Reputation: 1683
There is a function getUser
in RequestManager class
that called in my VC
func getUser(onCompletion: @escaping (_ result: User?, error: String?) -> Void) {
Alamofire.request(Router.getUser).responseJSON { (response) in
// here is the work with response
If this request returns 403
it means access_token
is expired. I need to refresh token and repeat the request from my VC
Now the question.
How to refresh token and repeat the request in the right way?
To handle the error and refresh token in MyViewController
or getUser
method is not good idea because I have a lot of VCs
and request methods
I need something like: VC
calls the method and gets the User
even if token is expired and refreshToken
must not be in all request methods.
func refreshToken(onCompletion: @escaping (_ result: Bool?) -> Void) {
Alamofire.request(Router.refreshToken).responseJSON { (response) in
if response.response?.statusCode == 200 {
guard let data = else { return onCompletion(false) }
let token = try? JSONDecoder().decode(Token.self, from: data)
} else {
Upvotes: 14
Views: 19486
Reputation: 1173
You can easily Refresh token and retry your previous API call using Alamofire RequestInterceptor
import Alamofire
class NetworkManager {
static let shared: NetworkManager = {
return NetworkManager()
typealias completionHandler = ((Result<Data, CustomError>) -> Void)
var request: Alamofire.Request?
let retryLimit = 3
func request(_ url: String, method: HTTPMethod = .get, parameters: Parameters? = nil,
encoding: ParameterEncoding = URLEncoding.queryString, headers: HTTPHeaders? = nil,
interceptor: RequestInterceptor? = nil, completion: @escaping completionHandler) {
AF.request(url, method: method, parameters: parameters, encoding: encoding, headers: headers, interceptor: interceptor ?? self).validate().responseJSON { (response) in
if let data = {
} else {
RequestInterceptor.swift :-
import Alamofire
extension NetworkManager: RequestInterceptor {
func adapt(_ urlRequest: URLRequest, for session: Session, completion: @escaping (Result<URLRequest, Error>) -> Void) {
var request = urlRequest
guard let token = UserDefaultsManager.shared.getToken() else {
let bearerToken = "Bearer \(token)"
request.setValue(bearerToken, forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization")
print("\nadapted; token added to the header field is: \(bearerToken)\n")
func retry(_ request: Request, for session: Session, dueTo error: Error,
completion: @escaping (RetryResult) -> Void) {
guard let statusCode = request.response?.statusCode else {
guard request.retryCount < retryLimit else {
print("retry statusCode....\(statusCode)")
switch statusCode {
case 200...299:
case 401:
refreshToken { isSuccess in isSuccess ? completion(.retry) : completion(.doNotRetry) }
func refreshToken(completion: @escaping (_ isSuccess: Bool) -> Void) {
let params = [
"refresh_token": Helpers.getStringValueForKey(Constants.REFRESH_TOKEN)
AF.request(url, method: .post, parameters: params, encoding: JSONEncoding.default).responseJSON { response in
if let data =, let token = (try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: [])
as? [String: Any])?["access_token"] as? String {
UserDefaultsManager.shared.setToken(token: token)
print("\nRefresh token completed successfully. New token is: \(token)\n")
} else {
Alamofire v5 has a property named RequestInterceptor. RequestInterceptor has two method, one is Adapt which assign access_token to any Network call header, second one is Retry method. In Retry method we can check response status code and call refresh_token block to get new token and retry previous API again.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 179
You can create generic refresher class:
protocol IRefresher {
associatedtype RefreshTarget: IRefreshing
var target: RefreshTarget? { get }
func launch(repeats: Bool, timeInterval: TimeInterval)
func invalidate()
class Refresher<T: IRefreshing>: IRefresher {
internal weak var target: T?
private var timer: Timer?
init(target: T?) { = target
public func launch(repeats: Bool, timeInterval: TimeInterval) {
timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: timeInterval, repeats: repeats) { [weak self] (timer) in
public func invalidate() {
And the refresh target protocol:
protocol IRefreshing: class {
func refresh()
Define new typealias:
typealias RequestManagerRefresher = Refresher<RequestManager>
Now create refresher and store it:
class RequestManager {
let refresher: RequestManagerRefresher
init() {
refresher = Refresher(target: self)
refresher?.launch(repeats: true, timeInterval: 15*60)
And expand RequestManager:
extension RequestManager: IRefreshing {
func refresh() {
Every 15 minutes your RequestManager's token will be updated
Of course, you also can change the update time. Create a static var that storing update time you need. For example inside the RequestManager:
class RequestManager {
static var updateInterval: TimeInterval = 0
let refresher: RequestManagerRefresher
init() {
refresher = Refresher(target: self)
refresher?.launch(repeats: true, timeInterval: updateInterval)
So now you can ask the token provider server for token update interval and set this value to updateInterval static var:
backendTokenUpdateIntervalRequest() { interval in
RequestManager.updateInterval = interval
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 5699
To solve this, I created a class from which we will call every API, say BaseService.swift
BaseService.swift :
import Foundation
import Alamofire
import iComponents
struct AlamofireRequestModal {
var method: Alamofire.HTTPMethod
var path: String
var parameters: [String: AnyObject]?
