Reputation: 576
I am trying to understand the way fable is supposed to work with parent child composition. Things are quite easy when it comes to update
method, init
, and the definition of commands. But the view
method and its dispatch
method are tricky to find out
In my code, the child is:
module DeploymentView
type DeploymentTypeView =
| DeployContainerView
type Model = {
CurrentView : DeploymentTypeView option
type Msg =
| ShowDeployContainer
let init () : Model =
let initialModel = {
CurrentView = None
let update (msg : Msg) (currentModel : Model) : Model * Cmd<Msg> =
match msg with
| ShowDeployContainer ->
let nextModel = {
currentModel with CurrentView = Some DeployContainerView
nextModel, Cmd.none
| _ -> currentModel, Cmd.none
let view (model : Model) (dispatch : Msg -> unit) =
Content.content [ Content.Modifiers [ Modifier.TextAlignment (Screen.All, TextAlignment.Left) ] ]
Heading.h3 [] [ str ("Deployments: ") ]
Columns.columns []
Column.column [] [ button "deploy container" (fun _ -> dispatch ShowDeployContainer) ]
And following this documentation about parent child processing I have define a parent like this one:
module Client
type PortalView =
| DeploymentView of DeploymentView.Model
| ProductAdministrationView
type Model = {
CurrentPortal : PortalView option
// The Msg type defines what events/actions can occur while the application is running
// the state of the application changes *only* in reaction to these events
type Msg =
| ShowDeployment
| ShowAdministration
| DeployContainerView of DeploymentView.Msg
// defines the initial state and initial command (= side-effect) of the application
let init () : Model * Cmd<Msg> =
let initialModel = {
CurrentPortal = None
initialModel, Cmd.none
let update (msg : Msg) (currentModel : Model) : Model * Cmd<Msg> =
match msg with
| ShowDeployment ->
let nextModel = {
currentModel with CurrentPortal = Some <| DeploymentView(DeploymentView.init())
nextModel, Cmd.none
| ShowAdministration ->
let nextModel = {
currentModel with CurrentPortal = Some ProductAdministrationView
nextModel, Cmd.none
| DeployContainerView msg' ->
let res, cmd =
match currentModel.CurrentPortal with
| Some(DeploymentView(m)) -> DeploymentView.update msg' m
| _ -> DeploymentView.init(), Cmd.none
{ currentModel with CurrentPortal = Some(DeploymentView(res)) }, DeployContainerView cmd
So far so good, my issue comes when it goes to the rendering of the view itself. The client view uses a function as follows:
let view (model : Model) (dispatch : Msg -> unit)
where Msg
is of type DeploymentView.Msg
whereas in the parent view I have access to a dispatch of type Client.Msg -> unit
. how can I decompose the parent dispatch to map it to the child dispatch signature?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 354
Reputation: 29146
You can very easily create a dispatch function that conforms to what the child expects by using the >>
DeploymentView.view deploymentViewModel (DeployContainerView >> dispatch)
which is equivalent to doing:
DeploymentView.view deploymentViewModel (fun msg -> msg |> DeployContainerView |> dispatch)
That is, it wraps the child's message in DeployContainerView
, then passes that to dispatch
On another note, it is a common and good convention to use a Msg
suffix on constructors used to wrap child msg
types. You may want to consider renaming DeployContainerView
to DeploymentContainerMsg
Upvotes: 1