 1