var encoding: ParameterEncoding
var headers: [String: String]?
init() {
method = .get
path = ""
parameters = nil
encoding = JSONEncoding() as ParameterEncoding
headers = ["Content-Type": "application/json",
"X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest",
"Cache-Control": "no-cache"]
class BaseService: NSObject {
func callWebServiceAlamofire(_ alamoReq: AlamofireRequestModal, success: @escaping ((_ responseObject: AnyObject?) -> Void), failure: @escaping ((_ error: NSError?) -> Void)) {
// Create alamofire request
// "alamoReq" is overridden in services, which will create a request here
let req = Alamofire.request(alamoReq.path, method: alamoReq.method, parameters: alamoReq.parameters, encoding: alamoReq.encoding, headers: alamoReq.headers)
// Call response handler method of alamofire
req.validate(statusCode: 200..<600).responseJSON(completionHandler: { response in
let statusCode = response.response?.statusCode
switch response.result {
case .success(let data):
if statusCode == 200 {
Logs.DLog(object: "\n Success: \(response)")
success(data as AnyObject?)
} else if statusCode == 403 {
// Access token expire
self.requestForGetNewAccessToken(alaomReq: alamoReq, success: success, failure: failure)
} else {
let errorDict: [String: Any] = ((data as? NSDictionary)! as? [String: Any])!
Logs.DLog(object: "\n \(errorDict)")
failure(errorTemp as NSError?)
case .failure(let error):
Logs.DLog(object: "\n Failure: \(error.localizedDescription)")
failure(error as NSError?)
extension BaseService {
func getAccessToken() -> String {
if let accessToken = UserDefaults.standard.value(forKey: UserDefault.userAccessToken) as? String {
return "Bearer " + accessToken
} else {
return ""
func requestForGetNewAccessToken(alaomReq: AlamofireRequestModal, success: @escaping ((_ responseObject: AnyObject?) -> Void), failure: @escaping ((_ error: NSError?) -> Void) ) {
UserModal().getAccessToken(success: { (responseObj) in
if let accessToken = responseObj?.value(forKey: "accessToken") {
UserDefaults.standard.set(accessToken, forKey: UserDefault.userAccessToken)
// override existing alaomReq (updating token in header)
var request: AlamofireRequestModal = alaomReq
request.headers = ["Content-Type": "application/json",
"X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest",
"Cache-Control": "no-cache",
"X-Authorization": self.getAccessToken()]
self.callWebServiceAlamofire(request, success: success, failure: failure)
}, failure: { (_) in
self.requestForGetNewAccessToken(alaomReq: alaomReq, success: success, failure: failure)
For calling the API from this call, we need to create a object of AlamofireRequestModal
and override it with necessary parameter.
For example I created a file APIService.swift
in which we have a method for getUserProfileData
APIService.swift :
import Foundation
let GET_USER_PROFILE_METHOD = "user/profile"
struct BaseURL {
// Local Server
static let urlString: String = " 8084/"
// QAT Server
// static let urlString: String = " 8080/"
static let staging: String = BaseURL.urlString + "api/v1/"
class APIService: BaseService {
func getUserProfile(success: @escaping ((_ responseObject: AnyObject?) -> Void), failure: @escaping ((_ error: NSError?) -> Void)) {
var request: AlamofireRequestModal = AlamofireRequestModal()
request.method = .get
request.path = BaseURL.staging + GET_USER_PROFILE_METHOD
request.headers = ["Content-Type": "application/json",
"X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest",
"Cache-Control": "no-cache",
"X-Authorization": getAccessToken()]
self.callWebServiceAlamofire(request, success: success, failure: failure)
In code block:
else if statusCode == 403 {
// Access token expire
self.requestForGetNewAccessToken(alaomReq: alamoReq, success: success, failure: failure)
I call getNewAccessToken API (say refresh-token, in your case), with the request( it could be any request based from APIService.swift).
When we get new token I save it user-defaults then I will update the request( the one I am getting as a parameter in refresh-token API call), and will pass the success and failure block as it is.
Upvotes: 24