Reputation: 163
I have an input string
"First Last, David Joyner, and George Burdell"
I expect an output as formatted string:
Last, F., Joyner, D., & Burdell, G.
To be more specific:
my code
def names_to_apa(mystring):
result = str()
my_list = mystring.split(", ") #['First Last', 'David Joyner', 'and George Burdell']
my_list = [s.strip('and ') for s in my_list] #remove "and ", ['First Last', 'David Joyner', 'George Burdell']
my_list = [words for segments in my_list for words in segments.split()] #['First', 'Last', 'David', 'Joyner', 'George', 'Burdell']
for i in range(len(my_list)):
if i % 2 ==0 and i != (len(my_list)-2): #exclude 4, include 0, 2
even = str(my_list[i][0] + "., ") #F.,
elif i == (len(my_list)-1): #5 --> 'Burdell'
odd = "& " + str(my_list[i]) + "," #& Burdell
elif i == (len(my_list)-2): #4 --> 'George'
even = str(my_list[i][0] + ".") #G.
odd = str(my_list[i]) #Last, 1,3
result += odd + ", " + even
return result
Last, F., Joyner, D., & Burdell, G.
Last, F., Joyner, D.,
the elif conditions seem incorrect, therefore, & Burdell, G. is missed in the output
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Views: 369
Reputation: 22457
You don't need to use the even-and-odd toggling. After replacing the , and
with a single comma, a split(', ')
will return a nice list of all "First Last" pairs. Then you only need to switch these around.
Taking one step at a time – you can insert a print(names)
just about anywhere to get an idea what each step does:
def names_to_apa(names):
names = names.replace(', and ', ', ')
names = names.split(', ')
names = [name.split() for name in names]
names = [name[-1]+', '+(''.join(initial[0]+'.' for initial in name[:-1])) for name in names]
names = ', '.join(names[:-1])+', & '+names[-1]
return names
print (names_to_apa("First Last, M. Night Shamalyam, David Joyner, and George Burdell"))
Last, F., Shamalyam, M.N., Joyner, D., & Burdell, G.
The inner loop comprehension (''.join(initial[0]+'.' for initial in name[:-1])
processes everything before the last name so you can have multiple initials. This will fail (of course) if you have double surnames instead. These need some form of preprocessing.
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Reputation: 4664
I have used list-comprehension and simple python string split method:
m = "First Last, David Joyner, and George Burdell"
m_splitted = [i.split() for i in m.strip().split(', ') ]
m_formatted =['& '+value[2]+', '+value[2][0]+'.' if index == len(m_splitted)-1 else value[1]+', '+value[0][0]+'.' for index, value in enumerate(m_splitted)]
m_joined = ', '.join(m_formatted)
Last, F., Joyner, D., & Burdell, B.
For your method:
def names_to_apa(mystring):
m_splitted = [i.split() for i in mystring.strip().split(', ') ]
m_formatted =[value[2]+', '+value[2][0]+'.' if index == len(m_splitted)-1 else value[1]+', '+value[0][0]+'.' for index, value in enumerate(m_splitted)]
m_joined = ', '.join(m_formatted)
return m_joined
Upvotes: 1