Reputation: 1399
I am looking for a solution to change the axes label colors in radarchart
# Create data: note in High school for several students
set.seed(99) sample( 0:20 , 15 , replace=F) , ncol=5))
colnames(data)=c("math" , "english" , "biology" , "music" , "R-coding" )
rownames(data)=paste("mister" , letters[1:3] , sep="-")
# To use the fmsb package, I have to add 2 lines to the dataframe: the max and min of each topic to show on the plot!
data=rbind(rep(20,5) , rep(0,5) , data)
# Plot 1: Default radar chart proposed by the library:
I would like to have a different color for each math
, english
, biology
, music
, R-coding
. I have tried with col.lab
but it doesn't work.
Upvotes: 4
Views: 1736
Reputation: 101
I looked into the function radarchart
and found that the color is not based on one of the inputs. I adjusted the function to make it work. You can use this:
radarchart2(data, vlabcol = "red")
after running this function:
radarchart2 <- function (df, axistype = 0, seg = 4, pty = 16, pcol = 1:8, plty = 1:6,
plwd = 1, pdensity = NULL, pangle = 45, pfcol = NA, cglty = 3,
cglwd = 1, cglcol = "navy", axislabcol = "blue", vlabcol = "black", title = "",
maxmin = TRUE, na.itp = TRUE, centerzero = FALSE, vlabels = NULL,
vlcex = NULL, caxislabels = NULL, calcex = NULL, paxislabels = NULL,
palcex = NULL, ...)
if (! {
cat("The data must be given as dataframe.\n")
if ((n <- length(df)) < 3) {
cat("The number of variables must be 3 or more.\n")
if (maxmin == FALSE) {
dfmax <- apply(df, 2, max)
dfmin <- apply(df, 2, min)
df <- rbind(dfmax, dfmin, df)
plot(c(-1.2, 1.2), c(-1.2, 1.2), type = "n", frame.plot = FALSE,
axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", main = title, asp = 1,
theta <- seq(90, 450, length = n + 1) * pi/180
theta <- theta[1:n]
xx <- cos(theta)
yy <- sin(theta)
CGap <- ifelse(centerzero, 0, 1)
for (i in 0:seg) {
polygon(xx * (i + CGap)/(seg + CGap), yy * (i + CGap)/(seg +
CGap), lty = cglty, lwd = cglwd, border = cglcol)
if (axistype == 1 | axistype == 3)
CAXISLABELS <- paste(i/seg * 100, "(%)")
if (axistype == 4 | axistype == 5)
CAXISLABELS <- sprintf("%3.2f", i/seg)
if (!is.null(caxislabels) & (i < length(caxislabels)))
CAXISLABELS <- caxislabels[i + 1]
if (axistype == 1 | axistype == 3 | axistype == 4 |
axistype == 5) {
if (is.null(calcex))
text(-0.05, (i + CGap)/(seg + CGap), CAXISLABELS,
col = axislabcol)
else text(-0.05, (i + CGap)/(seg + CGap), CAXISLABELS,
col = axislabcol, cex = calcex)
if (centerzero) {
arrows(0, 0, xx * 1, yy * 1, lwd = cglwd, lty = cglty,
length = 0, col = cglcol)
else {
arrows(xx/(seg + CGap), yy/(seg + CGap), xx * 1, yy *
1, lwd = cglwd, lty = cglty, length = 0, col = cglcol)
PAXISLABELS <- df[1, 1:n]
if (!is.null(paxislabels))
PAXISLABELS <- paxislabels
if (axistype == 2 | axistype == 3 | axistype == 5) {
if (is.null(palcex))
