Reputation: 507
The application uses java 10, spring amqp and rabbitmq.
The system has a dead letter queue where we send some messages (they couldn't be processed as expected because of database unavailability).
For now, database availability is checked every X seconds and, if available only, we re-queue messages to their original queue. Otherwise we do nothing and messages stays in the dead letter queue.
When re-queued to original queue, messages can go back to dead letter queue again and see the x-death header count growing.
For some reasons, we would like to process dead-lettered messages that have count >= 5 (for example) and re-queue others to the dead letter queue.
I need to basic ack the message first to check the x-death count header, then send it to the original queue if count is big enough, else re-queue in dead letter queue.
I can't manage to re-queue to dead letter queue because the basic get in not inside a listener: throwing AmqpRejectAndDontRequeueException doesn't work as the exception is not thrown inside a rabbitmq listener object.
I tried throwing the exception inside a receiveAndCallback method, but this seems not better:
rabbitTemplate.receiveAndReply(queueName, new ReceiveAndReplyCallback<Message, Object>() {
public Object handle(Message message) {
Long messageXdeathCount = null;
if (null != message.getMessageProperties() && null != message.getMessageProperties().getHeaders()) {
List<Map<String, ?>> xdeathHeader =
(List<Map<String, ?>>) message.getMessageProperties().getHeaders().get(
if (null != xdeathHeader && null != xdeathHeader.get(0)) {
messageXdeathCount = (Long) xdeathHeader.get(0).get("count");
if (messageXdeathCount == null) {
messageXdeathCount = 0L;
if (messageXdeathCount >= 5) {
} else {
// this does not reject the message
throw new AmqpRejectAndDontRequeueException("rejected");
return null;
return receive;
After this method execution, the message is not rejected as I expect and is away from the queue (it has been acked).
Here is the exchange and queue declaration:
public Exchange exchange() {
TopicExchange exchange = new TopicExchange(EXCHANGE, true, false);
Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<String, Object>();
args.put("x-dead-letter-exchange", EXCHANGE);
Queue queue = new Queue("queueName", true, false, false, args);
Binding binding = BindingBuilder.bind(queue).to(exchange).with(routingKey).noargs();
return exchange;
How can reject the messages in the dead letter queue without using the AmqpRejectAndDontRequeueException? Is is possible for an exchange to have x-dead-letter-exchange set to self?
Thanks for your help
I tried another way, with channel get and reject:
// exchange creation
public Exchange exchange() throws IOException {
Connection connection = connectionFactory().createConnection();
Channel channel = channel();
channel.exchangeDeclare(EXCHANGE, ExchangeTypes.TOPIC, true, false, null);
Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<String, Object>();
args.put("x-dead-letter-exchange", EXCHANGE);
channel.queueDeclare("queueName", true, false, false, args);
channel.queueBind("queueName", EXCHANGE, routingKey);
return exchange;
Message get and ack or reject:
GetResponse response = channel.basicGet(queueName, false);
Long messageXdeathCount = null;
if(null != response.getProps() && null != response.getProps().getHeaders()) {
List<Map<String, ?>> xdeathHeader =
(List<Map<String, ?>>) response.getProps().getHeaders().get("x-death");
if(null != xdeathHeader && null != xdeathHeader.get(0)) {
messageXdeathCount = (Long) xdeathHeader.get(0).get("count");
if (messageXdeathCount == null) {
messageXdeathCount = 0L;
if (messageXdeathCount >= 5) {
MessagePropertiesConverter messagePropertiesConverter = new DefaultMessagePropertiesConverter();
MessageProperties messageProps =
response.getEnvelope(), "UTF-8");
resendsMessage(new Message(response.getBody(), messageProps));
channel.basicAck(response.getEnvelope().getDeliveryTag(), false);
} else {
if(response.getProps().getHeaders().get("x-death") == null) {
response.getProps().getHeaders().put("x-death", new ArrayList<>());
if(((List<Map<String, Object>>) response.getProps().getHeaders().get("x-death")).get(0) == null) {
((List<Map<String, Object>>)response.getProps().getHeaders().get("x-death")).add(new HashMap<>());
((List<Map<String, Object>>) response.getProps().getHeaders().get("x-death")).get(0).put(
"count", messageXdeathCount + 1);
channel.basicReject(response.getEnvelope().getDeliveryTag(), true);
First I realized that it was quite ugly, then that messages cannot be updated between get and rejected. It there a way to use channel.basicReject and update the x-death count header?
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Views: 1769
Reputation: 174769
methods currently do not provide control over the acknowledging of the received message. Feel free to open a New Feature Request.
You can use a listener container instead to get the flexibility you need.
You can drop down to the rabbitmq API...
rabbitTemplate.execute(channel -> {
// basicGet, basicPublish, ack/nack etc here
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 507
I could use the channel basic methods:
GetResponse response = channel.basicGet(queueName, false);
Long messageXdeathCount = 0L;
if(null != response.getProps() && null != response.getProps().getHeaders()) {
List<Map<String, ?>> xdeathHeader =
(List<Map<String, ?>>) response.getProps().getHeaders().get("x-death");
if(null != xdeathHeader && null != xdeathHeader.get(0)) {
for (Map<String, ?> map : xdeathHeader) {
Long count = (Long) map.get("count");
messageXdeathCount += count == null ? 0L : count;
if (messageXdeathCount >= 5) {
MessagePropertiesConverter messagePropertiesConverter = new DefaultMessagePropertiesConverter();
MessageProperties messageProps = messagePropertiesConverter.toMessageProperties(response.getProps(), response.getEnvelope(), "UTF-8");
resendsMessage(new Message(response.getBody(), messageProps));
channel.basicAck(response.getEnvelope().getDeliveryTag(), false);
} else {
channel.basicReject(response.getEnvelope().getDeliveryTag(), false);
the issue in the update part of my question was in last line:
channel.basicGet(queueName, true);
the boolean indicates if the message should be requeued or not: if not requeued, it goes to exchange letter and increments count x-death header, as expected. Boolean updated to false fixed the issue.
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