Reputation: 23
Given an agentset of two or more turtles, how do I find the most frequent color?
I would like to do something like that, if possible:
set my_color [mostfrequentcolor] of my_agentset
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Views: 167
Reputation: 30508
You're looking for the modes
primitive (
one-of modes [color] of my_agentset
It's "modes", plural, since there could be a tie. One way of breaking the tie is to use one-of
to make a random selection.
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Reputation: 14972
Here are two more options, both making use of the table
extensions [ table ]
to-report most-frequent-color-1 [ agentset ]
report (first first
sort-by [ [p1 p2] -> count last p1 > count last p2 ]
table:to-list table:group-agents turtles [ color ])
to-report most-frequent-color-2 [ agentset ]
report ([ color ] of one-of first
sort-by [ [a b] -> count a > count b ]
table:values table:group-agents turtles [ color ])
I'm not quite sure which one I prefer...
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 10336
With this example setup:
to setup
crt 10 [
set color one-of [ blue green red yellow ]
print most-frequent-color turtles
You can make use of a to-report
procedure to do this- details in comments:
to-report most-frequent-color [ agentset_ ]
; get all colors of the agentset of interest
let all-colors [color] of agentset_
; get only the unique values
let colors-used remove-duplicates all-colors
; use map/filter to get frequencies of each color
let freqs map [ m -> length filter [ i -> i = m ] all-colors ] colors-used
; get the position of the most frequent color (ties broken randomly)
let max-freq-pos position ( max freqs ) freqs
; use that position as an index for the colors used
let max-color item max-freq-pos colors-used
report max-color
Upvotes: 1