text(xx[1:n], yy[1:n], PAXISLABELS, col = axislabcol)
else text(xx[1:n], yy[1:n], PAXISLABELS, col = axislabcol,
cex = palcex)
VLABELS <- colnames(df)
if (!is.null(vlabels))
VLABELS <- vlabels
if (is.null(vlcex))
text(xx * 1.2, yy * 1.2, VLABELS, col = vlabcol)
else text(xx * 1.2, yy * 1.2, VLABELS, cex = vlcex, col = vlabcol)
series <- length(df[[1]])
SX <- series - 2
if (length(pty) < SX) {
ptys <- rep(pty, SX)
else {
ptys <- pty
if (length(pcol) < SX) {
pcols <- rep(pcol, SX)
else {
pcols <- pcol
if (length(plty) < SX) {
pltys <- rep(plty, SX)
else {
pltys <- plty
if (length(plwd) < SX) {
plwds <- rep(plwd, SX)
else {
plwds <- plwd
if (length(pdensity) < SX) {
pdensities <- rep(pdensity, SX)
else {
pdensities <- pdensity
if (length(pangle) < SX) {
pangles <- rep(pangle, SX)
else {
pangles <- pangle
if (length(pfcol) < SX) {
pfcols <- rep(pfcol, SX)
else {
pfcols <- pfcol
for (i in 3:series) {
xxs <- xx
yys <- yy
scale <- CGap/(seg + CGap) + (df[i, ] - df[2, ])/(df[1,
] - df[2, ]) * seg/(seg + CGap)
if (sum(![i, ])) < 3) {
cat(sprintf("[DATA NOT ENOUGH] at %d\n%g\n", i,
df[i, ]))
else {
for (j in 1:n) {
if ([i, j])) {
if (na.itp) {
left <- ifelse(j > 1, j - 1, n)
while ([i, left])) {
left <- ifelse(left > 1, left - 1, n)
right <- ifelse(j < n, j + 1, 1)
while ([i, right])) {
right <- ifelse(right < n, right + 1,
xxleft <- xx[left] * CGap/(seg + CGap) +
xx[left] * (df[i, left] - df[2, left])/(df[1,
left] - df[2, left]) * seg/(seg + CGap)
yyleft <- yy[left] * CGap/(seg + CGap) +
yy[left] * (df[i, left] - df[2, left])/(df[1,
left] - df[2, left]) * seg/(seg + CGap)
xxright <- xx[right] * CGap/(seg + CGap) +
xx[right] * (df[i, right] - df[2, right])/(df[1,
right] - df[2, right]) * seg/(seg +
yyright <- yy[right] * CGap/(seg + CGap) +
yy[right] * (df[i, right] - df[2, right])/(df[1,
right] - df[2, right]) * seg/(seg +
if (xxleft > xxright) {
xxtmp <- xxleft
yytmp <- yyleft
xxleft <- xxright
yyleft <- yyright
xxright <- xxtmp
yyright <- yytmp
xxs[j] <- xx[j] * (yyleft * xxright - yyright *
xxleft)/(yy[j] * (xxright - xxleft) -
xx[j] * (yyright - yyleft))
yys[j] <- (yy[j]/xx[j]) * xxs[j]
else {
xxs[j] <- 0
yys[j] <- 0
else {
xxs[j] <- xx[j] * CGap/(seg + CGap) + xx[j] *
(df[i, j] - df[2, j])/(df[1, j] - df[2,
j]) * seg/(seg + CGap)
yys[j] <- yy[j] * CGap/(seg + CGap) + yy[j] *
(df[i, j] - df[2, j])/(df[1, j] - df[2,
j]) * seg/(seg + CGap)
if (is.null(pdensities)) {
polygon(xxs, yys, lty = pltys[i - 2], lwd = plwds[i -
2], border = pcols[i - 2], col = pfcols[i -
else {
polygon(xxs, yys, lty = pltys[i - 2], lwd = plwds[i -
2], border = pcols[i - 2], density = pdensities[i -
2], angle = pangles[i - 2], col = pfcols[i -
points(xx * scale, yy * scale, pch = ptys[i - 2],
col = pcols[i - 2])
It is the same except for VLABELS
part where text()
is used to plot the vlabels
and added the vlabcol
to the input.
Upvotes: 4